The female AI

1593 Words
Everyone jumped at the sudden sound of someone's voice echoing in the forest. The voice wasn't human, more like some female robot, those you see in all those sci-fi movies. Jack's heart leaped off his chest to take up residency in his throat. Spike and Kaline jumped their eyes growing wide, Mo Hawk's eyes grew double their size as he searched around for the speaker. " Who the f**k said that?! " Tokora, demanded like he was a school teacher in the classroom, a student suddenly made a crass comment while his back was turned. Straw hat and ice made no visible reaction though their eyes like the rest of us were searching frantically for the source of the voice. We finally found it, about three o clock in our direction a drone-like machine with a female face. Jack's brow furrowed along with everyone else as they tried to figure out what the f**k was up there in the sky. " Who the f**k are you? ! " Tokora the more outspoken one of us asked the one question that is going through our minds. " I am AI in charge of this year's game, " the robotic female voice repeated like she was reciting a rhyme. " And what game is that? " Spikes asked giving the machine a suspicious look as if she was expecting it to pull a fast one on us. " I just told you that a few seconds ago, " the Machine sassed at Spike and Jack was sure that if it could roll her eyes she would have done that. " Cheeky Robot, " Spike muttered in a sour tone underneath her breath. " You said something about the seven gates of hell, do you mean the computer game that just came out a few months ago? " Kaline asked staring up at the AI with her hand blocking the sun. " I see you have got a smart one in your group. Yes, Kaline, that is exactly what I meant. " Kaline looked shocked that the Machine knows her name, along with the rest of us making us wonder what else the machine knows about us. " You know my name?! " Kaline gasped staring wide-eyed at the Machine. " Yes Kaline, I have all your details here. Your name, your age, Where you are from, your parents, and your siblings' name. Including your favorite food and stuff. " Our jaws dropped to the ground at this. " What about the rest of us? " Tokora asked looking wide-eyed at the machine. " Yes Tokora I have all your information, " the machine admitted freaking us out. A gasp or two filtered into the air as wondered which of our other secrets they had access to. " This is not right. That is a violation of our privacy, " Spiked yelled looking furious. " That is where you are wrong Varah, we merely picked out all these pieces of information from the Internet. It is all there for public consumption. " Spike growled, glaring daggers at the AI. Jack wasn't sure what she was more pissed at. The fact that there was nothing illegal with the way our informations were collected or the Robot revealing her name to the group. Jack believes it to be later. Spikes looks like the sort of girl who thrives on being mysterious and secretive. Jack's mind went back to what the Robot said. He took his mind through all his posts on social media wondering if he had anything incriminating that can be used against him. Ice and Straw hat like always were content to remain silent watching the proceeding. " So why us? Why did you pick us for the game? " Kaline asked while everyone's mind was still stuck on the fact that some secret organization might have information about them including their families and the fact that we don't know how dangerous they are was putting the fear of God in us. " Oh honey it was a random selection from teenagers who loved the game there was no specific reason to which each of you was chosen. I will say it was more of luck that you found yourselves here. " " What rotten luck it was, " Jack mumbled to himself while staring to the ground. He looked up with a sheepish look on his face when he felt something on his skin. The machine was looking straight at him. It felt as if she was glaring at Jack if that was possible. " So what now? " Straw hat asked. Jack and the rest of the team were shocked to hear him ask a question. He and Ice have been silent all these while like they couldn't be bothered with what was happening. Like they have accepted it and were ready to deal with what came next. Though Jack hasn't said anything himself, he was so far from ready to deal with anything. If there was anything he was feeling at this moment is that he wants to go home and forget about this nightmare he had woken up to. " You play the game dearies, " the robot said in a giddy tone that wasn't shared by anyone in the group. " And how pray lady do we do that? " Tokora asked in a sarcastic snappish tone. "As you did in the game of course, " the robot retorted like we should have known that. " I am sure you are familiar with the game and should know your way around it. But know this all the rules in the game apply here too. " " What do you mean? " Kaline asked frowning suspiciously at the AI. " I mean if your life force depletes to zero then you are dead. " Kaline gasped. " Do you mean like we are dead for real? " Tokora asked in a stammered jagged tone like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jack couldn't believe it either. " Yes, Tokora. " We all looked at each other as the situation began to sink in us. We have just realized what a cluster f**k of s**t we are in. Everyone had a look of terror in their eyes including Ice and Straw hat. " What if you don't want to play? " Jack forced out in a low tone, his voice trembling from his fear and the anxiety he was feeling from speaking out for the first time. " I am sorry that is not in the option Jack, " the robot answered sounding as if she truly regrets that it wasn't an option. Which Jack knows was bug wash. The freaks behind this probably made it that way to force people to play. " What if all of us decide not to play? " Ice asked from his position against the tree. The Drone like robot turned to face his direction before answering. " Then you all will be stuck in this realm forever without ever seeing earth or your family again. " We looked at each other again absorbing this piece of information which worsened the trepidation that we are all feeling. " What are you saying? " Mo Hawk asked " I am saying that the only way to go home is to play the game. " " When you say that every rule in the game applies here does that mean that the demons are real too? " Tokora asked with his eyes wide as saucer at the mere possibility. " Yes, Tokora. " " f**k me twice! " the dark boy exclaimed in horror as we all felt a cold chill run through us. What the hell have we gotten ourselves into, Jack lamented in his mind, his heart was pounding so loud that he could hear it in his ear. He wondered if his parents have noticed that he was missing and if they have the police looking for them. Maybe the robot is bluffing and they are somewhere very remote on earth and if they can find a means they can try to contact authorities. It was something to explore once the AI disappears back from whatever hell she came from. " If we are going to fight demons where are our weapons? " Tokora asked looking terrified just like the rest of us. " Your weapons will be provided as soon as I am done talking to you. " " About Your life force you have been provided with smartwatches which can help you track your life force and if you can look at it you will see that it is all green meaning that you have 100% life force. " We all looked down us both wrists and there it was. On our left wrist was a black square face smartwatch. They must have put it on us along with these ridiculous outfits while we were passed out which further proves Jack's theory that they are still somewhere on planet earth. " You can press the button on the side to turn it on. " We all did and the screen blinked to life and just as the machine said there was a long green bar on the surface. " The watch also helps you know when the gem and treasure chest are close by and which direction to go. Sometimes it can come up with multiple directions you have to choose which way to go. Good luck, fellas. " And she was gone.
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