
1742 Words
This chapter contains some adult content. So, only read if you are 18+ Amy was still tied to the bed and she was trying hard to break the chains but it was of no use. After that she saw that a man was entering the room and after that he started to move, straight to the bed. He smiled and then he picked the knife, that was on kept on the side table. He opened the tape which was pasted on her lips.  Then he started to slide the cold tip of the knife around Amy’s body, very lightly. Amy yelled in an angry tone, “ Kris Wilson, if you are man enough then just remove this damn thing from my hands and we will see, who will have the last laugh. ” Kris was grinning like a maniac. It was like, he was enjoying her suffering and her screams. After that he cut the strap of her dress from one side. Amy looked at him with a terrified look in her eyes. The flashback of Amy’s past life started to appear again, in front of her eyes. How Kris forced him on her and not only Amy but she had also experienced the same thing in her last life. She was also nearly raped by her own uncle. ********** (Flashback of Kate’s memories ) Kate was now eighteen. She became a totally quite and a non sociable person. She don’t like to meet people and she also don’t like to make friends. As she don’t believe in the word 'trust'. She was in her shower, when she felt like someone was peeking on her. She immediately checked the door of the bathroom and it was to her surprise, unlocked. She was shocked, as she was certain that she have locked the door and she was thinking that how did it get unlocked. After her shower, she got out of the bathroom and then she wore her nightdress and went straight to her bed. Then she was fast asleep and after some moments a man entered her room silently and then he locked the room very quietly. The man was in his late 20’s and he had a smirk on his face. He was looking at the young Kate, with a filthy look. He started to move straight to her bed and then he lied beside her. Kate was now in deep sleep. The man was now smiling like a creep and then he carefully hold the hands of Kate and then he started to put her hands inside his pants. He was now grinning from ears to ears. Then he placed the hands of Kate on his d**k and then he started to move her hands back and forth on his d**k. He was enjoying her delicate and soft hands and also his d**k was getting hard, due to the hand job he was getting from her. Kate was still in her sleep but when the man started to grope her breasts, she instantly opened her eyes. She was shocked to see the man and what he was doing with her. Kate tried to push him off from her but she was still weak in front of the man. Who was her uncle. She always thought that he was a nice and good man but what she was witnessing changed her thinking for her lifetime. She struggled to move her hands away from his d**k but the man didn’t let go of her hands and after that he pinned her hands on top of her head. After that he placed himself, on above her. Then he started to suck her earlobes and after that he bite her collarbone. Kate cried in pain, “ Ahh, let go of me uncle or I will call father. ” She was trying to push him off from her top but it was of no avail. Caleb started to laugh at her innocence. He started to rub his groin to her lower part and after that he started to touch her inner thighs. He then said to her in a faint voice, “ You really are so innocent. You still believe that your father will come and help you. Even if you die, he won’t give a damn. You are the cursed Child, sweetheart. ” Kate was now terrified to her wits. She now only thinking of her last chance and then she saw the table lamp on the side table. After that she struggled to grab the table lamp, that was placed on the side table. She after trying very hard, finally reached to the table lamp and then she firmly grabbed the table lamp in her hands and after that she with her full force, tried to hit Caleb’s head with the table lamp but before she could hit him, Caleb grabbed her hands and then he threw the table lamp on the floor. The table lamp was now shattered on the ground. The glass pieces was now scattered on the floor. Kate finally pushed him off from her but when she tried to run away from her room. Her feet got pierced by the shards of the table lamp glass. Kate hissed in pain and her feet started to bleed. The floor was now red due to her blood. Caleb immediately pushed her on the floor and now her whole body got pierced by the glass and her body was now bleeding. Caleb took advantage of this and now he was once again on top of her. Then he started to rub his fingers inside her v****a and after that he started to tear her nightdress and then he started to massage one of her bosom but before he could go any further. Kate grabbed one of the glass piece from the floor and then she stabbed his d**k and then his eyes with the shard of the glasses. Caleb was now yelling in pain, “ Ahhh, you b***h how dare you to stab me with the piece of the glass. ” His d**k and eyes were now bleeding but Kate was still not satisfied. She looked straight at the broken table lamp and then she looked at it’s wire. She went straight to the table lamp while limping. Even after bleeding she was determined to kill this bastard. After that she picked the lamp from the ground and then she moved straight to Caleb, who was still crying due to the pain. While rolling back and forth on the bed. Kate was now having a cold smile on her face. She then started to strangle his throat with the help of the table lamp's wire. Caleb then started to gasp for air. His eyes started to get wet due to the tears and then his tears started to fall, which was mix with the blood due to the wound on his eyes. He yelled in a loud voice, “ let go of me before you regret your actions. ” Kate was now having no expression in her eyes and then in a monotonic voice she replied, “ I asked you the same thing ‘ uncle’ but you didn’t let go of me and do you think you are in a position to give me a threat. Think again, dear uncle. ” After that she applied more force while strangling him with the wire of the lamp. After hearing his yelling and painful cries and his last breadth, she finally let go of him. Kate was now looking at his dead body and after that she asked her trusted aides to come to her room and then they helped her to clear his body away. They took his body to some forest and after that they left his body to rot there or to become the food of the wild animals.  Kate one last time looked at his wounded dead body and then she lowered herself to his level and then she whispered to him in a low voice, “ Look uncle what you made me do, but you should be happy that at least you will fill the apatite of some wild animals, with your filthy body.” After that, they left his body in the dark forest.  ( Flashback Ends) ********** Kris was still on top of her and he was now sucking her collarbone. Amy was now feeling disgusted. She so much wanted to kill him right here and right now. Kris then in a low voice replied to her, “ Baby, I will tell you exactly what kind of man I am. I promise that after getting the answer of, if I am man enough. You won’t be able to walk at least for one month. ” After that he started to nuzzle her face and hairs. She turned her face in the opposite direction and said in a cold tone, “ believe me Kris, once you free my hands, I promise that you won’t be able to walk for your whole life. ” Kris slapped hard across her face and in a low and husky voice replied to her, “ Never talk back with me and let me tell you one thing. I don’t like a woman with a smart mouth. If you, one more time attempt to talk back with me, I’ll go directly to your best friend and then I will vent out my anger on her. Do you want that, baby? ” Amy went totally mummed after that. She knew that the guy, who was in front of her is a total maniac and a sick minded person. She never wanted to hurt, Nia because of her. So just for her sake,she became quiet and only glared at the man. “ See you are so much better after being quite. Now go back to your sleep, as we will continue all of this after our marriage. Which will be held after one week. As you will not only turn eighteen on that day, but we will become a couple also. ” Said the man with a smile plastered on his face. Amy went totally pale. She was shocked at the mention of the word ‘ marriage ’. Kris after that kissed on her forehead and then he again injected her with some sleeping drugs. After that he went out of the room but this time, she was still conscious. As she was digging her nails, inside her hands, so that she could be stay awake. She mumbled in a low voice, ‘ Just you wait, Kris Wilson. ’
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