Slimy little b***h

1105 Words
AURORA "Stop fidgeting. Get it together Rora"Diane whispered harshly as I attempted to pull my short dress further, down to my thighs. I wasn't really comfortable about it, clinging to me in all the right places. I was very conscious about the way it brought out the curve of my hips and how it didn't do too much to hide the obvious cleavage that was created by the wide apart straps. The heels were a whole new discomfort on its own as I tried really hard to walk casually, I was certain my legs wobbled slightly. I sighed. "Stop it. Will you?" Diane glared at me, grabbing my hand forcefully in hers. She wore a skin tight white dress that made her look like a walking seduction. Her sandy brown hair was packed up in a high ponytail and her lips were painted a bright red that gave her an extra sort of edge. My best friend was undeniably beautiful, it was impossible for you to walk past her and turn around to strain your neck for a second glance. And she knew it. She knew how to use it to her advantage and turn things around in her favor. Me. Not so sure. I opted for comfort than for dressing to impress to believe me when I say I wanted to rip this dress away from me like it was some sort of unwanted disease. "It's your fault I'm wearing I'm struggling. If you had simply allowed me to -" "Come dressed to Eros in a trench coat. Be serious Rora" she scoffed and even though it was dark, I could still see her rolling her eyes at me. I could hear the bass of the loud music as we approached the entrance of the club. Eros sure had a reputation of bringing life to nighttime and the people who frequented Eros, partied until daybreak. Diane included. If I had a choice, I would have been more luxurious cuddling my pillow underneath my blanket and reading a good book. Diane wasn't having any of it. I had bailed on her too many times and she wouldn't take no for an answer this time. I wondered how she was even able to convince my mother that we were going to her house to study. I stopped short and gasped at the intimidating figure of Daren at the entrance of the club. He loomed over me and Diane and wore a sleeveless shirt that showed off his bulky hairy arms. "What's she doing here?" He growled, turning his gaze to Diane, like he wouldn't even bother looking at me twice. To be honest, I was always weary of his attention. He had a thing for throwing mean words around to me whenever he felt like it. Getting on my nerves and making my blood boil was his next favorite thing. I glared up at him. But I didn't think that would matter because it was dark and his eyes remained on Diane who wasn't afraid to hide the venom in her glare. "You brought the weakling here I see" he scoffed and I tried to pretend that his words didn't sting me or leave a burn. "Last I checked. We can be here whenever we want, Darren" she spat out his name as if mentioning it alone left a bitter taste in his mouth. "I'm not weak. Don't ever call me weak again" I said, feeling my blood boil, i was grateful it was dark. He wouldn't be able to look at the tears that now stinged my eyes. Weak. His taunt repeated in my head over and over again. Get it together. "And yet, you can't even turn properly" he growled, the taunting in his voice wasn't hard to miss. I opened my mouth to shoot back a retort but Diane already beat me to it as she jammed the edge of her knee up his groin. He staggered a bit, his face contorting in pain for a brief moment and as if remembering that we were watching him. He quickly composed himself. "You slimy little b***h" he raised his fist and stopped mid strike as his eyes fell on the people behind us, waiting in a queue and looking at him impatiently. He dropped down his hand reluctantly. Diane smirked with satisfaction and her eyes glimmered. She almost looked like a cat. She always looked that way when she was very satisfied with something and in this moment, it was having an upper hand over Darren. "You're going to let us in or not. Or do I have to make a scene?" she said through clenched teeth. With a snarl, he unlocked the barricade but not before growling a threat. "Just make sure I don't get my hands on you " I had a feeling he was referring to me and my blood ran cold for a second. Diane flipped her hair in his face, grabbing my hand, and we walked into the dim lit room. It was hot and crowded and I felt a sense of unease as eyes followed us, I felt their gazes on us. Heard them whispering but perhaps, I was imagining it. We made our way over to the bar and Diane ordered two glasses of sweet beer for the both of us. She batted her lashes at the waiter who stood behind the counter. He smirked and began making our drinks. I knew we were going to get them for free. Diane had her way with things. She knew how to shift things to her favor. "Unrelated. But you should apply to the calling" she said and I paused, feeling my body tense. "I don't think they'll pick me and even if they do, I don't think I'll make it that far. I'm not skilled enough to be chosen by the calling" I tried to drain my voice of the tension I was already feeling. "Pfft. Who needs skills when you look like that?" She scoffed lightly and tried not to be offended. If I was going to earn something, it shouldn't be because of how I looked. "I'm going to be a nurse. Like my mother. It's what I've always wanted Diane" I said and I felt relieved when the waiter returned back with our glasses of sweet beer. At least I had something to distract myself with. I felt a shift in the air, the loud music stopped and I could see people suddenly freeze. What on earth was going on? I frowned, Diane looked too. My breath seized when my eyes landed on Kane Walker.
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