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Amy was shocked to see, Allen and his closeness with her. She can literally feel his hot breath, on her face. She tried to push him away, but it was of no use. She couldn’t move him, not even a bit from his place. She thought that why she isn’t able to push this guy away. Is she still weak or fragile or this guy, who was in front of her is too, powerful and strong for her. Yes, he was quite muscular and strong for his age. He looks manlier then the guys, who was same age around him but the question was what does he wants from her. “Tired already”, said the man in a low deep husky voice. He moved more closer to her and then sniffed her hairs and after that there was a long silence. She was not able process the things which was going around her. She remembered her past and all the dark memories, which she always tried to forget but it always haunt her back. ***************** (Flashback of Kate's memories ) “Katy, sweetheart where are you? Come to your daddy. Father really misses you. You know if I found you out then the consequences could be grave”, said the man in a very sweet and dangerous tone. He was searching for the little girl, like some maniac with a knife in his hands. He was looking for Kate all around the places but he couldn’t find her out. As the little girl was hiding inside a cupboard. She was trembling with fear and her eyes were filled with tears. She was holding the handle of the cupboard with her trembling hands. She doesn’t want, that her father would find her out. As his mere presence is enough, to terrorise her. She can’t even go to her mother, as she also despises her. The girl was just 8 years old and yet she have no one, to whom she can depend upon. She has both mother and father but yet she feels like an orphan. She then ran towards the terrace and find her secrete place and she sat there for a while.  The little girl tried to console herself, by hugging her body and looking up in the sky and asking the God in a wobbly and stuttered voice, “Just . . . . . why . . . . . . . am . . . . . I . . . . . still . . . . . alive? Do . . . . . . you . . . . hate . . . . . me . . . . that. . . . . much,  that . . . . you . . . . have . . . . . given . . .. . . . me . . . . . . such . . . . . parents? Why . . . . . no . . . . . one . . . . . cares . . .. . about . . . me, . .. . God?” The little girl asked the, God every question that was traumatizing her but she knew that no one is going to answer her silly questions. She was crying like a baby, her tears were falling down continuously. She tried to calm herself down by saying to herself, “Everything will be alright, after sometime. Kate, you are a strong girl, no one can hurt you.” This was more like some quotation which she always tells her. Kate hates one thing the most and that’s when someone tries to get closer to her physically. She have experienced many incidents that made her like that. (End Of Flashback)  ****************** Kate who was now in Amy's body, looked at the man who was in front of her and then she yelled at him, “Back off! Else the result won’t be good for you.” The man was in no mood to listen to her. He snickered and whispered to her, while grabbing her waist and pushing her more closer to him, “You are still no match for me, my angel.” She laughed at him and asked him, “Are you in your right mind? I have killed someone in front of you and still you are referring me as some angel. Yes, maybe I still lack in strength compared to you but that won’t last for long. Right now just tell me, what do you want? So, that you will delete that recording. Money, Power or any other thing, just name it and I assure you, that I will provide you that.” Allen started to laugh out loud while holding his stomach. After that he looked at her and said, “You really are one funny girl.” She made a confused look at his statement and looked at him, like she don’t even know what kind of funny thing she said, which could make him laugh like this. As she was seriously asking him that what does he desires. Allen looked at her and tucks her hairs behind her ears, which was coming on her face due to wind. His eyes are now dead serious as he looked at her and replied to her in a cold tone, “So, you were talking about money. I have loads of that and I don’t need more. Then you asked about power, I don’t desire that. As I have both of them and I think first you need to find about exactly who is, Allen Smith?” She grabbed his collar and asked, “Listen, I really am not interested to know the likes of yours. If you don’t want either money or power, so exactly what do you want? “ Allen grabbed her hands off from his collar and twisted it backwards. She hissed in pain and looked at him in anger. She then tried to free herself from his clutch. He then grabbed her hands with more force and pulled her more closer to him. Now there was no space between them.  He then said to her in a hushed tone , “Shhh , you have to be obedient, my angel. Even if you are not interested right now but you have to become interested in me, as you have no other option. What I want is simple and that’s, you. You have to become my woman. As once I set my mind to make something or someone mine, then eventually they will become mine. If you don’t want everyone to know about this murder, then you have no other choice, love.” Amy smirked and replied to him in a monotonic tone, “You are really are full of yourself. Exactly why do you think that I will oblige to your commands. Don’t you think that I can also kill you, to hide any kind of evidence.” Allen replied to her with a smug on his face, “Do you really think that you could win against me, with that little strength of yours and on top of that you are dreaming to kill me. Dream on! Baby.”  Yes, he was right about her strength and her chance of winning that was dim, as he was more stronger than any of her opponents, which she have faced in her past life. It was like he was born to challenge her and his dark aura and coldness, which resembles her in most ways. She can see his eyes and his handsome clean shaved face.  Yes, he was also 19 but he looks quite mature for his own age. She looked at him and she was still trying to push him off but the more she resists the more force he applies on his grip. It was like he was enjoying himself. After sometime he pinned her hands on the wall and in a low tone whispered to her,” Just agree already and I promise I will let you go and also delete that recording of yours and that all depends whether your performance will satisfy me or not. “ She looked straight to his eyes and asked him,” Are you trying to blackmail me.” He grinned and replied,” So what, even if I blackmail you. Don’t worry, I won’t be a bother in your vengeance game. Instead I will help you and I will help you in removing any evidence that can be used against you. So what do you say, my angel.”  Amy was not in a mood to bicker with him and so she replied, just for now, “Alright, I agree with you and now if it won’t bother you, so can you let go of me and my wrists.” He released her from his grip and she looked at her wrist, which was now having impressions of his fingers. She glanced at him and he was having a crooked smile on his face. She thought that how can someone have such a twisted personality. On one hand, he look like some kind of perfect, honour student and on other hand, he was having such kind of weird personality. After that he moved closer to her and she started to move back. In that dark alley there was only the two of them and the body which was lying on the ground.  He then grabbed her head and then he started to kiss her and after that he sucked her lower lips for some good minutes. Amy was now out of breath and after that he claimed that,” You only belong to me, my angel.” She so much wanted to punch him on his face but she thought that it was better to run right now. So she pushed him with full force and went out of the alley. He looked at her and mumbled,’ Run all you want but always remember that wherever you go, at the end you will always end up in my arms, my angel.”
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