¤Where it all started¤

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Grey heard the hurried footsteps running towards his wing, a voice calling out his name, he could hear the fear in their voice; he wondered what was happening. Was his mansion being attacked? He put on his jacket as his eyes turned oxblood red, his claws extended, and he turned half-wolf. Grey was ready for battle. “Alpha Grey! Alpha Grey!”, The omega maid yelled out, charging into his wing, but she was stopped by his Gamma. “Hold it, why do you seek the audience of the Alpha?”, Gamma Ashley asked. “Luna Eleanor is in labor! She is about to give birth”, the Omega announced. Grey rushed out as he heard the words of the omega. “How is my wife?”, he inquired. The omega quickly took a bow to show her respect before answering. “She asked me to call you Alpha Grey. She has refused to push, not until you grace her with your presence”, the Omega explained. Grey brushed off the omega and ran towards Eleanor's wing, his heartbeat rapidly increasing as he got closer to Luna's wing. “I'm here my love, I'm here”, Grey quickly sat beside her and held her hands, placing a kiss on them. “My love, he is on his way, your son is on his way”, Eleanor spoke softly, even with the pain she was passing through. She still smiled at her husband, her one true love, the one who had made her a woman. “Shush, don't waste your strength, you can do this, you are the strongest woman that I have come in contact with. You can do this, my love, just one push, and our son will be with us”, Grey encouraged his woman as he held her hands tightly. The memories of the night they had spent together that led to this moment flashed back into his mind, his heart swelled with love for her. “Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!”, Eleanor roared as she made the last push with all her strength. Suddenly, the sound of a crying baby filled the air. “My love, yes you did it”, Grey gasped as the nurse handed over the child to him. He couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as he held the child to Eleanor for her to take a glance before cleaning him up. “He looks just like you”, Eleanor smiled at her son. She was overjoyed. Finally, she had given him an heir to his empire. She was no longer the heirless Luna. The nurses came and collected the baby from her, so they could clean him up and asked Alpha Grey if he could excuse them, so they could clean up Eleanor too and finish up. Grey didn't hesitate and left, he hummed as he walked to his wing, he was finally a father, he said in his heart. He ordered his Beta to inform the pack about this good news. Everyone should come and celebrate with him. Those were his words. Grey went into his closet and started searching for what to wear on this auspicious day. He kept humming his favorite song as he searched through his closet until Gamma Ashley came to inform him that he had a visitor. “What is it, Ashley, can't you see I'm busy getting ready?”, Grey questioned and stopped what he was doing. “I'm sorry Alpha, but Zephyr is here to see you”, Ashley relayed to him. Zephyr? He was shocked. Why would she go through the stress of coming down when she could just call and relay whatever news she had to me? Zephyr came from a family of sorceresses who had served the Grey family from generation to generation. For that reason, she was well respected, and her words were like a testament to Grey. He doesn't do anything without consulting her first. Whatever she said was final to him, he didn't question her judgment, the power she held in the silver Crimson pack was immaculate. Oh, she was also his mistress. “Zephyr, the most beautiful of all”, he showered her with praise. “Now is not the time to butter me with praises, Alpha Grey, your life and everything you have worked for is at stake, and we must do something about it”, Zephyr said with a stern look. It seemed it was serious. “What is it? I have just been blessed with a son by the moon goddess, Zephyr. You should be happy for me”, Grey went back to getting dressed. He wasn't too concerned about what Zephyr had to say. “He is not a blessing to you Grey, he is a curse, your doom, he will kill you with his bare hands and destroy everything you have built, that is his destiny”, Zephyr revealed the prophecy she had gotten from the goddess. Grey was taken aback by this revelation. How can this be? He had been looking for a child for the past ten years and now that he had one, he was being told a stupid prophecy? “Zephyr, I knew you were jealous of my relationship with Eleanor, but I never thought you would stoop so low”, Grey was disappointed at her character. “Grey, you have to believe me, I would never stoop so low, I care about you and that's why I'm saying this to you. It broke my heart when I received the prophecy, but who am I to question the moon goddess?”, Zephyr sobbed and pleaded with Grey to see reasons and take the prophecy seriously. "No, this can't happen, I don't believe you, the moon goddess can't be so cruel to Eleanor and me. We have prayed to her and cried countless nights on our knees, so why would she give me a cursed child?”, Alpha Grey bellowed, his voice laced with pain. Beta Oliver ran in breathing heavily, which interrupted the conversation between Grey and Zephyr and, from the look on his face, something was definitely wrong. “What is it Oliver?”, Alpha Grey asked nonchalantly. At this very moment, no news would shock him like that of Zephyr. “Some of our smaller groups are being attacked and not only that, but we also lost the bidding for the Luminarylia contract”, Beta Oliver informed. “What is going on? Who dares attack my pack and I thought we had that contract. We just needed to sign the papers, what happened Oliver?”, Alpha Grey asked, confused, he couldn't understand why all this was happening at the same time. “Alpha Grey, the forest is on fire, nobody knows where it came from, we are trying everything to quench it but to no avail”, one of the members of his pack informed him as he ran into the room too, bending to catch his breath. “It's already happening, you still doubt me?”, Zephyr pushed further. “It is just a mere coincidence, Zephyr, it has nothing to do with my son”, Alpha Grey insisted. He wasn't willing to accept the so-called prophecy. “Call a meeting with the council of elders, we need to get to the root of what is happening”, Alpha Grey ordered his Beta, but Zephyr stopped Oliver from doing so. “There is no need for that, I have already called a meeting. They should be here by now”, Zephyr revealed. Alpha Grey walked out of the room, ignoring Zephyr. He was pissed that she had called a meeting with the council of elders without his consent, but then again, he was the one who gave her such power, so he was to blame for her attitude. He finally arrived in the hall where the council of elders had already gathered. He stood for a second and observed the elders before walking into the hall. The moment the elders were aware of his presence, they stood up and bowed to greet him. “You can take your seats”, Alpha Grey said as he took his seat and leaned back into his seat, waiting for what they had to say. “Alpha Grey, we are sure you are aware of what's going on in our pack and our businesses?”, The chief elder of the council started. “I am well aware, which is why we have gathered for this meeting to come up with a solution”, Alpha Grey replied, but deep down he feared what they would come up with. “Alpha Grey, you already know the solution to our problem. Zephyr has already informed us of the prophecy. We can't allow a mere child to ruin what your forefathers and ours have built over the years”, the chief elder said. Hearing that Alpha Grey was filled with anger, how dare he call his child a mere child? If he had his way, he would cut the tongue of that chief and feed it to the dogs. “So what are you suggesting we do?”, Alpha Grey asked, although he knew what they were going to say. He wanted to hear it from their mouths. “You must get rid of that evil child before he destroys us”, the chief of elders said with a serious face. “You are asking me to kill my only child? A child who isn't a day old? How despicable of you to utter such words”, Alpha Grey slapped his hand on the round table, breathing heavily. “I will not allow you or any other person to come close to my son”, Luna Eleanor bellowed as she barged into the hall and took a seat beside her husband. The council of elders and Zephyr stood up and showed their respect to her by bowing. Before she became Luna, Eleanor was one of the most powerful Alphas out there, but she gave it all up when she decided to marry Grey Silver, who is the strongest Alpha right now. So, she was no ordinary Luna. “I will not have you take my son from me, Zephyr, you will have to kill me first”, Luna Eleanor stated firmly. “My Luna, I'm doing this for our pack and nothing more”, Zephyr claimed as she held in her anger and jealousy, she didn't want it to affect the council of elders' decision. “I stand by my Luna's decision, my son will not be killed and that is…”, Alpha Grey suddenly started choking. It started as a mild cough but within some seconds it became fatal as he was obviously struggling for his life. “You still stand by your decision? That child of yours will kill you before you even watch him grow. Moreover, I'm sure Luna Eleanor will take in again in months. We have to get rid of the child right now”, Zephyr ordered Gamma Ashley, who rushed to do what he was told to do because his Alpha life depended on it. “No, leave my son alone, I haven't even named him”, Eleanor cried as she dragged her child with Ashley. The nurses held her down, but she flung them off her body and chased Ashley, who was almost out of sight with her child. “Eleanor, let them have the child”, Grey yells out her name. Eleanor stopped running after Ashley and focused her attention on Grey. She charged at him with full force using her claws on his face. She kept on scratching him with her claws while she roared. Her wolf's side was coming out. “You choose her over your child, bastard, coward, that's what you are!”, Grey was able to dominate her. He held her hand tightly. “I would rather lose the child than lose you”, Grey sounded so intense. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you…", Eleanor sobbed as she passed out because of her bleeding that she didn't take notice of. Grey called out the nurses and doctors to come to take her back to her room and tend to her. He watched as they carried his wife, whose body was covered with blood. He was too embarrassed and ashamed to even follow them down to her room. Tears formed in his eyes, he knew this was the biggest betrayal he had done to her. Zephyr walked close to him and tapped his shoulders. “You made the right decision, Alpha Grey”, she said with a smile, he brushed her handoff and went into his room and locked himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashley entered the forest that led to the altar and whistled three times. Suddenly, a mysterious lady came out and tapped his back, holding another child in her arms. They both exchanged children. “I'm sure you already know what to do? Please make sure you take care of him. Luna Eleanor has put all her trust in you. This money is enough to feed your family and him for a very long time”, Gamma Ashley handed a bag filled with money to an unknown lady. The lady collected the bag from him and took the baby with her. Ashley had already prepared everything for the mysterious lady to escape with the child, an order given by Eleanor. The lady was about to enter the car when Ashley stopped her. “He should be called Airen Zev, that's the name Luna Eleanor picked for him”, Ashley relayed, and asked her to get in, so they could leave before Zephyr and the others arrived. The moment the truck left, Zephyr and the council of elders arrived. Ashley sighed heavily as he saw them. That was a close one. He handed the child over to Zephyr, who placed the child on the altar. “Oh Moon goddess, here is the cursed child, we have come to give him as an offering to you. Please do accept him and forgive silver Crimson pack for all of their atrocities and proclaim new life over us all”, Zephyr chanted these words five times, then she pierced her finger with a needle which made her bleed. She drew a rectangular shape on the child's forehead and when she was done, she asked them to leave and allow the moon goddess to do the rest. Once they left, an unknown person came and picked up the unknown child who had been with Ashley and ran off. Zephyr, who had already made plans to groom the child as hers, came and met the altar empty. She shook her head as she already knew who had taken the child.
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