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Mike looked at the person who was sitting in front of him. That person was none other than, Allen Smith. He was grinning at Mike and looking at him, with a very dangerous look in his eyes. Mike got chills, just by looking at him. He knows Allen to well and what's the meaning behind his smile. He knows that whenever he smiles, in this scary way at the person who is in front of him then that person will surely have a very bleak future, ahead of them. Allen is now just tapping on the table, while looking at Mike. Mike really got afraid and started to speak quickly, “ Dude, if you so much wanted to meet me then you could have just called me. Why need to kidnap me, in this manner.” Allen stopped tapping on the table and then looked at him straight into his eyes and asked him in a curious tone, “ Tell me ,Mike. Have you ever wondered, how will this world look from upside down?” Allen really got nervous and he started to sweat. He swiped the sweat from his head by his handkerchief and replied to him, while stammering, “ What . . . . Do . . . . . . You . . . . . . Mean. . . . . . . Allen?” “ I mean what I exactly asked you, just now.” Said Allen in a cold tone and after that, he asked his men to grab Mike and tie both of his legs. Mike tried to fight them but they were too big and bulky for him. After his failed attempts to fight with them. After that he gave up and pouted while looking at Allen. “ Great! I tried to help you and this is what I get in return.” Said Mike in a nagging tone, while the men are tying his legs together. “ You should be grateful that I am not making you the breakfast of some sharks.” Said Allen in an irritated voice. After that he asked his men to take him to the top floor of the building. Mike was hanged upside down from the top floor of the building. He was now yelling, “Hey, tell me one thing? If the idea of gifting the bouquet of roses, went wrong or what?” Allen was now very much irritated and in anger he gritted his teeth and said to Mike who was still hanged upside down, “ Don't you ever pick up this topic again or else, I can help you by loosening the knot of this rope and just to remind you, we are on the twentieth floor. I’ll assure you of one thing that, after falling from this height, you won't be alive.” Mike eyes went wide and he was now trembling. He thought to take one last chance and said to Allen in a low voice, “ You know, I have some more ideas and I assure you that they will work for sure. ” “ Shhh, one more word from your lips and I really will throw you from here. I don’t want to listen to any more of your nonsense ideas and definitely, I don’t want your help any further than this. ” Said Allen in a hushed voice and while keeping one of his finger on his lips. Mike was now feeling dizziness and he was pleading, Allen to let him go and that he will never give any of his weird ideas. Allen sat in one of the chair that one of man brought for him. He was looking at Mike and asked him in a curious tone, “ Well, tell me one thing? How’s the world looking from upside down? ” Mike who was still hanged from the building, mumbled in a low voice that could only be heard by him, ‘ If you so much wanted to know, then why don’t you try this yourself. You’ll get all your answers. ” Allen replied with a smirk on his face, “ Do you want to say something, Mike? ” Allen shook his head with all his might and requested him to pull him upwards. Allen in a low deep voice said, “ This is your last chance. Don't ever try to give me any type of your idiotic ideas, ever again.” Mike just nodded his head and then, the men pulled him upwards and now he was feeling dizzy. As he was hanged upside down for quite sometime. He mumbled to himself, ‘ Both of them are totally crack. One poured hot coffee on me and the other just nearly killed me. They are really a match made in hell.’ Meanwhile, Amy was back to her mansion and she have already hired some men, to find every little detail about Kris and the work he do. She called one of the man and asked him a low voice, “ Arrange a base for the future meetings and report every little detail to me about, Kris.” The man immediately replied, “ Boss, I have found something about his work. He is not only managing his company but he is also involved in the mafia. He not only have some brothels, but he is also involved in smuggling. He has really a wide connection, with influential people.” “ Alright, keep your eyes on him and call all of our men to our secret base. I need to give him a grand surprise and that too very soon.” Amy said in a calm tone and with a smirk on her face. “Ok Boss. I'll ask all our men to gather and assemble at our secret base.” Said the man in a calm tone and after that, Amy ended the call and then she sighed. Amy was now roaming around her room with a evil grin on her face and then she mumbled in a low voice, ‘ Just you wait for the surprise, Kris. Slowly but surely, you will get destroyed by my own hands. I wish that, I could watch your reaction, when you will receive your gift.’ It was like, she was having some kind of grand and big plans for Kris.  At Kris mansion He was at his room and there was loud sound of moaning, coming from inside. Kris was f*****g a woman. The woman screamed in a loud voice, “ f**k me more harder, Master. I am born to be f****d by you.” “ Shut up! You b***h. Just keep quite and let me relieve my tension. ” Said Kris in a harsh and rough voice. While moving back and forth with his full speed and thrusting his hard member inside her again and again. “ Ahhhhhh! ” Screamed the woman while wrapping her arms around his neck. “ I told you to shut up! If you scream one more time, I swear you will no longer have your tongue. ” Said Kris in an irritated voice. After that, when he finished f*****g her. He told her to get lost and she did exactly what he told her. As she don’t want to infuriate him more. Kris was still very much angry and he stood up from the bed, while wearing his shirt and after that he remembered all the insults of Amy and the punch of that Allen. In rage and frustration he turned the whole table upside down and yelled, “ Just you wait, Allen and Amy. I’ll tell you both that exactly who is the boss of this game. ” Kris eyes were now red because of anger and there was quite a dark aura that was surrounding him.
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