
1107 Words
And I ended up staring at the walls for a lot longer than I normally would at well, walls . I wonder if I  could climb up there! It's so high and with electric wire at the top .Seriously though, what am I thinking about climbing walls. It's ridiculous, I would never make it to save my life...  Or would I? Anyway enough with that. The driver parks swiftly and hurriedly gets out to open the door for us. He opens the boss' side and I too get out from there. I save him from running to my side to open mine. I know I have been wondering a lot lately but I can't stop myself, people who sit in the car and wait for a door to be opened from one side then the driver runs around to open the other door, what do they do in thqat meantime.  The moment the car stops for me, it's open the door and step out. Takes a lot of energy to wait for the driver to open the boss' door. I hate how awkwardly I sit around waiting on him. Whomever invented that didn't quite think it through.  The facility is humongous. Like really big.  And one of the top technological advanced places in the country. I feel humbled to be here. And again wonder why all these years I haven't been here. This is actually crazy! I say that a lot too. Why am I finding adventure where it is not?  We walk hand in hand with me shamelessly taking in the surroundings. Then we come to the reception desk. Funny because I didn't think laboratories needed receptionists but here we are.  "Hello, welcome to GEngTech Science Co. How may I help you? " The cheery woman behind the desk asks warmly.  "Hi, we are here for an interview with a Dr Prize. " I reply trying but failing to reciprocate her cheeriness.  She types away in her desktop before looking up with a bright smile. Her pantry is full to the brim! And she could replace anything lost in a heart beat.  "He's waiting for you. " She says happily and I could tell she had more to say but stopped when my boss started walking away. She is rude like that you get used to it.  She frowns a little before wearing her bright smile again. I nod curtly at her and follow my madam who seems to know her way around. Makes me wonder how many times she's been here. Ah! There I go again with wondering. The troubles of having a boss who rather have you listen to her than talk. You are ever left with unanswered questions. I hate it. But what to do ? "Are you ready with your notepad to take down the important notes? Don't leave anything out. And try not to embarrass me this time, could get you fired Annie. I only keep you around... " She rumbles on and on but my mind stuck at 'Annie ' , nobody calls me that.  Do people have the right to call you any nicknames they like. But I can't shake off the feeling like there is or was someone who did.  "Are you even listening? " She face palms, "Don't drink all the tea they offer us, understand? You will ask the good man first if he's okay with you recording, understand Annie? " Seriously, this is becoming too much. And did I pick my recorder from my desk? I rummage through my things in my massive bag trying to find it. I'm sure I must have it somewhere in here. Okay I'm not but I still...  I'm cut off my search when I bump hard into someone. I know it's someone because a strong cologne hits my nostrils. The quick reflexes that I normally don't possess but had to summon, saved my things from flying across the hallway. Then I look at the someone I just bumped into, he looks pissed. Funny, we both ran into each other. Maybe I should be pissed too but he's only a teenager who looks 14 or 15 . Ticking time bomb, highly explosive and extremely flammable human being. So I smile slightly to show we're cool.  "Watch it grandma! " He hisses.  He then bumps my shoulder hard while walking away. I blink confused for a second. I'm only twenty, can't possibly look like a grandma! What's the problem with teenagers and attacking anyone and everyone.  "I'm sorry miss about my son he's in a bit of a mood. "He smiles apologetically, " Peter that's not what you say to a lady after bumping into them! " He scolds his son.  With one more apologetic smile ,he follows his son who walks with a bounce on his step slightly slouched. It's like he's saying I'm arrogant and I know it. That is so unlike students from Grapevine Academy. It's where I went to through scholarship of course. They only admit the best of the best with high discipline. Mostly nerds and then talented kids. No arrogant prick like him... Wait, how did I know he goes to Grapevine? I quickly turn to look at him again and sigh a relief when I see his uniform.  But I can't shake off the feeling like I've known him before. But where from on earth could I have met a Peter, 14 or 15 years old probably only arrogant kid in Grapevine Academy. Damn, these days I ask myself a lot of questions. We finally get to the Dr Prize and the interview goes smoothly. Madam looks like she's content with the answers she got. Or it's just for now because there is never telling with this woman! What's left is for me to get back behind my desk and type everything up. Spice it up and send it in for review and then take it to publishing. I have a lot to do this day. I might skip lunch, stay seated for hours until my bottom fatigues and legs swell, hold in piss until I can't and leave the office very late. Wish me luck. I seriously need it.  I wonder for the last time today, when and if I would ever be in the field reporting anything or a news anchor or TV host. Looks like I'm stuck behind the scenes for now. But I wish I wasn't because I have always wished to have my talent recognized and appreciated. I would be so glad if that ever happens. If I would ever have my own media house. The dreams I have! 
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