Till we meet again…

1619 Words
tara pov "Please... I will understand if you can't but promise me tara, just one last promise" I look into his eye as his cold hands hold onto mine clinging too me as I close my eyes for a second letting his last couple of words sink in, I know whats he's asking and he knows me so well that he's giving me an out. I open my eyes to meet his icy blue eyes staring back at me. I nod my head giving him a dying promise, I can see the light in his eyes slowly fade away as I look into them hoping for only a couple more seconds. "I promise, I promise. But please tell me everything is going to be ok, I need you to say those words to me" I am practically begging him to spit those words at me, I need to hear them and looking at him right now I know he's not going to give them me, he's always been this stubborn man but as my tears runs down my cheek I am not afraid to beg, I need him, I am no one without him. "Tara you know I cant give you those words but I will give you my last. You can never let me down, I l-l-... BANG! I hear and when I do I look up to see a waitress has dropped her tray on the floor, rolling my eyes I look back at the drink I am currently nursing for the past ten minutes trying to forget the worse day of my life, a nightmare that has corrupt my life spinning me three sixty even though that day was five years ago. Running a hand though my jet black hair where I kind of hate and love at the same time, its great during s*x when its being yanked but pulling my own hair when tossing and turning while sleeping isn't what I want. Puffing my cheeks I hear the seat being pulled back to my right and I don't even need to look up to know someone has taken the empty chair next to me, its been empty a while now. Looking down at my drink once again I hear a deep voice, I mixed of deep sexy and maybe an accent I think I hear, I don't need to look up to know the man looks like he's could be on a cover of the most good looking men in the world. Biting my lip till I feel blood I roll my tongue over the cut hoping its nothing deep as I am lost in my own mind. I am not in the best moods for company right now and it is currently showing "Thats dangerous" I hear and I turn to my right to see the man looking at me supporting a sexy smirk and I was correct as I look at this man up and down clearly checking him out as he does the same, his eyes move up and down before landing on my bare thighs seeing the spilt on the side that could reveal everything if I was so move slightly too the right. "Whats dangerous" I say biting my lip once again which he takes notice off as his eyes are currently watching my lips, if I didn't know better I would have guessed he is in his own thoughts right now between wanting to attack my lips or be a gentlemen and start a conversation first before needing to rip my clothes on and pin me against a wall. Like I would object though. "Being in your own thoughts, you lose the sight to see whats surrounding you" I hear he say knowing theres a hidden meaning in there somewhere but I take no notice off it as I look at him wondering where I actually want this too go considering I have shot every other poor bastard away with only a couple of words. As I look at him I wonder whats different from him then to the others and its got to be the way he holds himself the power radiates off him, he's wearing designer clothing and that watch isn't a knockoff. I notice his cufflinks also especially the way they shine against the lights above. I look at the man currently holding me captive with his eyes and my thoughts are getting wild with everything he can do with me and I am in two minds right now but why not throw caution to the wind for a night. "Make me forget then" is a threat wondering if he take the bait knowing I just need a carefree night to make me forget what I am being haunted by, knowing its the anniversary to that night I just need someone to take it all away. I look at him as he is debating the offer but before I have a chance to take it back the man is off the chair and holding his hand out, I look him up and down getting a better look now he's standing which he's got to be six foot four. I can handle myself thats not a problem but right now I'm wondering what he's got planned for me to forget. I take his hand and he leads me out the bar we were seating in, I had to sort my dress I am currently wearing knowing it is a little short but this man hasn't noticed or doesn't seem to care right now knowing he be the one to rip it off me. As we walk though the hotel I am expecting him to lead me up to his room however I was quick to amuse as he's leading me out a side door and down to a beach, when I asked for him to make me forget I didn't expect him to take me on a walk. I would class this as romantic with the night sky and the beach walk, I didn't see this coming and honestly I am caught int too mind, do I enjoy this and go with it or do I ask him to make me forget in another way. "I know what your thinking and don't, this is me trying not to take advantage of a women who just needs a night to relax" I hear him say taking his suit coat off and wrapping it around my arms, when he does I see him take a second glance at my dress shaking his head at himself as his eyes roam my body. When I think we will walk to the other end we don't and he stops in his tracks taking a seat on the beach which I do the same. When my eyes first connected with his I didn't take him for a gentlemen, I judged too quickly. "I don't think I have ever sat and watched the stars" I say speaking the truth as I look up to the stars feeling the night sky a little more now that we have stopped moving, I feel his gaze on me but I don't take my eyes off the stars actually enjoying the night, even the company isn't that bad I suppose. "I am happy to be your first, hopefully there could be many more" he says bumping his shoulder with mine as I smile for the first time tonight shaking my head. I look him in the eyes as he bites his own lip battling something but before he could do anything I look back at the sky like living in this moment. The stranger wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me in as I lean my head on him, I let myself go somehow trusting who I am currently sat with knowing this could kill me or make me feel alive. I just want to feel alive for a night. Opening my eyes I am overwhelmed by the brightness making me move my body more then usually to shield my eyes however what I didn't expect is too hear a groan from behind me making me freeze what I am doing. I feel an arm wrapped around my body holding me tightly like there afraid to let me go, I don't know why I didn't notice when I first woke up but as I look around I only just realise that we feel asleep watching the stars. "Carrying on moving that a*s against my groin and I will no longer be a gentleman" I bite my lip before jumping to my feet and looking around, I cant believe that just happened. Sorting my dress out I start to leave the stranger there however as I turn around I feel the man take a hold off my hand stopping me right in my tracks, I guess theres no such thing as a quick get away from this man. "Wait, meet me later please" I hear him ask looking into my eyes as he says it and I am debating it as I am here one more night. I feel something for him and he hasn't made a move yet. Looking at our hands that are still connected together before looking up to meet his eyes, I see something in those eyes that I haven't seen in years, fear. "I'll meet you" I say with a smile before leaving him standing there, I hold onto his jacket well aware it looks like I am doing the walk of shame but I don't care. After today I am aware we wont be seeing each other so I have nothing to lose especially when he's that easy on the eyes.
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