Chapter 1

875 Words
Manav POV It's been five years. Five years since I last saw her. Five years since I broke her heart. Five years since I last heard her voice. I love her with all my heart. Only I know how I was this whole time. Dead. She was my source of light. But now the wait is over. I am Manav. Manav Singhania. CEO of the leading automobiles company Acro Corporation. I came to NY leaving my love alone in India due to my asshole of a father. He made a deal with me. Either go to NY or see him wretch my love's whole family. I can't see her wretched. So I complied with my father's demands. Now after five years of hardship, I overthrew him from his own company. Now no one can stop me from going to my love Aditi, my life, and I met in our engineering college. She was the feisty but sweet girl. I, well I was the playboy. My asshole of a father, actually my step-father, never liked me. In fact he hated me. Although he loved my mother but he never loved me. After my actual father's death, my step-father somehow managed to convince my grandpa to remarry his daughter aka my mom to him. After a few years of their marriage, my mom met with an accident and voila my step-father started his Hitler rules on me. But not anymore. He don't have any power on me now. Today I can go to my penthouse and look through all of her messages. I finished my work fast today and raced my car to my penthouse. Upon reaching there, I ran to my room. I live here all alone. Just a cook and a maid and a few security. I didn't bother changing and started opening her messages. "Hey, Manav. Where are you?" "Manav?" "Hey, you are not coming to college. Why?" "Do you regret what happened?" "Manav what am I hearing? You went to NY?" "MANAV ANSWER ME" Damn, she was angry. Of course, she would be. "Manav what happened? Please answer me." "What does this mean Manav?" "Manav please I am begging you." This broke my heart. I don't want her to beg. I should be the one begging her. And I surely will. I will make sure that I beg for her forgiveness completely. "So I guess this was the end? You got what you wanted, didn't you? You coward. What was I? A bet. Was there anything truth to what you told me this whole year? OR was everything a facade?" No Baby. Everything. Everything I said, I did was all true. My love for you was all true. You are right I am a coward but not anymore. Baby, I am coming back for you "Wow, although I know you are not gonna see this message either, but I need to say it. Wow, Manav Singhania. Wow. The chocolate boy. Huh? New model in your arms every day. I don't know why I even went out with you. I was stupid. I knew you were trouble. I knew that you would shatter me. Still. Still, I went out with you. I guess this my punishment. And I deserve it anyway for loving you." This message broke my heart. I know the magazines made it looked bad. And I knew that this would be the only reaction I will get from her. But still. A little part of me still hoped that maybe she didn't saw the news. Maybe. But who am I kidding? My Aditi is a big fan of politics. Of course, she will watch the news. "Manav it's the last message you will ever get from me... Haha, good riddance right? Well, it's been six months. Six months since you and me if there was any. I hope you enjoy your life there. I hope I never meet you again. I hope I never met you. I hope I can find a guy who can make me believe that not all guys are Manav Singhania. Not all guys will break my heart. I just hope that I can forget you. Forget everything related to you. Goodbye" No baby, it's not goodbye. It's welcome back. No other guy can make you feel what I made you feel. I will not allow it. You are right there is no other Manav Singhania. Your Manav Singhania. I am coming back to India. And I will make sure that this time you will be my wife. Even if I have to force you. I love you. And you are not allowed to love anyone else. You are Manav Singhania's Aditi. You are mine. You are Aditi Manav Singhania. I will make sure of it. With this determination, I changed and went to sleep. Tomorrow early morning I have a flight to India. I need my rest perfectly. I am coming for you, Aditi. Many of you might be thinking, how Aditi and I met? how long were we in a relationship? what actually happened between us? Why am I in NY going around with models and actresses while she is in India? Well here's our story. Our love story
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