Compliments from Unknown

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Is that the only thing you want? You will get your tip Sooner than you think. I stared at my phone for a few seconds; putting it in my bag, before removing it and reading the comments once again. A few thoughts went through my mind at that moment; the most important one was how did they even know who I was. Biting on my lower lip, I clicked on the first name, Patton but the account was private. So was the one for Marcus and Daryl. I could not even view their profile pictures. 'Aah!' I shoved my phone back into my bag, worked hard on ignoring it. 'Everything alright?' the cab driver asked me, checking me through his rearview mirror. I sighed and nodded, 'yeah, I am good. Thanks for taking the shortcut, by the way. I am already late for the date.' 'Boyfriend?' I shrugged, 'not mine. He is a good friend of mine.' I sat back and watched as the lights from the street passed, my thoughts going back to the comments on my f******k status. A frown marred my face. Should I remove it, or should I just leave it there? And what did they mean that I'll get my tip sooner than I thought? 'We are here!' The cab driver announced. Shaking myself from my thoughts, I reached for my wallet and handed him his fare, 'thanks.' I got out and took a deep breath. 'Hey, Kim!' Tyrell called, waving at me from the restaurant entrance. 'I know your ass is hungry so I have already ordered. Come on!' I smiled as I jogged to where he was. Linking my arm with his, we walked into the restaurant together. 'Aah, I see the whole team is here!' 'You are late! And we couldn't start eating without you.' 'Nice to see you too, Sam!' I said as I leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek. 'Always grumpy when you don't get food in that body of yours.' 'These muscles aren't built from the air, short stuff,' he said as he flexed his muscles through the black t-shirt that he was wearing. I rolled my eyes at him as I turned to the other people around the table. 'Hey, Katie. How was your trip down under?' 'Oh, the sun!' she sighed before she started giggling. I narrowed my eyes on her, 'what time did you start drinking?' She shook her head, her red curls bouncing, 'I have no idea. Probably two hours ago.' 'Actually an hour ago. But you know how it is with this lightweight.' Her boyfriend, Fred, replied as he placed a kiss on her neck, making Kate giggle even more. 'And the night is just starting!' I said as I slipped into the chair that was there for me. 'So what am I having for dinner?' As if on cue, the waiter came through with our order. It was a large double-decked chicken and mushroom pizza, my favorite, a plate of fries as well as a plate of hot wings. Sam rubbed his hands together, reaching for a piece of pizza before the lady set it on the table. 'You must have been really hungry,' I observed as I reached for my piece as well. Taking a bite, I closed my eyes, savoring the taste. Groaning, I closed my eyes and enjoyed as my taste buds came to life. When I opened them up my friends were all looking at me. 'What?' 'You looked as if you were coming!' Kate giggled, pushing Fred away from her neck. 'Babes, you know how alcohol makes me horny, stop doing that.' 'It was that good!' I exclaimed as I took another bite from my piece of pizza, closing my eyes and savoring the flavors. 'Thank goodness for your genetics,' Tyrell grumbled. 'The way you know how to pack up food in that body of yours, it's a miracle you are not the size of a house!' 'Haha, very funny,' I said as I wiped my lips with a serviette before reaching for a hot wing. Quickly working on it, I finished up by licking my fingers. 'You are so greedy!' Kate shook her head as she reached for a hot wing. Sam checked his watch. 'Yo, we better bounce if we have any chance of getting into the new club. Kim's man friend will not be able to hold our spot in the line for long.' 'Oh yes!' I said excitedly as I stood up, collecting my purse. 'Let's go. And Aaron is not my man friend, he is just someone I am trying to get to know.' 'And who is paying for all this?' Fred asked as he helped Kate to her feet. I turned back, smirking at Sam. 'He will.' I said as I took a hold of Kate, pulling her away from Fred as I looped my arm around hers. 'Kim, you'll be the end of me!' Sam groaned as he reached for his wallet. 'You are going to pay me back one of these days.' 'In your dreams, handsome,' I blew him a kiss as Kate flagged for a taxi. As the taxi stopped, Kate, Tyrell, and I got in. 'See you there!' We laughed as we watched Fred and Sam running after us, frustration written all over their faces. The drive to the new club was not long, and in no time we were paying the cab driver and getting out. 'Oh my!' Kate exclaimed as she took in the  line 'Are we ever going to find Aaron in this jungle?' 'Just look for a blonde head,' Tyrell replied as he craned his neck, trying to see through the sea of heads. 'Which is easier said than done.' Kate groaned as she walked forward, her schoolgirl skirt swaying with her movements. 'Excuse me,' she said as she moved between two guys who were having a conversation. Without a backward glance, she made her way right to the front before turning back, jumping with excitement. 'I found him!' she called back to us. Hooking my arm through Tyrell's, we made our way to the front. 'There you freaking are!' Aaron sighed, his British accent pronounced due to his exasperation. 'I was beginning to think you were not coming. Was about to give up and head back home, you know.' 'We are sorry,' I said as I placed a kiss square on his lips. 'I was hungry, and well, I really couldn't come to the club where I am expected to drink on an empty stomach, now would I?' I baited my eyes on him, biting my cheek to stop myself from laughing out loud. Aaron Ward was a guy I met a few months back, by accident for that matter. He had come to the restaurant with his family. His mother had forgotten her purse, and I, being very honest and trustworthy, had gone through the purse, found his number, and called him to come and pick it up. He had been after me since. And what girl would not use that knowledge to her advantage? Aaron ran a hand through his semi-long blonde hair, a tight smile breaking on his face. Shrugging, he moved to make space for me in front of him. 'It's alright, love. You can't be drinking on an empty stomach.' I turned to him, placing my arms around his neck, 'I am really sorry we kept you for so long.' 'Next!' the guy at the door called. 'Oh, that's us!' Kate said as she moved ahead of me. 'Name?' asked the bald, big muscled man at the door. Kate turned to us, 'hey, blondie. What name did you book us with?' Aaron looked confused. 'Name? Booked?' I groaned as I turned to Aaron, 'please tell me that you had made a reservation to this place for a party of six?’ Aaron rubbed on his neck, a sheepish smile on his face, 'I didn't know I was supposed to do that!' 'Give me his ass right now!' Tyrell moved towards him aggressively. I nearly started laughing, but by looking at Tyrell's angry face I dared not. 'Calm down, guys.' I turned to the man by the door. 'My-umh-boyfriend seemed to have forgotten to make a reservation. Is there any other way we could get in?' 'No,' was his simple answer 'Move aside and let people who reserved a place enter.' Kate stormed past me, her red hair flying behind her. 'Useless i***t,' I heard her muttering as she walked to Fred, who had just gotten out of a cab with Sam. 'The bloody i***t did not even make reservations!' she declared angrily to her boyfriend. I shook my head as I followed her slowly. Hushing her, I gave her a pleading look not to cause a scene. 'I am so sorry, Kim,' Aaron said as he fell into step with me. 'Maybe we could go somewhere else.' I looked at him for a few seconds before shaking my head. 'I think we might just call it a night. Everyone was looking forward to getting into this club. We can make other plans, some other time.' I said as I increased my speed to meet my friends. 'Kimberly!' someone from behind me screamed my name. I turned, a frown on my face. The man by the door called my name again. 'Yes?' I asked as I walked back to him, narrowing my eyes as I approached him. He looked me over, a small smile tugging on his serious face. 'Seems this is your lucky day. You can enter.' He indicated at the door with his head. I gaped at him. 'Really? How?” He nodded. “There seemed to have been someone who won’t be showing up, they had booked for the same number of people like you.” I frowned, turning to look at my friends who were waiting for me. “'With my friends?' 'Yes.' He gave a curt nod. A huge grin broke on my lips as I waved to my friends. 'Hey, guys!' We can get in,” I told them from across the distance.  Kate came through running, her black heels carrying her without a problem 'Really?” she jumped up and down, her favorite posture for getting what she wanted. Fred and Sam came through as well, much slower though as they weren’t sure what was going on. Once they got there, I explained the situation and they gave each other high fives. 'Finally!' Sam said as he tapped the man by the door on the shoulder as he walked into the club. Fred placed an arm around Kate as they both made it through the door. 'Thanks, big man!' Fred told the man as they, too, made it into the club. Tyrell was next, his excitement written all over his face as he walked in, changing his direction when he got into the club, one moment heading to the left then turning to the right. 'Well, aren't you going in?' the man by the door asked, one of his hands on the earpiece on his right ear. I turned to Aaron, 'well, aren't you coming?' I asked him as I turned to the man at the door. 'What's your name again?' 'Mas,' he replied as his eyes fixed on Aaron. 'Sorry, dude. You are not on the list.' I frowned at him, 'Are you sure?' There was disappointment in my voice. If Aaron wasn’t going to be able to get in, it would mean I won’t be going in either. It just won’t be right. Mas nodded, 'yep, I am sure,' he said as his hand fell to his side from the earpiece. Shaking his head, 'I am sorry. Only you and those friends who had entered, he is not included.' I frowned at him, 'is someone telling you to let me in?' Mas shrugged, 'what makes you say that?' I pointed at the earpiece, 'that fancy piece of equipment for starters. And the fact that you knew me by name, even though my name is not on that piece of paper in front of you,' my frown increased. 'Wait. How did you know my name?' Mas smiled, just a little. 'You better get going as I am about to call other people in.' I turned to Aaron with an apologetic look. Torn between wanting to get into the newest club and spend time with my friends and spending time with him.  Looking at me, he gave me a smile, 'worry not, love. We will have another night out. And next time I will make sure I make a reservation.' Aaron said as he tugged on my hair. I turned to Mas, 'are you abso-,' I did not finish my sentence as I watched Mas shake his head. Sighing, I walked to Aaron. Placing my arms around him, I pulled him down for a quick kiss before I walked into the club, not wanting to see this disappointed look. The moment I walked into the club though, thoughts of Aaron flew out the window so to speak. It was amazing! The place was all in dark wood, stainless steel, and amazing lighting. There were two dance floors that I saw from where I was. One was downstairs, huge with illuminated floors, while the other was about four steps up on my left side. Scanning the place, I spied Fred and Kate making out by the bar. Walking to them I cleared my throat. 'We are here to dance, not watch the two of you eating each other's faces off!' They broke up, Fred pulling Kate back so she was flash on his front. 'How the heck did you do this, Kim? I thought you guys said we weren't on the list?' I shrugged, thoughts running through my head. 'I have no idea. And whoever is running this place knows my name. Mas, the man by the door, called me by name.' 'You are a superstar, honey,' Kate said, her eyes drifting somewhere above my right shoulder. 'Miss Kimberly?' I turned, then I had to look up as a bouncer who was about six foot four stood in front of us. 'Oh, come one! Mas was talking to some hotshot and the person told us to come in!' I raised my hands up in frustration. 'You cannot mean to kick us out!' The bouncer was quiet for a few seconds, looking confused. 'No one is getting kicked out.' I moved back and crossed my arms in front of me, my eyes narrowing on him. 'Really?' He nodded, 'I was just instructed to take you through to the VIP section.' I gawked at him, 'say that again?' 'You hard at the hearing?' The bouncer frowned My narrowed eyes became even narrower, 'careful!' I gritted my teeth at him. Kate pulled me back, 'honey, if you have not noticed, you look like Frodo in front of him.' 'VIP launch, follow me,' he said, seeming to have lost patience with us. I turned to look at my friends, Sam and Tyrell having just walked up to us when they had seen the bouncer. 'Well, let's go check out the VIP section!' The bouncer was way ahead of us so we sort of had to run after him.  We walked through the crowd of people, up the four steps on the left side dance floor. We then walked a few more steps before going up another few steps into an excluded section. 'I didn't think this place could have been this big!' Tyrell whispered as we passed through closed doors. 'Will we be seeing the dance floor from wherever we are being taken?' 'All the VIP rooms face the main dance floor. You can see them, they can't see you unless you want them to,' the bouncer explained. He stopped at a closed door. 'Here you are.' He reached into his pocket and produced an automated card. Sliding it into the slot the door opened. He turned to me. 'There is a bar up in there, all drinks are on the house. Enjoy!' he handed me the card. I looked down at the black card and frowned as I watched my friends make it into the room. 'Wait.' He turned to me, one of his eyebrows going up. 'Uh, can you tell me who owns this place? I mean, aah, we are getting all this treatment when we don't even know where it's coming from. And what am I supposed to do as payment?' He shook his head, 'can't tell you that. Just go in there and enjoy yourself, you feel me? You won’t be expected to pay for shit.' I watched him walk away. Sighing, I walked into the room. It was not too big but spacious enough to accommodate dancing and a small party. 'Kim, who did you screw to get all this extra treatment?' Sam asked from the bar area that had only the most expensive of liquor on display 'I mean, check all this fine ass booze! I have never even heard of some of this s**t!' I shook my head as I walked to the huge glass partition that separated us from the rest of the clubbers. 'I have been s*x-free for the past six months. I have no idea what is going on, but it's giving me the creeps!' Tyrell walked to me and placed his arm around my shoulders, 'babes, if you want to bounce, we can go and screw all this once in a lifetime chance.' I looked around at my friends, their faces echoed what Tyrell just told me. 'I love you guys. But as you said, Ty, once in a lifetime chance to try out what celebrities enjoy. So Sam,' I turned to him. 'Get me something sweet and strong and let's get this party started!' Kate untangled herself from Fred and walked towards me, 'are you sure?' she placed her hands on my hips. I nodded, not wanting to ruin the party mood. If the person wanted me to enjoy this with my friends, what the hell! I will do so and will think about the consequences tomorrow or the day after. 'Yeah, I am sure.' 'Are you two going to start making out again?' Sam asked as he came forward with a glass for me. 'Because if you are, let me get my phone out. I might need something to help with my early morning ritual,' he moved one of his hands up and down indicating something s****l. 'Eeeww!' Both Kate and I said at the same time as she let go of my hips and walked back to Fred.               Unknown Person POV She looked so disappointed when she found out that she was not on the list, a look that I did not want to ever see on her face. Reaching for my two-way radio, I paged Mas, the club's frontman and our head of security. 'Call the girl who just left-back. Give them access,” I said sharply. 'Yes, sir,' Mas's voice came through, no questions asked. 'Her name is Kimberly.' I supplied to him, watching as he nodded to the CCTV camera by the door. I watched through my monitors as she walked back when Mas called her name, confusion and a little suspicion on her expressive face. A smile tugged on my lips, she was so easy to read. She was so animated when she spoke, pointing to a group that she had been with. 'Sir, how many can enter?' Mas's voice came through once more. 'All of them,' I replied, crossing my arm, while my index finger went to my lips. 'Except for the blonde one,' I frowned. I did not like the way he was looking at her, the possessive nature of the way he walked beside her. I continued watching them, gritting my teeth as she went over to the blonde man and gave him a kiss. I will have to find out who he is and get rid of him as soon as possible. He might just ruin plans that took a while to formulate. I watched her enter the club. Switching channels, I spoke to the main security man, 'Brute, send the group that has just entered to the VIP section. Nothing should be charged to their account. Name is Kimberly.' My focus was sorely on her. She fascinated me since I first saw her. And she was going to be mine, soon. A smile played on my lips. My phone ringing interrupted me. Checking the time on my wristwatch, I cursed silently. Time for me to go. 'Manuel,' I turned to the man on the controls. 'Make sure that this girl gets the Platinum Membership card today without delay. Understood?' 'Yes, sir.' I reached for my phone. 'I am on my way,' I said before disconnecting it. I could have just stayed and watched her the whole day, but duty called. With a final look at her face, I collected my jacket and walked out.    
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