Prologue... Dreams

544 Words
*Kate POV* "Come close to me little one. Do not be afraid." said the beast standing in front of me. I knew I should be afraid, but I wasn't. I was the complete opposite actually. I felt safe and protected. His lizard like eyes glowed a bright purple. I took my first step and heard the beast growl with approval. "Yes, that's right little one. Come to me. My little jewel." I looked up into his eyes and could almost see a warm smile on his beastly face. He leaned down with his ginormous head and nudged me with his face playfully. I giggled softly and placed my hands on his head and ran my hands over his scaly skin. He was the most beautiful Dragon I had ever seen in my life, hell he was the only one I had seen. He was bigger than my parent's house that's for sure and his skin was a breathtaking iridescent teal color. His wings were spread around us creating a wall of protection. He had claws larger than two of my bodies put together, but all I seem to do was snuggle with this beast. "You make me very happy my precious little jewel. I was afraid you would be frightened by my appearance," he said growling softly. "I don't think I could ever be afraid of you, my Dragon friend. You make me feel safe and special." I sighed happily. He chuckled darkly, "Make no mistake my little jewel. I am friend to no one. I am a very dangerous creature and humans bow before me in fear. You belong to me, my little jewel. I am your beginning and your end. You will never escape me. We are destined for many things." I gasp sharply and look up at him. "W-what do you mean?" He just shook his head violently. "It is not time for you to know this my little jewel, just know that when the time is right, I will come for you and claim what is rightfully mine. You." My eyes snap open and my hand flies to my chest as I begin breathing heavily. I look around my room and suddenly feel chills rack my body. I hear a soft chuckle, but it is so quiet that I feel like I am hallucinating it. Then it disappears. I don't know why but for most of my life I have had this dream. At first, it started out with the Dragon small like me, but as I grew so did he. Every dream was as if I was meeting him for the first time when in truth I had seen him in my dreams all my life. I had tried asking my parents about my dreams but they seemed nervous every time I asked and would tell me it was just a dream and not to think anything of it. I gave up telling them and decided to just go on with my life. Today was the first time in several years that I had this dream again though. Which was why I was wondering what that meant exactly. He had never said the words he said today. "I will come for you and claim what is rightfully mine. You."
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