Green Eyes

2999 Words
MARAH’S POV   “Marah, remember Dad wants me home by 10 tonight.  Think you can drive any faster?” asks Mylisha sitting beside me in the front seat with Kara smashed against the door and window.  “Thank Goddess it’s almost 9:30 so I can breathe again Mylisha. Why can’t you sit in the back seat like the third wheel you are?” smirked Kara. She knows we’re always besties.  “Kara, bite me!  Then again, don’t.  I wouldn’t want there to be any kinky talk about us especially since you’re spending the night weirdo.” We then burst into laughter as we turned up the radio and made our way back and forth through human’s world over and over and over.  I have no clue what is so enticing about seeing other cars.  It’s like a popularity contest to see who can ride with who and be seen together.  Oh well, I guess it can be fun in a way.  It’s what teenagers, both human and werewolf, seem to do in this tiny town. Plus, it gives me time with my new baby, slick and sleek blue Mercedes. When I pass by, most heads turn to see my baby.  Us girls spent a good hour or so making sure that she was squeaky clean.  Kara says she’s the color of my eyes.   Mylisha suddenly squeals making me slam on my breaks.  I can hear a car behind me honking. Great!  Now I look like an i***t.  I look at Mylisha who is gawking at someone and totally unaware of her actions.  I start pulling away as she BEGS me to make another pass and pull into Burger King.  “Mylisha, didn’t you just say that you needed to be home?  I mean, Gamma Bradley won’t be happy, REMEMBER?” I said with an emphasis on remember.  “Yes, but please just one quick turn and then we go!  You’ll only have to go like 5 mph faster than normal.”  It’s not like I drive slow anyways!  “Okay but you owe me one!” If I hadn’t made this quick turn around the block then I would have had to listen to her whine the entire way back to her house.   As I turn the corner and pull into the lot, I lose all focus.  There in front of me is the most gorgeous Greek god I have ever seen.  I stop as Mylisha jumps in the back seat and motions for Mr. Greek God to come to her window.  As he walks towards the car, I know I had to have drooled.  I was mesmerized by a human. WTH?  “Hi, I’m Lucas.  I was watching as you almost got ass ended”, he said with the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.  Mylisha who is never without words throws me to the wolves by saying, “Marah here can’t drive.  Want to ride with us as she takes me home?” Wait, what????? “Mylisha you know I’m spending the night with a friend I met a few weeks ago.  I can’t hang out at your house plus I’m sure gammm….Mr. Bradley won’t be happy with me.”  She rolls her eyes, “Marah, you drive, you drop Kara and I off a block or so away, you return Lucas to this very spot and then meet your friend.” Kara shrugs, “sounds okay with me”.  I instantly look at Kara with my eyes wide and get a feeling like I’m being mind-linked.  Oh great, driving while mind-linking and not having much experience.  “What?” I almost scream. Kara laughs, “Hey, just drive us there and then drop the human back off at the place you found him.  Mylisha won’t even remember his name once we get back to the house.  You know how she can be; she just wants some attention.”    I pull away with Mylisha in the backseat giggling like well, a schoolgirl.  Since we all just turned 16 in the last year then that’s what we are. I still can’t believe some random guy gets in my car and then I start to giggle because he’s human in a car with werewolves.  At this point, it should be him scared to death. “Nothing” I say as the others look at me with a hint of question in their minds.  See, I’m young Alpha I don’t just giggle for any reason.    We’re about 5 minutes from Gamma Bradley’s house and I don’t hear much from my back seat.  Another great! They must be kissing and who even knows what else.  I glance in the rear-view mirror to see the most beautiful green eyes staring at me. I feel my heart increase and I can’t look away except I have to watch the road.  I look back again and see Mylisha wrapped against Lucas trying to attack his neck. I snarl without knowing. Kara and Mylisha tense and look at me.  Both simultaneously link, “What’s wrong?”.  “Um, nothing.  I’m not sure where that came from. Sorry, I’m just anxious to meet up with Larissa.  She seems really nice – even for a ‘human’.” Kara pipes in, “Be careful!  We know you will but it sounds like the advice the future beta female should offer up”.  Goddess I love Kara. She would protect me until the end of time.  So would Mylisha, even though she’s more interested in the male anatomy now days.  She’s the horniest she-wolf around apparently.   We pull up at the end of the street, Mylisha goes for the mouth but I notice Lucas turns so her lips end up on his cheek. Strange since Mylisha is petite, brown eyes, brown hair and model gorgeous.  She’s shrugs saying, “It was nice to meet you Logan, see you around” and jumps out not thinking twice about calling him the wrong name.  Kara exits the car and shakes her head at me and him.  In an instance, Lucas jumps from the back seat and into the front.  Oh boy! Let’s get him back to his spot at Burger King as quick as we can.   “Wanna hang out?” Lucas says.  “Um, sure I guess” I say.  Where oh where did that come from.  I’m young Alpha and pure bred. I don’t sound skittish, I don’t do bashful, and I don’t do human guys.  Well, I’ve actually not done werewolf guys either. Or girls. Oh stop! See, I’m off my element. Why did I say yes.  I need to pull into Burger King, dump this guy and head to meet my friend Larissa.  She’s on a date but supposed to be with me as far as her Dad and stepmother know. Although, that’s still a couple of hours or so from now so what would it hurt to ride around with Mr. Greek god Lucas.   “Marah is it?” smiles Lucas.  Goddess yes I think as I hear my name and look at those delicious lips. “Yes” I say and lick my bottom lip and then bite. Wait, what am I doing?  “Well turn down this road.  I sometimes fish in the river by the railroad tracks.  It’s quiet there and you can see pretty well because of the full moon tonight.” I shake my head and comply while giving out a small moan. Oh Goddess no I didn’t just moan.   We arrive at the site and it is beautiful.  In the distance you see lights from the tiny town. The river is sparkling in the moon light.  It’s summer and the crickets are sounding in rhythm.  It is stunning.  The windows are down, the radio is turned low but loud enough, so it isn’t awkward: everything is perfect.  I’m breathing heavy and nervous. Lucas leans, turns my head towards him and peppers my lips with the softest lips I’ve seen and felt.  I always imagined lips like those as my first kiss.  Our lips move together, he nips my bottom lip to enter and our tongues tangle together with magic.  I’m getting so hot that I panic and need out of my own car.   Lucas reacts and meets me at the front of the car.  I’m leaned against it and just trying to steady my breathing as well as my shaking legs.  “Hey, I’m really sorry.  I didn’t mean to be so forward.  You’re just so beautiful and I had to taste those sexy lips.” I just look at him.  The only thing I say is, “I thought you liked Mylisha”.  He reached in with his hand and touched my cheek. It was so romantic. His lips neared mine again and right before touching he whispered, “I only got in the car so I could be closer to you.”   My brain can’t process anything.  My wolf and I only started talking a few months ago and the subject of mating hasn’t even been discussed. What am I doing Maya? I don’t know, but I like it. Aren’t you supposed to talk me out of this?  I mean, we have a mate out there.  But this feels so right. He’s making me feel…. butterflies. Girl have some fun. If you think a mate is going to wait on us then you’re crazy. Maybe like several hundred generations ago but not now. Stop talking to me and let me enjoy too. Umm, not what I expected.   Lucas pulls away and sees my hesitation. I can’t move, I can’t breathe, I can’t think.  This ‘human’ is in front of me. He is just a little taller than me so around 5’11”, short blonde hair, mesmerizing green eyes, straight white teeth, tanned skin, I can see the outline of his toned abs through his white tight t-shirt that’s tucked into cargo shorts and what is pushed up against my thigh?  I inhale and he smells so good like a dripping white chocolate covered strawberry and the smell of the ocean.  I know it’s a crazy combination but one of my favorites.  He grabs my thighs and pushes me back on the hood of my car while he leans into me and deepens the kiss.  His kiss alone makes me feel like I’m on fire and need more of his touch.  I instinctively reach to the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head.  Wow!  How is it possible that he is not a werewolf?  He is rock hard with a smooth chest and a v that leads to heaven if I’m guessing correct.   He makes his was down my neck sucking, kissing and licking.  He finds my marking spot and spends a great deal of time being so gentle there and sending me into delirium. He raises my tank top and glares at me.  Oh no, I’m so self-conscience about my body.  I’m not a tiny and petite person like Mylisha. I’m about 5’9” and curvy.  I start to cover myself and he moves my arms and dives into my medium sized breast.  He whispers, “beautiful” while his tongue is tasting every inch.  My n*****s are so hard they could cut diamonds. I’m moaning and arching my back.  I’m withering at this intense new feeling. Lucas is moving his hands all over my top, my back, my hair and finally unbuttoning my jean shorts.  Is this really happening? OMG! He just slipped my shorts off and is cupping me and running his fingers across my lower lips.  I’m a moaning mess.  I have not an ounce of willpower to stop him.  His lips move down my stomach while his eyes never leave mine. His kissing is hard then deep then soft and then alternating.  I am so wet.  I’ve never felt this need before.   I don’t know when he removed my thong, but I felt his lips right above my opening.  My thighs were still close together. He spread them and stood there admiring what lays in front of him. The lust in his eyes was unmistaken. I was propped up on my elbows leaning in for another kiss.  He made the same move and kissed me with so much emotion and need.  He left my lips, ran his tongue over my chin, between my breast, over each hip until landing on my sweet spot.  I screamed, “Oh my Goddess”.  This sensation was like nothing that I ever imagined, and I trembled.  The feel of his tongue alternating between sucking, licking and rubbing my clit was euphoric. When I didn’t think I was going to last much longer, he gently slid in a finger. Ah, his fingers swirled and was doing unimaginable things to the inside of my body. I swear his moan vibrated and that’s all it took.  My walls tightened, the shaking, the unbelievable orgasm filled all my senses, and I couldn’t control my own body. I held my hands around his head as I pushed my sweat spot so I could ride out this intensity.   I moved back on my hood and pulled him to me.  I was outside of myself. As I laid back Lucas towered over me. I arched my back and he instinctively knew to kiss my n*****s and push his pelvis against mine.  Oh Goddess, am I ready?  He had already unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, so I was able to push his shorts and boxers down enough that they fell on the ground.  He laid on top of me with his gigantic um package resting on top of my stomach.  He kissed me and asked if I was sure.  I nodded yes.  He lined up with my opening and moaned in my ear, “so tight I don’t know if you can take this or if I’m going to blow right now. OMG! Marah!  I’m going to push a little harder ok?” Again, I shook my head yes.  As he pushed past my virginity, I scream out in pain.  It was unbearable and agonizing.  I felt like my insides were being ripped apart. My hands were digging into his back as I was trying to pull away but also relax at the same time.  He stopped moving for the longest time. He let me adjust and relax and then finally started moving slowly back and forth. “f**k you feel so good!” At all times, he was still kissing and leaving hickies all over my shoulders and breasts.  He made sure to pleasure all of me.  As the need grew, he picked up pace.  I wrapped my legs around his waist as he sent so much pleasure through me that I moaned uncontrollably.  Our moans filled the night air.  We were one and the entire universe was in sync. Our bodies bounced and pleasured each other.  This is it I’m losing my witts again and having another orgasm that is epic.  The pulses run through me as I felt him cumming. This was magnificent. “Ah Lucas,” I groaned.   We were drenched with sweat.  He lay on top of me and continued to kiss me so sensually.  Finally, he pulled out of me and slid off my hood.  He handed me my clothes and I followed in his getting dressed quietly.  He suddenly questioned, “Did you say Oh Goddess”?  Oh s**t, oh s**t, what do I say, what do I say.  Shyly I replied, “I said Oh God Yes” and blushed.  Good cover Marah!  He then asked, “were you a virgin?”  Well, no s**t sherlock! Duh!  But I just shook my head yes and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me like I had given him the best gift ever.   “What time is it” I asked.  “12:30” he replied.  “I promised to meet my friend at 12:30 so I guess we should be going.” I spoke.  He shook his head and said, “The witch wants me home by 1 anyways so I’ll have to be going as well.”  Witch? Wait, I thought those were only fairytales.  Is he a warlock?  Or is a family member a witch?  What have I gotten myself into?  He must have noticed my shocked face and he started laughing. “Witch being my stepmother not a girlfriend or anything like that.”  Oh, what a relief. “So, what’s your friend’s name?  Maybe I know her?”  I smiled and said, “Larissa Turner, do you know her?”  His face went into a look of shock.  Oh no, ex maybe? Or maybe still his girl?  Here goes my panic.  He says, “My sister?”   
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