C H A P T E R III- New Friend

1814 Words
Recap: I've been here for four days. My mother's left me here in this strange house with her fiancé and his beta. For some reason I am attracted to my mother fiancé and I am bound to find out why. Yesterday we had a good time cooking pizza but I came to my scenes and realized I hated him for taking my mom away from me. May 25, 2016. It has been four days since summer started, and my life has ended. Also its the day that the movers finally got all our stuff to us. But, of course mom wasn't here to help me due to her being at Xzaviers parents house. So I was left to do it alone. Or, so I thought. The movers got here at 8:30 am and I was not dressed or mentally prepared for any of this. I throw on some clothes, and walk outside, out on the driveway two trucks full of our stuff stays. I sigh and beginning grabbing the boxes from the first truck first. Xzavier isn't here to help me I haven't seen him since the Pizza thing. After grabbing a few more boxes I see my moms 2015 black Porsche pull into the driveway. I was excited. My mom is my everything. But, sadly she wasn't the one to get out the car. Alex, was the one that got out the car. "Need any help?" He asked, while swinging the keys around on his index finger. "Sure," I said shrugging. But, I really did need the help. We got all the boxes inside and into the living room in 2 hours. By then, it was 10 something and I am starving. "Have you eaten yet?" I asked while walking to the kitchen. "No you offering," He asked. "Well I was just trying to be polite, but I can whip up a mean omelet," I said grabbing the eggs from the Fridge. "Well since you offered I'll take two," I laughed. "Well since you asked you'll be helping me," I said. You would think I learned my lesson from cleaning up the pizza mess, but I didn't. I hate cooking alone. "Oh no you don't want my help I'll blow us up!" He said throwing his hands out in exaggeration. "Well you can't be any worse then Xzavier," I muttered under my breath. "What?" he asked clearly not hearing me. "Nothing," I said "Just get the ingredients out and I'll make them," He sighed and the began moving around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients. Alex set them all down on the kitchens island and I began working my magic, occasionally asking a question about him or his family. I found out he has 2 sisters-only guy in the house besides his dad- he's 21, just had a birthday two months earlier, and his favorite color is forest green. "What were your first thoughts of me?" I asked. As I put the final toppings on the omelet. "I thought you were gonna be another one of those whiny brat teenagers that got whatever she wanted. But, in reality you're not actually half bad you feed me food and I like food." I laugh. "Of course you do cause who doesn't?" I asked handing him is omelets. "I don't know but, tonight there's this party the pack is throwing to celebrate school being out and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, it's down by the beach kind of like a bonfire thing," I thought for a minute. All I had planned for tonight was to unpack theses boxes but I really wanna go to the beach, so might as well. "Hmm ya sure I would really like to go to the beach." "Okay thought you might like to do something other than unpack boxes all night." "Are you implying i'm boring?" I asked with an amused smile. "Maybe," he said shoving the rest of his food in his mouth. "Well I will inform you that I am anything but boring," "We'll see be ready by 5 ill be here at 5:15," He said getting up and making his way to the front door. I walked him out then started looking for my bathing suit. I was ready by 4:45 dressed in my Black bathing suit that clashed with my pale skin and dark hair. Covering my bathing suit is my strapless black top and high waisted blue jean shorts. I put on my jandals grabbed my purse and went downstairs to wait for Alex. Just as I sat on the couch my phone rang. "Hi honey!" my mom said in an overjoyed voice. "Hey, mom." I said while shuffling through my bag looking for my charger. "How's it going over there? Have you let them starve yet?" She asked. "No mom I haven't let them starve and its good our stuff came finally." I told her while going back up stair in search for my charger. "Finally, I'm sorry for not being there to help, but Zay's parents want to meet you!" she said half screaming. I dropped my phone while looking under the bed and hit my head. I picked up my phone. "Oh that's great when do you want me to visit?" I asked getting back up. "Tonight would be great so i can go back home tomorrow." "Tonight?" I asked. Ah-ha i found my charger still on the wall I yanked it off and my mom spoke. "Yes tonight, don't worry about the boxes we can unpack those together." "Ok, but mom I was supposed to go to the beach with Alex like right now," I said as I heard the horn honk outside. "Oh well you can go he was supposed to drop my car off with you," I run down stairs grab my purse and head out the door. "Yah he did got to go mom love you!" I said before opening the door and going to Alex's car. "You look great," Alex commented as I buckled up. "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself," I said looking him. He back up and out the driveway we started off in the direction of the beach. It took about five minutes for us to get there. He hopped out the car and came to my side of the car and opened the door for me. "Lady's first," he said. I hopped out the car and we made out way out to the beach. People were scattered everywhere holding red solo cups. In the middle of it all is a huge bonfire, people throw in wood every once in a while. There's also people surfing and swimming. In this hot weather I want to get in the cool water too. "I wanna get in the water," I said grabbing Alex's arm and dragging him towards the water. "Hold on, lets go get a drink first," he said. I nodded and went with him to get a drink. "Alex!" A high pitched voices screamed. "Ugh, Lexi!" He said with a sigh. "Alex, I thought you weren't coming!" She said still screaming in her high pitched voice. "That's what I thought," he whispered. She finally came into full view. She has blonde straight hair that is wet stuck against her tan skin, full pink lips, green blue eyes, and a bathing suit that showed all her curves. "And, who is this?" She asked her piercing green blue eyes meeting my gray ones. "Hi, I'm Kimberly but you can call me Kim," I said offering my hand to shake. "Well Kimberly I'm Lexi you can call me Lex tho," she shook my hand with her perfectly manicured pink nails that sparkled like stars. "Lexi Kimberly is Holly's daughter," Alex said. Lexi's expression was in awe, "So this is the famous Kimberly I've heard so much about!" Her high pitched voice was killing me. "Yup, that's me," I said smiling. "It's getting so hot out here let's get in the water," she said dragging Alex away. I just stood in place for a minute not know what to do. Finally I started walking around and found a clear beach chair. I set down my bag and stripped off my my clothes revealing my bathing suit. "Umm, hi," I heard a voice behind me. A girl with dark hair, and pretty eyes stands behind me with her surfboard, and surf gear. "Hello," I said. "Do you mind if I lay out my gear next to you?" I shake my head. "No go ahead," I said. "Ok, oh by the way I'm Sophie," "Well nice to meet you Sophie, I'm Kimberly but you can call me Kim," she nods. Then starts preparing her surfing gear. "Do you surf?" She asked and I shook my head 'no'. "Okay--" She was cut off mid sentence by Alex. "I finally got away from her," He said coming up by my side. Sophia looked at him in awe. "Finally, you left me all alone, but I met a new friend," I said looking over at Sophia. "Sophia, Alex, Alex, Sophia," I said introducing them. Soph was still in awe. Soph good nickname. "Umm. . . Uhh. . . Hi," Is all she said before grabbing her surfboard and running out to the water. "Well that was weird," I said. "Mm I guess, but she is human after all, so you wanna go in the water now?" He asked. I nodded my head and he took my hand walking towards the glimmering mass body of water. We ran in just as a mini wave was coming in but, it was still strong enough to knock me off me feet. I laughed as I hit the bottom of the ocean. Water was up to my belly button and it was cold. Due to my werewolf abilities I was not shivering as I adjusted to the temperature. "Cold isn't it?" Alex asked I shook my head and stood up as we went further in the water. Finally it was up to my chest. In the distance I could see Soph riding in on a huge wave, she ran her fingers through the water as she passed and looked like she absolutely loved it. "Whoo go Soph!" I Yelled jumping up in down. She looked over at us and totally crashed. Oops. We swam over to her, but only found her board that somehow got loose. Alex dove under looking for her, but had no luck. "Where could she have gone?" I asked and Alex just shrugged. "I don't know, but let's go put her board back on shore and grab some s'mores." We made our way to shore put her board near her stuff then went to get s'mores. But, I couldn't get her off my mind. She was a peculiar Human and I want to know more about her.
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