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Cats are curious? It's a popular saying. Everyone must have heard of it at some point. Haven't proven it being right or not. I'm not so sure where I stand with it either, the being right or not I mean . But I know for sure right now I'm just too anxious and curious about everything. I hope you realized early  I wasn't going anywhere with the cats story.  Turns out we really had to just help them in which is well, Drew's work. I was just there like anyone else not understanding the furious working on the keyboard Drew did.  After that we are to keep guard and create distraction if need be. I feel like I'm playing a cactus in a middle  school play . It's like the world refuses to recognize my talents. But why?  That ,staying put and watching, wouldn't have been such a problem if they weren't gone that long. Thirty minutes and counting . We are in a laboratory with beakers and test tubes in racks. How are we supposed to keep occupied. Scratch that, Drew is busy. I'm the only one bored out of my mind and I'm tempted to go see the  basement section 17 for myself. For myself because Drew won't hear any of it.  "Drew, Just a tiny peek. You know the police will go, 'it's classified information not open for civilians ' once they find it. How many times in your life have you seen a time machine. People don't even believe in time travel. Here is our chance, we should grab it. " Is what I've been selling to him all this time and he refuses to buy with,  "This is police business Annie. We are supposed to be out here for a reason. " I hate this guy! We've established that already, right?  "Doesn't the journalist in you get a little too curious some times. This is that one time for me. It won't hurt to peek a little. We'll hide they won't even know we are there. It's really just... "Drew cuts me off raising up a hand.  "I'm busy. " Is all I get.  That's it! I have had enough of this guy. Curiosity killed the cat or not I'm going in there. Maybe it's a good time to find that out but I don't have a cat, wait am I supposed to be this cat cause meow I'm doing this!  "Alright, then stay here and keep watch. I'll be right back. " I tell him with a big fat grin on my face cause he has to know I'm not going to plead with him anymore.  "What? " He asks actually shocked , shamelessly like that!  I don't answer him. I'm done talking. So I turn around sharply and start walking towards the elevator doors. I here Drew curse under his breath before shuffling around. I don't turn to look at him. Once I reach the elevator, I call it. The thing lights up a glowing blue light at the top and bottom. That's actually creepy in a way you would think there is a mad scientist behind there working on their newest evil invention laughing like a maniac.  And there could be.  Soon Drew reaches me panting softly.  "Didn't think you'd come. Glad you could join me. " Oh I had to mock him.  "You are crazy you should know that. Those guys got us fired and hired us, they can easily fire us. " Drew laments.  Ah! Things people do with a little power.  "Relax, what they don't know won't hurt them. I said we'll hide. Won't tell unless you do. " I reassure with a big smile any sane person would know is for no good.  He rolls his eyes at me. Apparently he got the memo! At that moment the elevator dinged open. And wow, that is so fancy! The thing looks like a portal to another dimension. I'd gladly take the trip. If the theories were ever true. Human beings and their theories! I would fall for it though. But one problem, there are some weird looking buttons ,once you touch not press. We wouldn't know which one for the basement!  "Drew tell me you are seeing what I'm seeing. " I say confused and a little intimidated by the place.  "Yes! Yes! Yes! " Drew says in a rising energy and leaves me thinking...  "Drew, are you hitting the climax? " "For this baby, yeah! " He yells like he's at a soccer match and his team is winning.  "Oh, okay. You need wipes after that? " I ask unsure.  He gives me a questioning look. I shrug innocently. Just trying to be useful and caring.  "It's a tech thing for smart people. We must have taken an executive elevator or something. Here, I'll crack the code and get us to the basement. " Drew rumbles on.  I was stuck back at 'smart people '. Am I stupid? Because I couldn't see a way to crack what code! Where?  "Watch and learn. " Drew brags stretching out a bit even so far as cracking his neck.  Yeah, let smart people crack codes friends. And he starts to play a game of a kind. At least it's what it looked like to me . A few seconds and numbers appear. I would never had ever. In my defense anyway I don't mind stairs. Takes forever but keeps you healthy. Drew laughs the 'evil mad genius laugh '. I seriously should have a restraining order on this guy if I live long enough to wait until some court processes that.  One minute we are standing firm and the next we are thrown a little off balance as the elevator descends. By the way, it's a good time to say I don't quite enjoy first few seconds of an elevator ride. I feel like I'm falling fast and steadily. I can't wait to get out. Imagine my excitement when the elevator dinged and opens to that famous floor everyone in the country probably knows about. Those who watch TV or use the internet anyway. But good thing it's important people. A lot of them.  The floor is not like you imagined, you maybe thought it was dark and creepy or brightly lit and open plan. For some reason! It's not. So lemme...  "Miss Annie ?And the camera guy? " Is what the welcome committee they sent to greet us opens with.  Why do people not like to invest in professionals ,because they are professionals for crying out loud! Cheap jobs are done cheaply. And this, they didn't even try. Not even slightly!  "Dr. McGuire. " Drew and I say look at each other  sighing. Dammit,  this could have gone another way! 
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