
1553 Words
Allen was still awake. He was switching on and off, his table lamp and was in his own deep thoughts. After some moments he heard some sound, coming from the kitchen. He stood up from the chair and went straight to the kitchen. Where he saw the person, who made the sound. He folded his arms across his chest and looked at him. The man was finding something in the fridge and he looked at Allen with a questioning look. “Man, do you even live here. I can’t find a single f*****g thing in your fridge. How do you even call this a house ”, said the man in a frustrated tone. “ Don’t you have your own house, Mike? Why do you always create, havoc in my house? ”, Asked Allen in a flat voice. Mike rolled his eyes on Allen and moved towards him. He put his hands on his shoulder and said in a serious tone, “ Dude, what happened to you? Where is that kid, who always laughed and loved to play pranks on other. You know, I have known you since we were kids. I don’t know why, but you never share any of your pain, with us anymore.” Allen glanced at him with a dark expression on his face and said,“ It’s non of your business, Mike and you know what, I don’t like to share anything with anyone. Just tell me, why you have come here? Now what kind of new trouble, are you in?” Mike started to scratch his head with his hands and looked at him with a smile plastered on his face. Mike always created troubles, while Allen’s the one, who does the aftermaths. They were buddies from childhood and Mike loved him like his own brother. He is the only friend that Allen had. As, he don’t let the people come closer to him. He also tried to avoid, Mike but he always stick around with him. Even though, he tries to ignore him. “ Umm, you know. There was one girl, I was seeing for a while but she got serious and all but I told her from the start that, I am not the serious relationship type of a guy but she still insisted to be with me. After that she declared her love for me and you know, the moment I got to know about that I ran away and told her to never contact me again ”, said Mike in a low voice. Allen was moving back and forth, while listening to him. He than asked him, “ So, what does this have to do with me? Why do you need my help this time, you troublesome guy. ” Mike looked at him with a twinkling eyes and said,“ Everything was going great but she involved her brother into all this mess. He warned me that if I tried to break her sisters heart. He will punish me in the way that I can’t forget my whole life. So, there is only one person who can help me to beat that guy.” Allen was glared at him and asked him in a low voice, “ So go and find that guy. Why are coming at my house at this timing? Well, if you ask me then I believe that a douchebag like you deserves some beating. Her brother have every right to do that. ” Mike instantly replied to him, “ The guy who is going to help me is you, Allen. Buddy, I know that only you can bring me out of this s**t. ” “ And exactly why will I do that? Is there something for me in this? ” Said Allen with a flat tone. Mike looked at him with pleading eyes and after that trick, didn’t work. He got an idea. He knew about the new girl, he was interested in. As, he always got the latest information very quickly. He smiled at him and said, “ Well, I can help you. In gaining the trust and love of Amy.” Allen after hearing that grabbed his collar and asked in a rough tone, “ She is already my fiancé. Now there is no need of your help and assistance. ” Mike tried to remove his collar from his grip and then he tried to calm him down. He looked at him in his eyes and said, “ Even if you are now her fiancé but she still doesn’t love or trust you. I can help you in that. ” “ And exactly how will you help me?” Asked Allen in a questioning tone. “ Bro, you know, every girl shares her secret with her best friend. So, for your sake I will compromise myself. I will ask all her likes and dislikes by her best friend and that’s how, you will slowly but surely win her trust and after that her love. So, how’s the plan? ” Asked Mike with a hopeful eyes. “ Alright, I will help you this time but always remember if your plan failed, I will personally deliver you, to the sharks, as their food. So, first tell me, what does a girl like? What kind of present, I should give her? ” Said Allen in a flat tone.  Mike clapped both his hands in excitement and said, “ Finally, you agreed to this. As for your question, about what a girl like for a present. I think you should gift her a bouquet of red rose. All the girls really like romantic kind of guy and remember, not to be forceful. Try to smile while giving her the bouquet. ” Allen then let him go and he landed on of the couch. He looked at him while straightening his crooked collar. After that he moved out of his mansion and once again Allen was all alone. He once again sat on his couch and sighed. After that he dialled one of the numbers and asked the person on other side, “ Josh, the first thing that you will do for me in the morning is to buy me a bouquet of red roses. ” Josh replied in a confused tone, “ What Sir? You want me to buy you a bouquet of red roses. Sir, I don’t see you in that manner. ” Allen yelled at him and replied to him, “ You want to die? Who said about that kind of thing. I am going to give it to my fiancé. ” Josh replied immediately, “ Alright, boss. I will do that thing, first in the morning. ” Allen knew that Josh likes to tease him that’s why he didn't react to his teasing anymore. He knew that everyone tried their best to bring the old Allen back but what they don’t know is that, he have killed that small Allen by his own hands. He never wants to be that Allen anymore. He thought that he don’t want anyone, anymore but Amy’s existence changed that thing.  He mumbled in a low and husky voice, ‘ Well, love even if I don’t win your trust and love but I will make sure that at the end, you will be mine only. Your eyes, your lips, your body, your heart and even your soul. They all will belong only to me. ’ The next day at university Josh had bought the bouquet and already gave to Allen. He then left after delivering the bouquet. Allen was still waiting for Amy’s arrival. It was the first time that he was waiting for someone. After some time Amy arrived with Nia. They parked their car and when she got out of the car. She was welcomed by Allen. He presented her the red roses, with a smile on his face. He tried very hard, all night to practice a pleasant smile. So that his cold smile won’t appear, while gifting her the bouquet. Amy was shocked and terrified. She started to breathe heavily, when she saw the red roses. Her father memories rolled back to her. ********** (Flashback of Kate’s memories ) “ Father I swear, I didn’t steal the roses. They were just kept on the table and I wanted to just arrange them in the vase.” Squealed little Kate in a painful voice. Her father looked at her and said in a cold voice, “ You b***h, I should’ve killed you when you were infant. First, you lie then you stole. Your audacity is increasing day by day. ” He moved closer to her and grabbed her hands and then put the bouquet of roses in her hands and clenched her hands very tightly. The thorn priced her hands and then her hands started to bleed very badly. She cried very loudly and asked her father to stop but even after her pleading, he didn’t let go of her hands.  (Flashback ends ) ************ Amy came out of her bad memories and looked at the bouquet and Allen. She went pale and after that she ran away from their in some isolated place. Allen was shocked at her reaction. He blamed all this on Mike and swears to teach him a lesson but before that he moved to the direction to where Amy left. As to find her and ask her about, why she reacted that way. It's like she is broken just like him and still fighting from her bad memories. Whatever was the reason  Allen made sure that he will find it out soon. 
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