Ready To Go

326 Words
Author: Kall.Berti Editor & Translator: Shaduum Shangrall had not been long, and her biological father, Tallium was already showing a beautiful smile before he even saw her again. _Yeah ... She came back! She managed to escape or bend the emperor. He grunted to himself as he continued to meet her. _I didn't say it wouldn't take long. _It is true, you said. Now come in for a bite to eat, because we'll be on our way soon. _I am not hungry father, and I would be grateful if you are already ready for us to leave now. _And why such a hurry? _You know the emperor and know that with him all the care is still little. _I understand, so come on, let's not lose more tempus _You did not ask for acquisition for a naveta, did you? _No ... I prefer to use the resources of a common inhabitant. And since you didn't want me to order a shuttle myself, I thought it would be a really good idea for us to go another way. _Don't you ever use your Magnâni Status? She asked, already sorry for having given a very bad idea and for her father to have accepted it. _Only when necessary, preferably when purchasing parts for machine modulations or transferring them. Other than that, I see no reason to use such a gift. _But you are the emperor's brother. _Yes, but I am not the emperor. If it's something my brother should never be concerned about, it's possible competition. _But using Status Magnâni is normal for us who are part of the imperial family. _I never consider myself special enough to use my imperial influence to obtain my own benefits. _If you do not have this custom, I respect it, but I will show you how good it is and how it can be useful to us on our planet and even more useful, on the planets that are already conquered.
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