Chapter 8

910 Words
DAMEON: Today is the day. I don’t know how or when my father will arrive, but every second that ticks by makes my throat clench even tighter. I force myself out of bed and let out an exhausted groan. I’ve been looking forward to this day for so long, but now it makes my stomach turn. I should be excited to finally do something to earn my father's respect. He’s always looked down on me because of the human blood that runs in my veins, so this is my chance to prove myself. But all I can think about is Seraphina. Her eyes, her hair, and that smile. I look in the mirror, examining the dark bags under my eyes. I look like hell… literally. I comb back my unusually frumpy hair and splash some water on my face, then brace myself on the sink as I stare into the mirror at this strange reflection.  Asmodeus chose this host body for me, so I know little about the boy whose skin I inhabit. The girls seem very attracted to him, so I was grateful for the perverse diversions that provided. I can hear the human’s thoughts and memories mingling with my own, so assimilating into his life was easier than I expected. I feel him struggling inside of me at times though, pleading with me for freedom. A normal demon wouldn’t care, but I’m not a full demon. The voice tears me down a little more every day, and meeting Seraphina has drained what little strength I had left.  Despite my anguish, I cannot show weakness in front of Asmodeus. I need to replenish myself before he arrives. Demons feed on the negative energies of humans… fear, greed, anger, jealousy, they all are like a Thanksgiving feast to me. I have to seek out some discord as quickly as possible, or perhaps just create it myself. I snatch my leather jacket and swing it over my shoulders. As I grab the door handle I close my eyes and silently wish that Seraphina will once again be waiting for me on the other side. No such luck.  I am weak and famished as I reach the bookstore on campus. There is an impossibly long line of students waiting to purchase Christmas gifts for their families back home, but they all seem to be in good spirits. They won’t be for long.  I notice a couple standing hand-in-hand near the front of the line waiting to purchase matching scarves. Gag me with a spoon. I casually walk towards the register, and “accidentally” bump the girl’s arm. As she looks up at me I flash my million-dollar smile and gently touch her elbow with my fingertips. The girl visibly melts, and I can see the anger brewing in the boy’s eyes. The waves of negative vibrations begin to pulse around me. I move on to a hopeless cashier attempting to organize a display of Overmyer College mugs. I snap my fingers, and they all fall to the ground, shattering into thousands of pieces. The cashier lets out an exasperated groan, and grudgingly begins to pick up the mess. The energy is growing stronger. I see the manager walking in my direction. I muster all of my strength and lock gazes with him. He freezes in his tracks. Unblinking, I look into his soul and simply say “It’s been a horrible day, hasn’t it?”  “No, actually it’s gone very...” he begins to reply as his voice trails off. After a beat, he answers “Yes. Absolutely horrible,” in a robotic tone. He immediately turns to the cashier helplessly cleaning up the shattered mugs. “What the HELL were you thinking?!” He barks. She immediately bursts into tears, and the waves of poisoned energy swell around me.  The couple at the front of the line are speaking in harsh whispers while a cashier waits impatiently to ring them up. The others in line are growing impatient, telling the couple to move aside. As the arguments around me magnify in intensity, I inhale deeply, absorbing the power into every cell of my being. Immediately the dark circles under my eyes begin to fade. The color is restored to my skin. The unwitting humans around me begin to look tired and weak as I leech the power from their life forces.  The hellfire in my soul burns bright, and I know I am ready to meet with my father. I stand a little taller as I walk back across the lawn towards my room, striding confidently as I notice a group of girls staring at me and giggling. I smile seductively at them and continue happily on my way until I am forced to stop dead in my tracks.  There she is. Seraphina is on the other end of the lawn, running towards Overmyer Hall with books clutched to her body as if she’s seen a ghost. I notice her pause for a beat in front of the steps where we shared that magical moment just two days ago, and I can’t help but wonder if she is thinking about me. My human half is desperate to find out, so I gather my strength to chase after her.  Suddenly the crisp air around me becomes deathly cold, and the wind itself stops moving. A chill moves over my goosebumped skin as a deathly silence falls over the campus, and I know in my gut what is coming. An icy breath grazes the back of my neck. A familiar voice of velvet croons in my ear, “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
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