Chapter six

2018 Words
" Valentina!!!! if you don't get out of that bed you are walking to school, " Valentina heard her mum scream from downstairs. She groaned from being woken up this early by her mum's f*****g screech. Who needs an alarm clock when you have an old hen in the house, Val thought darkly as she rolled off from her bed. She looked at the clock in her room and her eyes grew wide. f**k she was late. Val looked around for anything to wear. Littered around were her dirty laundry. Ever since her mum stopped doing her laundry a few months ago claiming she was now old enough to do them Val's dirty clothes almost pursue her away from her room and she does laundry only if there was nothing clean to wear. Unfortunately, she ran out of clean clothes this morning. She looked around and saw a black t lying around somewhere and picked it up. She sniffed. Not bad she thought and threw it over her head. She continued her search for a clean pair of pants. The one her hands got to was faded rag jeans that has most of its legs torn she threw that on and then went to her roll of sneakers and picked one that was black white stripe and threw it over her feet. She had her bath before going to bed last night cause it had been a little warm so she didn't need another bath this morning, Val reasoned making her way to her mirror. Val looked at her appearance, her spiky blonde hair shaved at the side, her nose ring, and numerous earrings. One more thing to complete her look. She picked up her eye pencil and boldly drew around her lashes before coating her lips with black lipstick then she wore her long chain necklace and off she was ready. Just as she picked up her crossing backpack her mum screeched again, calling for her. " I am coming the f**k down, " Val yelled back as she made her way to the door. She walked out the door to see her mum already in the car with the car running. Her mum's impatient look changed to one of anger and displeasure when she saw the way Val was dressed. " Valentina, what do you think you are wearing? " she asked looking at her attire with disgust. Clothes, Val responded with an innocent smile on her face. Her mum has always hated the way she looked and dressed. It irritates her that her only daughter refuses to act and dress like a girl. It has been a bone of contention between them ever since Val started dressing herself. In summary, her mum thinks of her as an embarrassment because of the way she looks. " Valentine Roslyn Smith, you are not entering this car dressed like some street bum! " her mum yelled at her the veins on her forehead throbbing. " I don't have any more f*****g clean clothes, " she screamed back. " And who's fault was it. When you spend your damn whole day playing that video game why won't you run out of clean clothes. " Val sighed her mum was right. The New video game was taking her time. She spends all her free time playing the game. It was addictive and a hell lot to advance compared to the other games she has played. Right now she is an expert on the verge of becoming a master and she plans on achieving that as soon as she gets back from school. Val debated what to do. She hates when her mum forces her to dress the way she doesn't like but if she doesn't change that would be walking to school and her school is hundred mile Val turned back to the house to change grumbling her displeasure as she made her way inside. She went back to her room and rummaged through her stuff and was able to find one clean black pair of jeans that only had hard holes on the knees. This was fair, she thought putting it on. When she got outside she felt her mum's gaze flow as she made her way to the car, judging but at least she wasn't complaining. " I can't understand why you can't dress more feminine, you are gorgeous. How are you going to attract a boy looking the way you are? " " Here it comes, " Val whispered underneath her voice with a sigh as her head dropped to the window on her side. There are two things her mum is obsessed with. Her looks and boys. Val has never met any mother that is so after her daughter getting a boyfriend like her mum. Other people's mums are warning them away from boys but hers is pushing her towards one. She has lost count of how many times her mum has invited their neighbors to dinner just so that she can introduce me to their sons. Val heaved out another tired sigh. " Mum, I have told you several times I am not interested in any boy. " Her mum huffed. " What girl isn't interested in boys at your age, unless........ " Her mum trailed off to stare at her with a weird look in her eyes. " What mum? " Val asked rolling her eyes. " Are you..... " she stammered not looking at Val. " Am I what? " Val asked giving her mum a confused look not following her line of thought. " Are you a lesbian, " she finally blurts out, her voice low as if she was scared of being overheard by the other cars passing them by or the people on the street. Val arched her brow at her mum, nearly losing it at the nervous trepidation in her eyes. She held her silence to mess with her mum. When they got to her school her mum parked at turned to her. " You haven't answered me, " Valentina, she demanded looking straight at her. A mischievous smile appeared on Val's face. " I will answer you if you call me Val, " she said with a smirk. Her mum rolled her eyes before she focused it once more on Val. Staring into her mum's eyes felt like looking into the mirror and it was damn creepy. Sometimes Val disliked how damn alike she and her mum looks because it meant people constantly compared them. She watched silently as her mum's curiosity battled with her conventional ladylike upbringing. When Val became a teenager she started insisting that people call her Val, feeling like Valentina was too feminine for her taste. Of course, when her mum learned about it she blew through the roof telling Val that when she gave birth to her she didn't name her Val. Everyone soon took to calling her Val, her neighbors, classmates, friends, and the rest of her family members even her estranged dad. Everyone except her mum. Val saw when curiosity won out because her mum's eyes narrowed with distaste before the words fell off her lips. " Val, now answer me, " she said hotly probably hating the fact that I made her call me by that distasteful name according to her. " No mum, I am not, " Val said with a victorious smirk before opening the door. She could hear her mum's breath a sigh of relief as she came out probably thinking there is still hope for her. Val made her way towards the school thinking about the answer she gave her mum. She didn't exactly lie but she wasn't entirely honest. Is true that she is not a lesbian but she is bisexual something everyone knows. Everyone except her mum. Val dreads the day she has to come clean about that. A smile lit up her face when she saw her cousin and the rest of her friends waiting up for her in front of the school building. " What up guys, " Val greeted doing the bro handshake with the three boys that were waiting for her. Juan, her cousin, Drake, and Tim are their friends. " You took a while to come down? " Juan asked. " Mum wanted to know if I was a lesbian, " Val said casually as they walked into the school. Her question made her friends gape at her. " And what was your answer? " Tim asked. " No. but that was after I made her call me Val. " She and her friends chuckled. " When are you going to come out to your mum? " Drake asked staring at me. Drake was an out gay. When he came out his parents took it in stride so he doesn't understand that not everybody is blessed with understanding parents like his. " When I start making my own money and can afford a roof over my head, " I said just as the bell for the first period rang. " See you guys later, " Val said waving to her friends before heading off to her first period. After school was over Val met up with her friends outside the school. " So are we going to Starcity? " Tim asked as we walked towards Juan's car. Star city was a video game facility that has every sort of game you like and what makes it more awesome is that they are all in 3 D form. Val and her friends hang out there all the time after school except days that they have something else to do. Like detention or schoolwork. Today there was none. School was just starting so no assignment or detention yet. " Yes, guys, " Val exclaimed excitedly. She was giddy by the thought of playing the new game in 3 D format. It was going to be sick. She has been away from home over the break had to stay with her dad in another city and most of her time was spent doing things with her dad. She loves her dad and loves spending time with him so any time she is over there she dedicates it to spending quality time with him which means not many of video games. " Why not, " Juan agreed. Tim and Val high five each other before entering the car. Juan was the oldest of us all so we intend to follow his lead whenever we want to do something. We spent close to five hours in Starcity by the time we made it out everywhere was dark. " f**k! " my mum is going to kill me, Val exclaimed looking at her friends in a panic. " Come I will drop you first, " Juan said as we made our way back to his car. Val didn't even want to look at her phone cause she knows how many missed calls will be there. Her mum hates her being out late. When they dropped her off, Val said bye to her friends and made her way inside where she found the table already set for dinner. She expected her mum to start screaming at her when she walked in but she did something worse. The silent treatment. Val hated that and would take her screaming over her silence any day any time. Once the meal was over she helped clean up cause she wanted to make up for being late. While she was cleaning up the rain began to fall. When Val was done with her dishes she made her way to her room. Inside she glanced at her laptop considering whether to finish her game. She was almost at the end of the fourth level and only paused the game when Juan said it was time to leave. She had just powered the laptop and picked up her pad to play when the lightning struck followed by a huge thunder that had everything sparking and the next thing Val knew she was waking up in a damn forest to someone calling out Zack.

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