Chapter Two... Plans Of Her Demise

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*Kate POV* It has been several days since I had that dream about Grothet. I still shiver from the intensity of his anger. I wish I knew what all this meant but as usual, I have no one to talk to. I am currently on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors and trying to get the house cleaned before my parents get home. They told me that tonight if I did a good job they would take me out to some dinner party in a couple of days. I wasn't sure why they wanted me to go but I figured I would go just to see what it was all about since I don't get to go anywhere anyways. This would be a chance for me to get out of the house for a while and take a break. I was still confused as to why they wanted me to go though because they always claim that I'm such an embarrassment to them but yet they want me to go, there has to be an alternative motive. *Kate Mom POV* "Ugh... I hate having to spend money on that brat, but if we don't make her look perfect then Prince Kieran will be displeased and we don't want to anger him. He already is giving us liberties knowing that Kate will be his bride. I swear if she ruins our chances, it will be the last straw. I will disown faster than you can say anything." I whined to my husband as I fanned my face. He just chuckled darkly and wrapped his arms around me trying to calm me down. "Don't worry darling, once she turns eighteen she will be out of our hair once and for all. She was intending on leaving once that happened because she thinks that the money my father left her is still there waiting for her, but little does she know that I took it for us. She will never see a dime from him, he loved her more than his own son. Me. I never wanted her to begin with, she was supposed to be a boy. We really need to give her to Prince Kieran before her dreams start becoming reality." my husband said sternly. "Dreams? Are you talking about the dreams of the dragon she asked about? What do you think it means?" I asked hesitantly. My husband tensed and looked me in the eyes with a deadly look. "If my sources are correct, then she is the true mate to a very powerful dragon. If she ever fully completes the bond with this shifter then she will be lost to us forever and we will lose everything. If she doesn't then the dragon can never come to his shifter and become whole. He will never shift and be stuck in her mind forever. We can't let her through our fingers. We need to make sure we keep an eye on her. She hasn't mentioned any more dreams, but that doesn't mean she isn't keeping them from us. We will introduce her to Prince Kieran at the dinner party just like we planned and then we will go from there." I just nodded my head in agreement and continued shopping for Kate, I just chuckled inwardly as I thought we would finally be rid of her once and for all. *Prince Kieran POV* Life is full of delicious blood. I am counting the days down before I can take Kate Whitesail as my wife. She will never see the light of day again once she is in my grasp. My gums tingle just thinking about drinking her blood on a daily basis. She will be my blood slave and knowing that I will be her first to take her virginity just sends chills throughout my whole body. She will learn to obey me and be submissive in all things because otherwise, it is going to be a long life for her. I don't take disobedience lightly, my punishments are very bad. I smile big hoping that she will disobey me because that is where the fun truly will begin for me. I will break her and mend her to my liking. She will never disobey me once I punish her the first time. She will beg and plead and it will be music to my ears. Her parents are so stupid, they have willingly given their daughter to me so that they could pay off the debts that are owed to me. They truly don't understand just how special their daughter is. I have tried to enter her dreams since the day her parents signed the contract, but her mind is protected by something powerful and ancient, even possibly royal. I haven't figured out what could be protecting her just yet. Once I drink her blood I should have easy access to her thoughts, but I will have to be careful with my precious little wife. I will have to lock her up and not let her out of my sight ever. If something that powerful is protecting her, then I will make sure that it never finds her. I am thinking that a possible collar might be an excellent idea for her. Oh Kate, just you wait till I get my hands on you. I will make you suffer worse than death. Being my blood slave will be her only means for living. She will never know anything, but to please me. She will be the reason I become the Vampire King. My father has told me that if I marry a woman who is my mate that he will turn over the throne to me. What my father doesn't need to know is that Kate isn't my true mate. From what I have been hearing through the grapevine is that Kate's father has been acquiring about the meaning of his daughter's dreams she has been having since she was a child. I have been listening without anyone knowing and I found out that she is the true mate of a dragon. I am wondering if the dragon is the force protecting her mind. I will not let her go to another man. She belongs to me. I don't care if her fate is meant for someone else by the choosing of the Dragon God himself. She will surrender to me and be my wife. I'll be damned if someone destroys my plans to be King.
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