Chapter 5

571 Words
SERAPHINA: He was perfect. That moment was perfect. So why did he leave me so quickly, and without a word? I’ve been abandoned by everyone I’ve ever known, so why does this one sting so profoundly? It was only a few minutes. And yet I find myself longing to go back to that perfect bubble of a moment. Shake it off, Seraphina, I tell myself. You're used to this by now. I have gone through my entire life being virtually invisible somehow. It seems like nobody even notices me unless they are literally right on top of me. I've given up on even raising my hand in some classes because the professors never call on me even if I'm frantically waving like a lunatic. I guess I'll just go back to being invisible, then. I gently place my guitar back in its case, fastening the rusted clasps carefully. It’s my only companion in this lonely world, and the only thing I can communicate with. I don’t know what I’d do without it. I sling the strap over my shoulder and gather my books. Suddenly an awkward boy bursts through the door behind me carrying an abnormally large portfolio under his arm. He runs straight into me, scattering his papers and all of my books in the snow. “Sorry,” he says. “I didn’t see you there.” He gathers up his things and proceeds on his way. I let out a resigned sigh as I pick up my books again, while holding back the tears. A girl can only take so much, right? I begin my solitary walk home, Dameon’s face wont leave me alone. The only thing that frightens me more than seeing him again is the thought of never seeing him again. I keep thinking about that look of longing I saw in his eyes. Did I imagine it? I enter the dormitory, hastily making my way to my room when I see Dameon’s best friend Lamia. She’s standing in the middle of the hallway, almost as if she was waiting for me. “What’s wrong with you?” She asks haughtily. “Nothing,” I answer as I stare at the floor. She’s so overwhelmingly beautiful and confident that I can’t even look her in the eye. That’s the caliber of woman who gets Dameon’s attention, not awkward and anxious girls like me. “I saw you talking to Dameon,” she says in a silky smooth voice. Oh no. She’s jealous. “I told you, it was nothing.” I tell her quickly, trying to get past. I don’t want her to think I’m getting in the way of whatever they have going on. “You know,” she says as she puts a hand on the wall, blocking my path, “If you need help talking to him, I’m just one door away.” My eyes grow wide, and I look up at her questioningly. Is she really willing to help me? No way, it has to be a trick. Besides, there’s no way he would genuinely be interested in me. He only has one thing on his mind, and it’s not conversation. My fragile mental health can’t deal with heartbreak by a playboy right now. Then again, that was a truly magical moment. “I’ll think about it,” I respond quickly as I duck under her arm. “Thanks, Lamia,” I smile meekly as I shut the door behind me.
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