A Terrible Discovery

502 Words
Kriish Tallium was concerned, he had revised that data several times and there was no way to change his result, his calculations could not be wrong. Although he would prefer that than having to confront the truth that hurt his pump [Heart]. Yes, it really hurt him, because he loved his race and his planet. And because of that feeling that he had for everyone, he would have to do something to help them. And it could not take long, because if there was an error in his calculations, it was about the tempus [Time] that they would have to escape the approaching cataclysm. He thought about it a little more, almost reviewing his calculations, and what was wrong would be discovered now. But no, he would not waste another moment, he was more than confirmed that he had not made a mistake. He got up from his seat and before his composite gas screen [Advanced monitor] dissipated he made a decision. He would speak to his brother the greatest authority on the entire planet, Emperor Kriish g*n Kallium. He walked through his chambers, opened a door with the simple touch of a hand, and reached the corridors that would lead him to an imposing-looking staircase, which in turn would leave him very close to the gates of the main entrance to the royal palace. He looked at everything in awe of his own ability each time he took that route. He avoided a long ride and only he was allowed to reach the throne to visit his brother without having to announce himself. After all, not only had he designed the whole palace, he had also accompanied all its construction from the foundations to the ceiling. If it could be described that way, because at each turn in the controls of the royal room, a new covering appeared overlapping the first until it reached the emperor's taste. He looked confident that this was not a simple palace, but a real fortress. Not that there were deadly weapons everywhere you looked, but the thickness of the walls and the material in which it had been made gave him the certainty that no other planet could do the same or better. And with regard to security, a cry of alarm was more than enough for hundreds of well-trained slave warriors to be captured on distant planets, wearing obedience collars, willing to sacrifice themselves at any cost for the emperor. Not to mention the countless royal soldiers gliding in their clothes, like leaves in the Arzio [air]. Kriish Tallium was also proud of that part, he abhorred loud noises, especially those made with weapons that he had developed, to defend them from a possible invasion of his planet. He knew that his race was more than a warrior race, but staying cautious was always his motto. Finally, wide and tall gates opened, each running to one side, going towards the wall, letting it pass so that they could then close, causing a serious noise.
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