Sinful Child

1931 Words
Kris was now holding her head down on the table, while twisting Amy’s wrist on her back. Amy was only laughing at this. She don’t want to satisfy him by crying or pleading to him. Due to this he twisted her wrist with more force. So that he could hear her cry in pain but he was not getting the reaction from her, which he was expecting. Kris didn’t like the fact that she was not pleading him for mercy and what he heard about her was all wrong. She was not a weak or fragile girl, which he believed her to be. Only her outer appearance look fragile and delicate but from inside she looks entirely a different person. Like she have became someone else entirely. “ Are you tired by tormenting me? ” Said Amy in a mocking tone. She was not afraid of him, as she have gone through more worse than this. At this Kris grabbed her from her hairs and made her face himself. After that he looked at her with eyes filled with rage. Then he gave her a hard back hand slap across her face. Amy was still smiling and she was mocking him with the expression on her face. Her lips were now bleeding but Amy was only laughing. Kris was now infuriated and then he said in an irritated voice, “ Women, don’t you dare to laugh. I am warning you for the last time. ” At this Amy looked at him and then replied in a calm tone, “ Aww, poor Kris. He is not feeling satisfied by my reactions. You thought that I will beg and plead you to leave me, right? But here I am laughing at your attempts to torture me. ” After that she looked at the candles and then picked one of the candles from the table and then she looked straight at Kris. He smirked a little and then in a low and cold tone said, “ You thought that this thing is enough to torture me. Believe me, I have gone through worse. ” After that she started to drip the hot wax on the backside of her hand and then she looked straight to Kris. Whose mouth was wide opened due to her actions. He was shocked to see that she was pouring the hot wax on her own hands. “ You thought that you are the only one who is insane. Well, let me tell you something. I am more scarier than you, Kris. ” Said Amy while giving Kris a cold stare. Kris was now in shock and then he looked at Amy and then he said to her in a low voice, “Calm down, don't do something stupid.” Amy was giving him a sinister smile and after that, she moved closer to the window’s side and then she grabbed the curtain. She was now moving the burning candle closer to the curtain. After that she said in a calm tone, “ What do you think will happen, if by mistake this candle will get more closer to this curtain, Kris?” Kris yelled in a loud voice, “ Don't you dare to pull out that stunt. Are you in your right mind. If you tried to move that candle more closer to that curtain. It will catch fire and the whole mansion will be burnt, including us.” Amy was now playing with the flame of the fire and then she replied to him in a low voice, “ Well, I told you that I am more scarier than you, didn't I ?” Kris was now at a loss for words. He don't know how to stop her from doing something crazy. Then Amy with a cold eyes looked at him and then said in an irritated voice, “ If only your parents told you how to respect a woman then you wouldn't have suffered like this. Kris was now infuriated, as he don’t like when anyone dares to mention his parents. He was looking at her with rage in his eyes. After this he moved straight to her with his full pace and then he grabbed the candle out of her hands and after that he slapped her hard across her face once again. Amy was just smiling even after the blood which was oozing out from the side of her lips. After that he grabbed her throat in anger and then he started to strangle her. Amy was now gaping for air but she was still in no mood to plead to him. “ Don’t you dare to mention about my parents. A b***h like you is not even worth to mention them. ” Asserted Kris in a rough and harsh voice, while still grabbing the throat of Amy. Only a tear drop down from Amy’s eyes. As she remembered how her own mother also tried to strangle her when she was a kid. ********** ( Flashback of Kate’s Memories) Kate was only five. When she was going around kitchen area, she heard some maids kids to talk about how much their mothers love them. It’s more like they were competing against each other to find out whose mother love her child the most. She was looking at them from a half opened door. She also wants to join them and talk with them. It’s like she also wants to have friends, to whom she can talk and share about everything. She after summoning up the courage to talk to them, started to move to their direction very meekly. The kids saw her approaching them. They started to chatter more loudly now after her arrival. After that Kate gather all her might to talk to them and then she in a very low voice said to them, “ Hello, I am Kate. Can I also join you in your conversation? ” Then one of the kid started to talk, “ Well, we all were talking about our mothers but we all know that you haven’t even talked to your own mother. So what will you talk with us. In this conversation you will only feel left out . ” After that all the kids started to laugh and then they started to mock her that even her own birth mother don’t want her. Kate closed both of her ears and then yelled in a loud voice, “ No, it’s not true. My mother loves me. It’s just that she don’t know how to express her love towards me. You all are lying. I don’t want to make you all my friends. My nanny said that my mother loves me the most. You all are bad kids. I was wrong to even tried talking with you all. ” After that she dashed out of that place and then she looked at the room, which was always closed and no one was allowed to enter there. Kate knew that her mother was there in that room. So she first looked here and there and when she confirmed that no one is coming, she tried to open the door but it was of no use, as it was closed. After thinking hard, she remembered that her father always keeps the key inside his closet. After gathering all her strength, she entered her father’s room. She knew that her father was now outside the states and he will come after a week. So she very slowly took out the keys from his closet. After that she tried to open the door while standing on a stool. As she was still short to reach the door’s keyhole. After her second attempt of opening the door, she was successful. She opened the gate and the old gate made some kind of a scary sound. After that she looked inside the room. There she saw a woman who was having some kind drink and she was also doing smoking. The woman looked at the small girl. Who was looking at her with her innocent eyes. The woman was sitting on the floor with her scattered clothes. It’s like she never changes her clothes more often. Kate gulped down, while witnessing the woman, who was apparently her birth mother. She started to move to her direction and kneeled down to her level on the floor. After that Kate looked at the woman with her gleaming eyes and then approached her. The woman was only looking at her with disinterest look in her eyes. “What do you want? Why are you here? ” Said the woman while smoking. Kate was only looking at her and then she replied to her in a low voice, “ Mother, I am Kate. I know you are busy but can you please tell me by yourself that you also love me. ” The woman looked at little girl with rage in her eyes. She immediately said to Kate in an infuriated voice, “ You dared to come here. How the hell you are here? ” “ M. . . . O. . . . . T. . . . . . H. . . . E. . . . . . . R. ” Said Kate to the woman, while stuttering. The woman stood up from the floor and then she moved to the direction of Kate and after that she grabbed little Kate’s throat and started to strangle her. Kate was now gaping for air. The woman than said in a cold tone, “ Don’t you dare to call me mother, ever again. Do you understand? I am not your mother, you sinful child. You are only a sinful child and nothing more, you pest. ” The woman was now screaming like a madwoman. Little Kate was now only crying to her mother, to let go of her but her mother’s hatred for her is not letting her go of the little girl's throat. Before she can kill the little girl, the nanny of Kate entered the room and she was shocked to see the incident. She immediately injected the woman with some anaesthesia and then freed little Kate’s from her grasp. She immediately took her out from that room and then she in a sweet voice told her, “ Miss, never go to that room again and don’t let your father know about this or else his anger will be on next level. ” At this little Kate only nodded her head and then she asked the nanny, “ Nanny, why my mother don’t love me? Did I do something wrong or have I ever hurt her in some way. ” The nanny don’t know what to say to the little girl's questions. So she only went mummed and then she carried the little girl to her room and then she patted her back, so that she could sleep. ( Flashback ends) ********* Kris was still grasping Amy’s throat. When suddenly a man entered the room. At this Kris looked at him and gave him a death stare. The man was now scared but he immediately started to speak, “ Sir, our mansion is surrounded by some men.” At this Kris let go of Amy’s throat and looked at the man with cold eyes and then he said in a rough voice, “ How did they find about this place? ” At this the man only shook his head and after that Kris only shot the man on his forehead. The room was now filled with only blood and it’s smell. Kris was now having an unreadable expression on his face. ********* Hey guys, thanks for reading and do comment if you liked the story  and also add this book in your library to show your support to the author.  Thank you :) 
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