Chapter 6

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BETH I had talked to Lowe before dropping her off at school and I had rushed home to speak to dad. Harley's words from last night had been playing over and over in my head. Jesse wasn't her mate. Dad sat on the sofa, a scowl on his face. "So, nothing too wild for Merlin's bachelor party tonight, huh?" "No, get drunk, probably meet up with you ladies at the end of the night." I sat down on the edge of the coffee table, "Dad, I wanted to talk to you about Harley," his eyes snapped up at the mention of her name, "I know that you think she's your mate, but could you at least give her a shot with someone else? Preferably a werewolf that wouldn't automatically change her whole life." He frowned, "Wait, so this isn't about the age gap? Or the fact that she's your friend and it's weird for you?" "Well, I mean it is a bit of that, but I also think she should get a chance to decide what she wants." He leaned forward, "Beth, you know what it's like when you meet your mate, if she wants to reject me, I would never try and sway her. I would never force this life on her either. She needs to make that choice, but I have a feeling she will, and when she does you need to accept that." "But you just had to get in the way when I found my mate." "He wasn't right for you, Beth ..." I stood, "I'm done with this conversation. Give her space please." I was angry, he could change his rules for himself, yet he refused to do so for me. *** HARLEY I had just finished getting dressed for the bachelorette party. The day with Jesse had seemed somewhat forced and he had agreed to give me space after I had told him I wasn't feeling that great about the relationship, and I had been honest with him on how I was feeling about Riven. It just felt like something was missing. Sitting in front of the mirror, I stared at myself and wondered what was wrong with me. Jesse was a great person. Why couldn't I feel something towards him? There was a soft knock at the door before it opened. Beth grinned, "You look gorgeous!" I had gone in a tight white dress with elegantly placed crystals which shone in the light, it came to mid-thigh, I had teemed it with grey high-heeled platforms; my dark hair hung in waves down my bareback. "Well, I need a good party, so I might as well go all out." Beth flicked her black hair over her shoulder, "We are so going to be the hottest girls there. Just like high school." I chuckled, remembering the parties we used to have. Not much had changed, Beth was still breathtaking in her black button-down shirt with just the right amount of cleavage showing, and a short red skirt paired with red strappy heels. Standing I shot her a grin, "Ready to go?" I hadn't expected the bar to be so full tonight, I had underestimated the size of the pack. Cassy was gorgeous in a strapless white dress which was short in the front but long in the back. We were a few hours and quite a few shots in when Cassy dragged Beth and me from the dance floor back over to the bar for more shots. "The guys should be here soon!" "Wait, they are joining us?" Beth nodded, "Yessssss," she twirled and almost fell over. Cassy grinned, "Riven will be here too, sorry Beth, but we all know your dad is hot!" Riven would be here too. Beth noticed my look and rolled her eyes, "Just don't sleep with him!" "Beth!" I blushed, but a small part of me was pleased that she wasn't telling me to stay away from him. Cassy dragged us back to the dance floor, which was packed with women. And then the men started pouring in, Merlin going straight to his bride-to-be. And my eyes locked on Rivens. He didn't look his age, especially tonight with his hair spiked up, black pants, his black button-up shirt hung open down his chest. I turned away and went back to the bar, ordering myself another three shots, turning to watch as a few of the girls danced with Riven. I wasn't the only one enthralled by this man's looks. His eyes didn't leave mine. Smiling, I got up and walked over to Jesse. "You want to dance?" "Sure." Taking my hand, he leads me into the mix of bodies. "I know you're doing this to play some sort of game with him. It's okay though, I'm trying to catch Beth's eye." This surprised me, "Well then." I turned, my back against his front, my eyes on Riven as he glowered at me as I slid my body down his, his hands moving down my body slowly as I came back up. Riven's eyes narrowed as he pushed the women away, leaning back against a pillar, he tilted his head. I noticed Beth watching us as well and beckoned her over. She came over a lot more willingly than I had expected, and when she did I grinned and left her with Jesse before making my way back to the bar. I downed my shots and sauntered over to him. He smiled as I reached him and I threw my arms around his neck, a bit wobbly in my heels. He placed his hands on the small of my back, "How much have you had to drink?" I raised a brow, "How much have you?" He chuckled, "Enough." The music that played was upbeat but we swayed slowly. "Tell me what you think of my outfit... Alpha." His eyes darkened, "You look stunning, you always do," he looked up and frowned, "You okay with that?" I turned slightly to see Beth gyrated on Jesse. He caught my eye and his eyes widened. God, this was a strange night. He had seemed so hurt earlier when I had told him that we couldn't be together. I chuckled and turned back to Riven, "I don't give a damn." His grip tightened, "That little act just now, were you trying to make me jealous?" I looked up through my lashes, "Did it work?" He lowered his face to my neck, "If only I could show you how well," he lightly bit my neck and I moaned, "You have no idea what you do to me, Harley." We were both drunk and I knew this was a bad mix, but I didn't care. I kissed him. Right there. In front of everyone. And I didn't care. He didn't seem to care either because he deepened the kiss, his hands cupping my ass as I moaned into him. "Goddess, Harley." "What the hell is this?" We reluctantly pulled apart to see Janie. "She's a human, you cannot seriously be doing this." I was shocked to see Beth come over, "Janie, let's not do this, not tonight. Dad has been so much happier with her around and I didn't like it at first, but you know what? They are adults and their happiness is more important to me than gossip. Please behave, or leave. And I'm saying this as your Beta." Janie huffed and stormed out of the bar. I hugged Beth, "Thank you." She smiled before walking off. Riven wrapped an arm around me, my back pressed into his chest as he rested his chin atop my head, "Do you think that was her way of giving us her blessing? Or am I drunk and imagining things?" I shrugged, "You are drunk but she has calmed down about us." Us. I had said 'us'. Was there even an 'us'? He kissed me lightly on my neck, "Don't overthink this." I turned, "Want to get out of here?" He nodded and we walked out hand in hand. "Yacht?" he asked and I nodded. When we reached the beach, he picked me up and carried me to the dock so I didn't have to take off my shoes. Getting to the yacht, we climbed aboard and he laid a thick blanket on the floor. "Now, I might be drunk but I stand by what I said the other night. Nothing happens between us while you're drunk." I huffed but laid down next to him on the blanket, his arm over my stomach as we looked up at the stars. I was hit with an overwhelming sense of perfection at that moment. I wished I could freeze it in time so that I could always come back right here, to the yacht, lying in Riven's arms while staring up at the sky. I realized at that exact moment that this was exactly where I belonged. I had never felt like this with anyone before.
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