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Kairo could imagine the scene. Officers and noncoms to the front, backed by rank after rank of legionnaires. And there, behind the crisp white kepis, the Trooper IIIs, the Trooper IIs, and the tank-sized quads. Kairo looked for the other man's eyes and saw nothing but scar tissue. "So, what happened then?" Dooley grimaced. "Nothing good. Saul have a speech, started to inspect the troops, and they took him prisoner. A scuffle ensued, loyal troops came to the general's assistance, and Davide opened fire. "That was pretty much it, except for the plan to capture you and secure the rest of the planet". "And it would have worked", Kairo said softly, "if it weren't for my scouts". "And you willingness to listen", Mayweather added firmly. Kairo was about to demur when Gunbuilder appeared at his side. "Yes, Sergeant?" "Com call for you, sir. A technician named Coaster". Kairo allowed his eyebrows to rise. "From the fort?" The Naa was as expressionless as always. "Yes, sir, but there's more". The general frowned. "Don't toy with me, Gunbuilder. Where is he?" The scout broke into a rare grin. His teeth were white. "She locked herself inside Davide's cargo bay. The com gear belongs to him". The Dooley's laughed, and Kairo shook his head. "Well, I'll be damned". "Yes, sir", the frequently insubordinate scout agreed. "You probably will". * * * Coaster smiled grimly as the lights flickered and came back on. Davide was testing to see how far her control extended, and searching for the means to reassert himself. She glanced around. There were six control panels in the bay, each protected by a door. She had opened every one of them, scanned the handheld technical interface, and used the onboard tool kit to make some modifications. Nobody was going to open the door, not without shutting Davide down, or cutting their way in. A real possibility if Davide allowed them to do it. So, while the technician couldn't control the quad, she could monitor his actions, and use his com gear. Did he know that? Coaster wasn't sure but didn't really care. Whatever was, was. The deck swayed and pushed against the legionnaire's boots. The quad was on his feet! The technician grabbed a handhold as the deck shimmied from side to side. The Bastard was trying to kill her! To bash her brains out against a bulkhead! Coaster hung on for dear life as the deck tilted, bucked, and swayed. Tools flew every which way, and the technician swore as one hit the bulkhead inches from her face. Finally, after what seemed like an hour but was no more than a minute, Davide broke it off. His face was hopeful. It boomed over the intercom. "Coaster? Are you there?" The cables that connected the vid cams to the cyborg's com system had been cut. Should she answer, and run the risk of another round of cybernetic calisthenics? Or remain silent, and invite an attack on the door? The legionnaire sat down, strapped herself in, and offered a response. "Yeah, I'm here, shot-for-brains. Living in your guts. What's up?" The quad went crazy. Legionnaires looked on in open-mouthed wonder as the machine danced around the bay, bellowed obscenities, and crashed into walls. Finally, after Coaster had tossed what remained of her breakfast, the quad calmed down. Careful lest the borg catch her off guard, Coaster scurried around the bay, stored the tools, and took her seat. That was when she made the call. It took the technician the better part of ten minutes to talk her way past a com tech, a sergeant, and get Kairo on the horn. He was calm but suspicious. "Dog-One here... go". Coaster didn't have a call sign, so she made one up. "Roger, Dog. This is Flea... I could use your help". Kairo laughed. "We're all ears, Flea. How about a sit rep?" The ensuing conversation lasted for the better part of fifteen minutes and was hampered by the fact that there was no way to ensure security. So, in spite of the fact that Coaster could confirm that a mutiny had taken place, there was no real resolution. Neither of them liked it, but the next move belonged to Davide, and he was crazy. * * * The cell, which was the most comfortable his jailers had been able to find, still smelled like the previous occupant, a thief named "Lucky" Luther, who really was lucky, and had been released to make room for officers and loyalist scum. Though a large man, General Saul seemed smaller now, as of the loss of authority had left his skin only half full. Still stunned by the hand fate had dealt him, Saul sat with his head bowed, trying to collect his thoughts. The beatings had been painful, but the humiliation hurt most of all. How could they? Didn't they realize who he was? The Legion's most senior officer. The leader of... A door slammed, the general stood and backed into a corner. The worst part of the beatings was not knowing when they would occur. The lack of surety caused fear, something the officer had rarely experienced. A man laughed, an old fashioned key rattled in the lock, and the door squealed open. Saul squinted into the handheld light. Private Zebulon hated officers, especially generals. His voice was sarcastic. "Oops! Sorry, General sir. I didn't know you were in a meeting. My apologies". Poor though it was, this example of wit was still sufficient to summon a chorus of guffaws from the hallway. Saul sank into the corner and tried to shield his swollen face. Zebulon, who had taken beatings nearly everyday of his rather truncated childhood, shook his head in disgust. "Get a grip, General, what will your officers think? Besides we are about to have a parade, and you get to lead it! Nifty, huh?" Zebulon turned. "O'niel! Get your behind in here! The general needs a hand". Saul whimpered as the mutineers dragged him out of the cell and down the hallway. Other officers, confined to cells on either side of the corridor, watched in silence.
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