She means, Girlfriends

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Jeane This afternoon after my class, I was just driving my way to my work, and after four hours, I was on my way home after my shift and expecting to see my drunk father, expecting to clean his mess and argue with him about drinking and getting wasted, not looking for a job, asking for money to me just to gamble. But no, instead of having another night of argument with him, I saw him lying on the floor, holding onto his dear life, covered with blood and bruises all over his face. I felt a sudden burst of fear, who would do that to my father? We're poor and we have nothing, as in nothing that is worth to steal for burglars to barge inside our house. His wife left us after she met a rich man and he doesn't want to ask for help even if he's struggling to survive. I decided to look for part time job since I need to finish my study, I was expecting to graduate next month for another degree to pursue my dream, but s**t happens. I'm inside the room of the ones who beat my father, staring myself at the mirror with the dress that I have never experienced to wear before even with my debut, with fancy jewelleries, six inches silver stiletto. Hair fixed in a tight bun and light make up to cover the tear stain on my cheeks. I'm not fond seeing myself in this fancy clothes while he's dying back inside our house. I'm mad, of course, who wouldn't be, if you were the compensation for his debt that you have nothing to do. He's a gambler, I know that, and also a drinker, but I have never thought that he would have that huge amount of debt from mafia. The reason why I'm standing here in front of the whole body mirror. A woman in his mid fifties standing behind me, looking at me amusingly, as if she know me well and not even asking who am I. She just believed that I'm Dahlia's cousin, since we had the same surname. Ridiculous reason. And it seems that she doesn't have any idea about her daughter's job, which is killing people for money. What if I tell her? That her daughter took me as compensation for that guy's debt? But what will happen to him if I tell her? Are they going to end his life? And that'll be my fault. But I shouldn't be here! I just want to go back to my room and turn my music on while studying! Ignoring the life outside my room and isolating myself. "I want to go home." I covered my mouth after voicing out what's on my mind and had a bit of panic when the woman behind me furrow her brows. "Sweetheart, I'm afraid that Lissie and her friends won't let you go." Her voice was soft as the solemn music that could put me in concentration to study at night. "But–." "You're lucky just as I am." She said meaningfully and walked closer behind me, closing the zipper on my back up under my nape. "I know that you're not Dahlia's cousin because your eye were so against on that, and whatever the reason why Lissie brought you to this house, I'm sure she has no intention to make you suffer." My mind stop for thinking for a moment and let her words process. I looked at her through the reflection of the mirror and saw her staring at me with the same emotion she has before. "You know?" I asked, trying my luck that she know about her daughter's job. "Of course, I'm her mom. And just like you, I've been once a victim of the compensation for someone's debt, unless you were the one who owes money from Lissie." "It's him, not me." I pouts as my shoulder slouched. "Do you want to know her more?" She asked, smiling warmly but there's a glint of teasing in her smile. "Who?" I asked confusedly, though I already know who's she's pertaining to. "Lissie." "I don't give a damn about her–." I stopped abruptly when I notice how rude I talked back to her and especially it's her daughter. "I'm sorry." I apologized immediately. "It's ok, you know, I can see myself to you." She said calmly, her warm smile still plastered in her lips. "Lucio, is my second husband." I was about to tell her that I'm not interested about their life but it's too rude for me to stop her, after showing me her pure kindness and generosity for keeping me here even if she already know that I'm not Dahlia's cousin. "Where is your first husband?" I asked. "I don't know anymore, the last time we saw each other was the time he signed the divorce paper." She shrugs and her hand slid down to mine and she pulled me softly towards the two couch beside the floor to ceiling window. We sat there, facing each other and she looked out, her smile grew wider, as if she's reminiscing her past with her ex husband. "So Lissie..." I paused and gauge for her reaction. If her lips could stretch more upon hearing her daughter's name, she would've done it. "She's not Lucio's daughter but he treated her like his own." She said, her gaze shifted from outside to me. "My ex husband owed Lucio a lot of money and since he doesn't have the capability to pay him, he sold me out." "What?" I breathed out. "Like what I've told you, I was once the compensation of someone's debt." She smiled again, it seems that she don't get tired of smiling and I admire her for that. "But unlike Lissie, Lucio didn't brought me home instantly, instead, he courted me after my husband decided to throw me out of the house. I was wondering why my ex husband did that all of a sudden, he was so mad that I'm still coming home every night after work." "He's a dumbass." I mumbled and the old Lady released a soft chuckle. "Yeah, he is." She agreed. "But you know what's funny? My ex husband doesn't want me to see Lissie, even if he's suffering, he wants Lissie to be in his side." "Then why is she with you now?" "When Lissie was 15 years old, my ex husband sold her out to one mafia and Lucio had to bought her from them." "Wow, so it's normal for people to sold human as compensation for their debt?" "Not all mafias need human in return for their debt, the mafia brought Lissie because the big boss's daughter had a crush on Lissie as she had her hair short back then and looks like a boy." I snort a loud laugh with that but I had to refrain myself from rolling my eyes as I don't want to be rude even more every time that she's talking about her precious evil daughter who killed people for money. "What happen then?" I asked again, showing her a least bit interest about Lissie's puppy crush with the mafia boss's daughter. "Lucio brought Lissie home one day and I was so relieved to see my daughter, but not every reunion is good at first, because Lissie was so mad at me, my ex husband brainwashed her and told her lot of lies about me, but since Lissie owe her life to Lucio, she trusted him more than me." "But you're her mom, is she really that stupid? I mean, her dad sold her out but she still believed him than you?" I asked, a bit irritated at Lissie's stupidity that I couldn't hide anymore. "You can't blame a kid that suffered a lot because her mom left her." "Even so, she should be more happy that you and her, finally got together." "As time passes by, Lissie get to know the real reason, Lucio told her behind my back. And just so you know, My husband thinks that I don't have the faintest idea about his job until he passes it to Lissie." "That's impossible, how the hell that you don't have any idea that he's a mafia boss?" I scoffed. "It's not, after all, he's a chef. That's all I know, at first of course." She said giggling. "But when I accidentally saw him outside of the building, surrounded by lot of men in black suit. I started to doubt him and search for real Lucio Daemon, then I found out that he's the boss of the biggest mafia in Asia, Europe, US and lot of countries. I got so scared and decided to leave him." "Let me guess, he threatens you that he'll kill you and Lissie if you leave him?" I asked sardonically. "That is what exactly I'm thinking that time, but no. When I was planning to leave him, all my bags are packed, he cried and beg for me, and since I get to love him as time passes by, after he show me the things what a husband would do, I decided not to tell him that I found out about his job and stayed." "He's rich after all, so why not staying if you already felt the life in golden spoon." I said with bitterness in my voice. "Life is not all about money, Jeane. If you really found true love, money is nothing compared to the things and memories you've shared together." The lady said as she stood up. Even if I insulted her, she still gave me a genuine smile and offers her hand. "You'll get to that, be patient." "I know, but not with your daughter." I said. "No one knows, sweetheart. Let's go, dinner is ready." I was hesitating if I should reach for her hand, but in the end, I still reached for it and the moment our hands touches, she squeezed it softly, as if she's telling me that it's fine, everything is fine. I suddenly feel the longing. I miss my mom, I haven't seen her in three months. I wonder what is she doing now? I guess, she's still busy managing her company with his husband. As we exited the guest room, there are more rooms before mine — yeah, that room is mine, that's what the lady said — Lissie's room next to mine, the one with black door and there's a sign outside with a language that I didn't understand, on the left corner is her parent's room. At the end of the hallway, there's another room and says office. Their house is a kaleidoscope of memories, of photographs adorning the walls, each of them conjuring the emotions of those sweet eternal moments. The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls were the photographs of Lissie, so obviously so loved. The floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the greens of summer gardens meeting a bold white baseboard. Multiple door that will leads to the basement, to the kitchen, to the diner, and etc, the door that will lead to the backyard is a full glass door, there's a gazebo in the back of a fountain but what confused me is they don't have swimming pool which is normal for this big house or should I say mansion. "This house is empty until Lissie and her friends will go home every weekend and spend dinner with us." The lady said while were walking towards the door and I had no chance to respond as my eyes met the doe eyes as soon as we stepped inside the diner, she's wearing a black suit and white sleeve under, with grey necktie, she let her dirty blond hair fall down and she's not wearing any make up other than faint colour of a baby lips. Her mouth wide open, as if her jaw lock in that way and her rounded eyes pierced on me. "Wow." A guy with blue hair next to Lissie, gasped silently and he stood up from his chair and pulled it out. "You can sit here, madam." "Tim." Dahlia called him with warning tone, which made the guy to scratch his nape and laugh nervously while looking at Lissie, who's now staring at the mouthwatering food in front of her. "Just sit here." Dahlia said as she pointed the seat next to her, across Lissie. "Thank you." I said and was about to pull the chair but another guy with feline eyes and a guy with big and stiffy eyes, pulled it out for me that makes their body collided for their abrupt movement. Lissie sighs softly but enough warning to make the two guy to run back on their chair and sat down, as if they are inside the classroom being a messy students and their professor just came in. "Stupid." I heard the girl with bunny teeth said while shaking her head. "That's enough, let's just eat." The lady said and Lissie suddenly stood up, she pad over to the end of the long table and pulled the chair out for her mom, who thanked her with a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, sweetheart." "You're welcome, mom." Lissie replied with smile before she pad back to her seat. I admit, I really admire her mom's kindness, even if she know that her daughter is the new boss of mafia and her husband is the former boss. How could she tolerate them? Unless she's one of them and her kindness are just facade. "Let's eat." The guy at the other end of the table, said and I guess that he's Lucio. "Feel at home, Jeane." The lady said and I smiled at her forcedly in return. I can feel everyone's gaze at me, except the woman in front of me. She's so focused in her food, devouring everything that her dad cooked. How could she still have the appetite to eat after beating my dad earlier? Is this how demon looks like? "Why don't you try this one? This is Lissie's favourite." Lucio said, pointing at one dish. I saw Lissie paused for shoving the spoonful of food but continue anyway and she leaned back while chewing, her eyes went to me then to the dish. She picked up the napkin and wipe her mouth with it before she stood up. "Here." She said as she picked up the bowl and put some of it in my plate. The gasped and the spoon and fork that hit the silver wears from the people inside the diner are too obvious that they are shocked from what Lissie did. "Did she–." The girl with narrow eyes started. "Is she sick?" "What happen outside? Did she hit her head somewhere?" Another girl with boyish hair style asked Dahlia. "Shut up." Dahlia hissed at them but she's also staring at Lissie in shock. "Try that, it's good." Lissie said before she sat back in her chair, her friends looking at her as if she just grew another head. Her mom smiling at her, like a really proud mom, her dad stayed neutral and just continue his food. "My dad is the best cook in the world." This time, her dad look up to her and smile widely. "Shut up, Lissie." He sneer playfully. "Let's finish the dinner so all of you could take some rest." The lady said and they all continue their food, but I didn't. I was just staring at Lissie. Why is she like that? Why did she take me for? Why does she didn't get mad when I hit her on our way here? What is she planning? If she wants me to be like her mom who fell in love with Marco even if she found out about his job, then she should stop, I'm not going to fall for someone who kill people for money. I don't need her money, I don't need prosperous life, I can live by my own, I can look for a better job to pay her and I will be free. That's it, I need to look for a job that will pay me enough for my study, and to pay her. I'm not going to stay here forever, at least not with the people who killed people just to live a high class life. ____ After the dinner, her mom and dad excused themselves to go upstairs and left us all here. Lisa stood up and all of her friend copied her and I still stayed, and all of them are still glaring at her. "So.. explain." The bunny teeth girl demands. "I have nothing to explain, mom said that she should feel at home." Lissie replied as she took the glass of wine and sip on it. "You never did it to anyone else, even with your girlfriend." Dahlia said and my eyes darted up to Lissie in surprise. "You have a girlfriend?" I asked. "Yeah, with S." Lissie said which makes my brows furrowed. "She means, girlfriends." The blue haired guy said. "She have Misha, Cara, Samantha, Sophia and a lot more." "Wow, you are really an asshole." I chuckled. "Yeah I am, and what about it?" Lissie asked challengingly while glaring at me. "I'm going home." I said as I stood up and ignore her remarks. "Uhm I don't think–." Dahlia was cut off when Lissie held her hand in the air and she walked over to my spot, her friends move away, as if they're about to watch an action between me and their boss. "You want to go home? Ok, but pay me first." She said and held her hand in front of me. "Don't worry, I will pay you once I found a better job." "Then that's settle, you'll go home if you already pay me back." She said and turn her back against me, but before she could take one step, I unconsciously kick the back of her knee that sends her in her knees and her friends gasped exaggeratedly. Two guys hold both of my arms and they turned me around, the other girls stood in front of me, ready to hit me. "Don't." Lissie said to stop her friend. "Gosh, I really admire how fierce you are, Jeane Keeve." "And I really despise you for how arrogant you are and all of your friends!" I snarled and try to removed the hands off of me but they didn't let me. "Let her go, guys." She said and the guy quickly obliged and they both step back, lining with their other friends. Lissie turned around to face me again and she walked back, she bend a bit, leaning her face closer to mine, but I stood on my ground and glare at her. For a moment, I thought she's about to kiss me, but she stopped from getting closer and our lips are only one inch apart, I could feel her hot breath with scent of the wine she just consumed, our eyes locked and my heart slamming hard against my ribcage. If she'll try to kiss me, I'll break all of her 206 bones. "I like you." My heart that's already slamming inside, tripled the beats and I think it's about to explode, but not in a good way for f**k sake! I hate her and her confession sends shivers to me that I feel every bit of fiber in my body stood up in disgust, I've received lot of confession from different genders, but this one is the only disgusting confession I've ever heard. "Ooh, collection." The guy with stiffy eyes said, which make them to laugh but I feel the anger arose more inside me and my fist fly towards Lissie's face. But just before it landed, She grabs it and she put it around my neck and her hand move to grab my nape, leaning her forehead onto mine and she closed her eyes, her friends coos. "You b***h, stop hitting me in front of my friends if you don't want your body to end up in the dense forest with slit throat." She mumbles. I admit that I felt massive fear that run through my body and I could feel my blood drains out. I pursed my lips and pushed her away from me with the left strength that I have and instead of getting mad, Lissie chuckled dryly before the corner of her lips lift upward and she looked at me intently. "Let's go home." "Wait, you're going to send her?" Dahlia asked. "In my house." Lissie said that made her friends gasped for umpteenth times. "Wait, are you sure?!" The bunny teeth girl asked, her eyes looking back and forth from Lissie to me. "Yes." Lissie said before she walked upstairs, leaving all of us dumbfounded. "Oh boy, that's not even surprising. She brought her here, which is she haven't done with any of her girlfriends." The blue haired guy said. "But this is a different case, Tim." The guy with stiffy eyes said, that blue haired guy and him are really identical, so they are twin. "Timmy, Lissie has a choice to ask you hide Jeane, but she didn't." The bunny teeth girl said and she looked at me. "I guess, you need a good luck from us." She added and laugh. "Don't worry, Lissie is nice." Dahlia said, squeezing my shoulder. But that squeezed was not a help at all as I could feel devastation of the thought that Lissie will bring me to her own house, the house of the Mafia boss. _____
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