Chapter 8 The Decision

2030 Words
        Titus walked out and waited back by the castle entrance. He leaned up against the wall and his gazed drifted to Rhea. His eyes were focused on her as a small smile rested over his lips. He continued to watch her while Tyler and Lilly walked up to their companions.             “Rhea… come take a walk with us.” Lilly reached her hand out and wrapped it around her daughter. She squeezed her tightly and smiled down at her beautiful girl. It seemed liked yesterday she was running around and fighting with her brothers. She was no longer that littler girl, she was all grown up. She led her away from everyone, with Tyler walking on the other side of Rhea, until she felt like they had some privacy.               “Rhea. Tell me what you think about this situation.” Lilly turned her daughter to look up to her.               “I think that this is a good chance for us. It is an opportunity that we will never get presented with again. If I can make friends among the dragons then maybe, we can gain them as allies.” Rhea watched her mother smiled down at her proudly. Her father looked a bit grumpy over the situation. “Honestly, I don’t mind staying here for awhile… I don’t really want to live here forever though. I don’t know how long they planned on keeping me here.”               Lilly nodded. “Life has a way of changing things and changing our views. You may feel differently one day. However, if there is ever a time when you wish to leave and they won’t let you then-”               “Then you let us know immediately. I don’t care if they are dragons or demons. No one keeps my family against their will. If I have to murder them all then that is what I will do.” Tyler scowled angrily.               “Now Tyler… this has already been discussed.” Lilly rested her hand on his arm and smiled at him. “We have discussed with Titus that you are still the fairy princess. There is no way he can keep you here forever. However, we also agree that this is the safest place for you. No demon will risk starting a war with the dragons. If they did, we would be gaining an ally easily and they wouldn’t want that. So, for now… we have agreed… albeit begrudgingly… to leave you in their care for now.”               Rhea smiled and nodded with her mother. She knew this was hard for them and she could tell her father was struggling with the idea. “Daddy…” Rhea walked up and hugged Tyler. “I’m going to be just fine. You don’t have to worry so much.”               “It’s my job to worry about you. You’re my little princess.” Tyler wrapped his arms around Rhea, hugging her tightly. He looked up to Lilly and frowned. How could he leave his baby girl here? He wanted to rage a war over it… if it wasn’t for Lilly and her cool head he probably would have.  Lilly reminded him that this was something he had to face. Rhea was not a child and at the same time it was a chance for the fairy kingdom. So, while he didn’t like it… he understood it. There were aspects of the conversation that he couldn’t refute. So, he agreed that as long as it was what Rhea wanted then he would back down. Still, leaving his baby girl here was a bitter pill to swallow. His eyes were meeting with Lilly’s as a small mist began to enter his eyes. She would know how he was feeling. He could feel she was feeling the same way. It felt like a chapter was ending in their lives. All their children were no longer with them.               “I love you daddy.” Rhea squeezed Tyler tight and then pulled away with a smile. She then turned and embraced her mother. She didn’t to cry in front of them. She could see they were struggling with that too.               “We can still visit you baby girl. We won’t be able to come as often as we like, but it is doable with the hippogryph’s.” Lilly leaned in and kissed Rhea on the cheek. “Send Cody or Kelsie for us if you need us and we will be here. We love you so much.”               “I know mom. I’ll be fine. I’ll have Cody here too, so you don’t have to worry so much.” Rhea felt conflicted. This would be the first time she would be away from her parents. At the same time… she was also excited. This would be the first time she was on her own. She was doing something big that could impact her kingdom forever.                “Let’s go and inform everyone of what is taking place.” Lilly tugged Rhea along in her arm while Tyler wrapped his around them both. She was about Rhea’s age when she left her home. At first it seemed like a terrible idea… but it turned out to be the best thing that could have ever happened to her. She hoped this would be the same for Rhea. As a mother she couldn’t help but to worry. She would believe in her daughter. And she would trust the dragon king with her daughter’s safety.               “Rhea will be staying here for the unforeseeable future. However…” Lilly looked at Titus. “If she ever wishes to come home… we will be bringing her home. No matter how we have to go about doing it.” Her gaze was fierce as she stared at Titus.               Titus chuckled at the threat and nodded. “I think the woman who gave me my first kiss is threatening me.”               Lilly smiled and shook her head. “We are friends, remember? I’d like for us to stay as friends. But just as a reminder to you, I am not a pacifist. So, take care of my daughter well.” The strength and fierceness in Lilly’s commanding voice was evident. They were not push overs. That is not why Rhea is staying there. They had no problem going to battle if the need arises.               “I already told you… I promise she will be safe and protected here. I guess we will just have to wait and see how the future plays out. You are welcome to come and visit her as often as you can.” Titus’s grin never left his face. However, he was not going to agree to allow Rhea to leave… that was not in his plans.               Lilly gripped onto Tyler’s hand and squeezed it. They were both upset about leaving their daughter. Lilly could see the strength and determination in Rhea’s eyes. She was up for this. They would depend on her to convince the dragons to join with the fairies. This was too big to walk away from.               “I’ll go back and get my things.” Cody grumbled with irritation.               “It’s already late Cody. Gather everything tonight and then come back in the morning. It doesn’t make sense for you to travel at night… especially with your sense of direction.” Rhea giggled. She watched as Cody began to object leaving her there for a night, but Lilly spoke up.               “I think that is a good idea. This way I can have everything prepared for the both of you.” Lilly smiled at Cody who she knew was fighting inwardly with that decision. “It’s just one-night Cody. She will be fine.”               “You guys should get back before it gets dark too.” Rhea looked up to the fading light. It was never a good idea to travel at night. Especially with the demons everywhere.               Lilly walked up and squeezed Rhea into one last tight hug. “I love you, be safe.” She pulled back and watched as Tyler scooped Rhea up in his arms. His face was scrunched up as he held her tightly. She could feel how torn he was leaving her. He finally pulled away and then grabbed onto Lilly’s hand. With a chest full of emotions, they turned to walk to their hippogryphs followed by the others. They were leaving their beloved daughter. They went from having a houseful of children to now having an empty nest with Cody leaving too. This would take some time to adjust to.               Titus walked up and placed his arm around Rhea as she watched her family leave. Rhea glanced up to him for a second and then looked back out to her disappearing family.               “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you?” Kelsie frowned looking at Rhea. She knew she was being selfish and for once felt a bit guilty over it.               “No, go on home. Come see me tomorrow.” Rhea reassured Kelsie who nodded in appreciation.               “I’ll see you tomorrow Rhea!” Kelsie then also left. Leaving Rhea alone in the dragon kingdom. Well practically alone. Lee was there somewhere.               “Are you okay?” Titus asked in a gentle voice.               Rhea nodded. “Yes… It’s a weird feeling. I have never been away from my family. I have never not had Cody near me. So, it feels a bit… different.” It felt lonely. It was only for a night then Cody would be there. She would try to get familiar with her surroundings and the people there.               “It’ll get better. This will feel like home soon.” Titus didn’t want her to be sad. He hoped she would be able to adjust there and come to call this place home. “How about I show you around? That is a good start.”               “Yes, I think that is a good idea.” Rhea put a smile on her face. She wasn’t going to be depressed. She would enjoy this experience and learn as much as she could.               “So how did you convince my parents?” Rhea tilted her head to look up to Titus with her eyes raised and a small smile. “It’s just… I know my parents and just because you are a dragon wouldn’t scare them off.”               Titus grinned. “Well technically I didn’t scare them off. Your parents were adamant that you would have to agree or else they would take you back by whatever means necessary. Scary folks…”               “You were in there talking for hours…” Rhea looked at him curiously. There was a lot more talking going on during that time. “And where is Grandpa Sage?”               “We had a lot to talk about and discuss. Gramps is always busy he had to leave right after our talk was finished. It took a good bit of talking in order to convince your parents and he had other matters to attend to.  All that matters is you’ll be staying here for now.” Titus winked at Rhea and led her inside the deep castle. “Try to pay attention… it’s a big place.”               Rhea sighed. He wasn’t going to tell her anything and her parents chose to leave those details out as well. She guessed it wasn’t important and figured that she would find out soon enough. Time to learn about her home away from home.
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