Chapter 12

1090 Words

DAMEON: Uriel looks over the cliff and watches the downpour of rubble continue to rain over the infernal army. This i***t is scared out of his mind, like he’s never seen a battle before. Damnit, he says, we are going to die. We are all going to die. Yeah, we probably are. I answer. Unless I escape your body as you die, of course. Will you shut up? He snaps, holding his sword with a shaking hand. I need to concentrate. Concentrate? On what? Lusting after the mother of my child? The one who is ten feet away giving birth at the moment? No. I’m done, Uriel. You can die for all I care.I calmly answer him. Just remember to scream when you do. This chicken will scream sooner or later, which will allow me to escape. I’ll just bide my time until then. The mountain has stopped vibrating, so t

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