Chapter 4

2830 Words
Jake POV “No, he will pay for what he did. As God is my witness I will ruin him” I say and my mom steps around the counter “Jakey, calm down” she says but I shake my head “Mother, did you not see what she looked like?” I ask and her calm gaze looks me over “I did” “And that’s okay with you?” I ask and she sighs “No honey it’s not. My heart broke when I saw it, but we need to keep our heads on straight” she says and I groan “You not going to say anything?” I look at my dad but he just sits there with his stoic expression “Typical” I grunt and he clears his throat “Enough” he says and I look up “Enough? Enough? Dad it seems like I’m the only one that is pissed at what I saw. That wasn’t the first time either, he’s done it for years” I state and he sits back “Yes” he says and I run a frustrated hand through my hair “I need to get out” I say but my mom steps in front of me “Jake, staple your ass down or so help I’ll lasso you to that stool boy” she says and my body goes rigid. My mom doesn’t anger easily, but when she does, Satan better hide. “Yes ma’am” I say and sit back down she takes a few deep breaths before focusing her level gaze on me “I will say this only once, so listen up” she says and I nod “Your sister, for whatever reason beyond our comprehension, decided to stay with him. I knew there was something wrong, I knew she was lying when she brushed it off claiming it to be stunts but none of us did any digging” she says and I go cold. s**t she’s right “Now, the damage has been done. He’s out to ruin her and this family for good. So we need to be calm and think of all the options, anger won’t solve anything” she says and I glance at my dad, pride shining in his eyes as he looks at her lovingly “I hear you mom I do-“ “No Jacob, this matter will be dealt with in the most amicable fashion possible. Do not, and I repeat, do not confront him. I understand you’re angry, I was angry as hell but we need not give him anymore reason or ammunition. Am I understood?” she asks and I nod “Yes ma’am” I say and she steps closer “He will pay, I promise you. If it’s the last thing I do, but we have so much more to worry about than just her reputation. The company and our family is at stake, I don’t blame her, but somehow she got herself in this mess. Now we’re Farrow’s we defend our own” she says and I nod “Yes ma’am” “We received the lawsuit; the lawyers are busy with a counter suit. Best we let them do what they do best” my dad finally speaks and I nod “Yes sir” “Son, I am so proud of you for trying to defend her, and maybe someday she’ll repay you. But she needs us more than ever, we need each other” mom says cupping my face and I nod “I still want to shove his head up his ass” I say and she chuckles “The things I thought of doing to him is not worth repeating, I understand. But in this case we can’t fight fire with fire” she says, her soft eyes searching mine “I know” my shoulders slump and I take off my tie. I hate him “Good, now let’s call her, she will be up” mom says happily and video calls Rory, it rings a few times before her beautiful face floods the screen “Hello my dear family!” she says happily and I smile. She’s always been like this, so happy and carefree. I’m the brooding one, but she always sees the best in everything and everyone, unfortunately “Hello Starlight” my dad says, his voice soft “Hey daddy, how are you?” I can see she’s ashamed speaking to him. She still blames herself, dammit “We’re doing great honey” he says and she looks at me “Hey goof” “Hey Ror” I say and she frowns “You cool?” she knows me better than anyone alive “Yup, just tired” I say and she narrows her eyes at me “Mom, he’s lying. Slap him” she says and I chuckle “Say it to my face” “Just did” “Nerd” “Goofball” “Okay, calm down” mom says smiling “How are you sweetheart?” mom asks and she tells us about her time on the ranch, we laugh when she tells us about the chicken incident “That bird hates me” she says and mom wipes at her tears “I’m glad you’re having a good time” she says “Yeah, just wish the old man would let me get him some help” she says and we still “Why? What happened?” mom asks, a tinge of panic in her voice “Nothing, he’s just getting old you know?” “He’s stubborn darling” “He had someone, but he left, something about business. Anyway I am going to stay for a few more weeks, he can use the help and I need to get my head clear before I face anyone back home” she says and I nod “Awesome, more peace and quiet” I joke and she sticks out her tongue “You miss me” “Not yet” “Aww but brother, I’m your other half” she says batting her eyes and we chuckle. She’s not wrong “Urgh, please. You miss me more” I say and she laughs “I do miss you. There’s no one to tease relentlessly for brooding here” she says and I laugh “I don’t brood” “Oh yes you do, mister broody-mcbroody-pants” “Stop” I groan and she giggles. I would do anything to see her like this. That morning when I confronted her my heart broke, the way she flinched when I moved, her eyes when my anger flared and the worst of all the way she cowered and covered her head when I yelled, I was angry but all I wanted to do was take her in my arms and hug the pain, fear and insecurities away “Okay guys, love you” she says and I look back at her. Her eyes meet mine and I see it, she’s still scared. I want to rip him limb from limb now “Love you honey” “Love you Starlight” “Jakey?” “Yeah okay fine, I love you” I say and she giggles “Good night guys” she says and the screen goes dark. I greet my parents and saunter to my room. I take a shower and look at myself in the mirror. If I only kicked his ass that night at the club, I knew she was scared of him but like always she talked me down and still left with the i***t. He probably beat her then too. f**k! I hate him, he hurt her. He had her and he hurt her. She’s so caring and kind, she even took off a month from her shoot to console me when Lisa died. She sat with me for days, making sure I ate, took a shower and finally after a long time she came over and helped me clean out Lisa’s stuff. I knew she was hurting too, she loved Lisa, but she kept up her chirpy demeanour making sure that when it got too much for me, that I could take a break. She gave everything to charity, made sure our apartment was cleaned and rented out all while working. He had that and he dared lay his hands on her “I hate Leroy Morris” I growl out and slam the bathroom door behind me. I get into bed switching off the light I stare at the ceiling “I’m going to kill him” I grunt turning on my side   Dawn POV “Good morning” Pops says as I join him in the kitchen “Hey Pops” I say kissing his cheek. I pour us coffee and take a seat. Getting up at 4am has become part of me now, it’s been almost two months since I came here and I have learnt how to be a rancher, well okay maybe a ranch hand at best, but I love it “So we need to make sure the cattle are out in pasture before dawn” he says and I nod “Yup” “Get the horse and make sure it’s done” he says and I look up “Where are you going?” “To the city, need to go to the bank” he says and I frown “Everything okay?” I ask and he nods smiling “Perfect. Love ya pickle” he says kissing my head “Love you Pops, drive safe” I say and he nods grabbing his hat and heads out the door. I make my way out the door and take a deep breath of the crisp morning air “Well Colt, looks like it’s just you and me buddy” I say and he yawns sitting up “So let’s get going” I say and he gets up following me to the stables. I saddle up the horse and head to the back of the barn “Good morning ladies” I greet the cattle happily and they moo in response “Yes I know, those fields do look delectable don’t they?” I say opening the gate. I mount the horse and follow them out. Leisurely following behind them I look out at the mountains as the sun starts to rise “Isn’t it beautiful Colt?” I ask but he just jogs looking around the field “I must be honest, I miss my family terribly, but being here has given me something else you know?” I ask and look down at his big black body “No I guess you don’t” I say and jump off to open the gate. They saunter through and I close it, mounting the horse again I turn back to the house “Colt, come on” I call and he darts past me “Crazy dog” I laugh and make my way back. I unsaddle the horse, feed the pigs and then it’s me and those damn chickens, well only one. She still hates me, hasn’t attacked me since last week Tuesday, so I guess she’s warming up to me. I gently take out the eggs, starting with the evil spawn “That’s it, nice and easy” I whisper as I retreat out the door and close it gently. I do a little happy dance looking at the chickens “See, I’m as good as Pops” I chant proudly and walk to the kitchen. Later that afternoon I’m busy with some emails when Pops pulls up and I see a lady with him “Hey Pops” I say happily pocketing my phone “Hey pickle” he says and kisses my head. The lady rounds the truck and gasps when she sees me “Oh my!” she exclaims and hurries over, I stand there trying to figure out where I know her from “Well little Rory as I live and breathe” she says cupping my face and I just smile at her “Hi” I say still trying to figure out who she is. I know her, I just can’t place her “You don’t remember me do you?” she asks and I blush slightly “No I-“ “Oh hush, you where yay high when you last saw me” she says, brushing my hair off my shoulder. Who is she? “Lou-Anne Peterson” she says smiling and I click “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. How have you been?” I ask wrapping her up in a hug “Blessed. Let me look at you” she says stepping back scanning me from head to toe. Do they not know how awkward this is for people, I feel like a prize pony “Oh my, Joe you have been hiding this jewel from us?” she says over her shoulder and he nods turning to the house with the groceries in hand “No Mrs Peterson, he hasn’t” I say and she turns back to me “Oh hush, you can call me Lou” “Of course, sorry I didn’t know we were having company over, I look awful” I say but she chuckles “Oh please, when you get to be my age, everyone is beautiful” she says holding my gaze. She’s like the hip grandma type. Her hair is short, she wears no makeup, not that she needs it. She has aged very gracefully, still has her figure, and she looks amazing in jeans and cowboy boots “You look amazing, as always” I say and she slaps my arm, I flinch at the sudden movement and her face falls “You all right?” she asks, a knowing look in her eyes “Oh yeah, I’m great. Come on, let’s get something to drink” I say happily she nods but I can feel her eyes on me as we walk up to the house. Wonderful, I need to stop that, stop being scared “So what brings you around Lou?” I ask pouring us some lemonade “He does” she says and I glance at Pops, he has a slight tinge on his cheeks and I nod “Oh does he now? Anything else he does?” I ask jokingly handing her the drink “Well, not yet” she says rolling her eyes and I almost choke “Okay Lou-Anne” he groans and I glance between them “Oh are you dating?” I ask excitedly. He starts to open his mouth but she beats him to it “I am, not sure what he’s doing” she says and I choke. Slapping my chest as I laugh while choking “That’s great guys” I say and he’s now as red as beetroot “Yes well… I reckon it’s time” he says and I look at her. She looks at him lovingly and I smile “Has it been long?” I ask and she shrugs “Took him a decade to muster up the courage to ask me for a drink, so yeah it’s been a while” she says smiling behind her glass, a playful glint in her eyes. I nudge his shoulder “You sneaky stallion you” I joke and he groans “Won’t know about that. Guess I’m going to die without knowing at his pace” she says and I topple over laughing “Lou!” he says but she just shrugs “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. I need to go check on the uhm… the uh… fences yes that’s it” I say standing and walking away, her laughter following me as I walk away. When I round the barn I glance back, he moved closer to her and is holding her hand. Awe so cute
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