Unfamiliar place

647 Words
I wake and look around I’m in hospital but not one I’m familiar with, a doctor walks in and i let out a deathly growl to let him know to stay away, he looks at me while slowly walking to me hands in the air to show he is no threat. Doctor liam: “ hello, I’m liam I’m a doctor and I just wanted to check on your wounds your head was cracked open but your healing well”. I look at him give him a nod to let him know it’s ok “Where am I, where are my parents, is the pack ok, how many survived?” I have so many questions they just poured out. I look at liam and he has a sad Expression on his face. Liam: “you are in the night crescent pack” Ana- “what no”. The night crescent pack that’s the largest, strongest and most brutal pack in Australia, why am I here. Liam: “im sorry to inform you but alpha Damien left no survivors well except for you”. We hear a bang through the door there is a man about 6’4, dark black hair and chiselled jaw line he is absolutely gorgeous with his grey eyes to top it off I couldn’t help but stare in awe of him. He walks toward us with a serious look on his face now I’m starting to worry. Damien- “doctor how is she doing and when can I take her home” Liam- “alpha, she is doing a lot better you should be able to" I cut him off Ana- “take me home I’m not going anywhere with you I don’t even know you”. Then it hit me we are mates I remember him saying it before I passed out “I don’t care if I’m your mate I’m not going anywhere with you” He looks at me at first he looked hurt and then his eyes turn black with rage. He turns to liam “mind link me when she is ready to leave and not a minute later" Liam- “yes alpha" I try to contact my wolf snow but she is not responding what happened to her. I look to liam Ana- “I am trying to talk to my wolf but she isn’t responding what happened to her”. Liam- “she is fine just resting when your head hit the wall there was a piece sticking out and stabbed you and your head cracked open so she needs some time to heal”. “That man he did this to me, he killed my family, my pack he has destroyed my life and now what he expects me to be his loving mate" Liam-“ get some rest your head has mostly healed and you can leave tomorrow I will Inform alpha Damien and then you can ask him ok” he said with a small encouraging smile. I watch as liam leaves the room why would I ever go with him I need to leave, try and escape I get up from the bed my head is throbbing but that doesn’t stop me from walking over to the window I look open it slowly trying to not make noise just in case Someone is close by and without a second thought I jump out not realizing how big a fall this actually is. I land on trhe ground hard and hear a crack my arm is broken but that doesn’t stop me I run straight into the forest hoping I have enough time to escape.
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