Chapter 27: Captain Ajax Cassini.

1452 Words

Understand that it's okay to be scared. It's okay to want to shrink away and hide because you fear disappointing other people. It's okay to simply be human, without being brave, without faking courage. It's okay to not want to do things even if you're the only person capable of doing those things. Existing itself is a chore we humans are burdened with. And we're dealing just fine with that, aren't we? If that doesn't make us brave, then what will? But Ajax Cassini didn't really understand that. No. For most of his life, he had felt pressurized to do things he didn't have the courage for. Getting a higher grade, being more stereotypically masculine, stepping up to challenges like a knight in shining armor... There were things that he was truly passionate about; things he found safety and

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