Chapter Six

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Dropping Elise off at school, I hot footed it over to Oak Grove, rushing into the building as the bell sounded.  Pulling open my locker I grabbed the things I needed, slammed the door shut and raced to my first class, skidding into the classroom just as everyone was taking their seats. Making my way to the back of the class, I slipped into one of the empty seats and slouched down so that I would stay out of the line of sight of Mr Taylor, our Calculus teacher.  If he asked a question and you made eye contact, you were going to get picked to answer and I did not need any more attention than I already got.  Leaning over my desk, I scribbled down the equations that were on the board, quickly working out and writing the answers whilst Mr Taylor explained them too the class.  Ignoring his voice, I began to doodle on a piece of scrap paper, mathematics had always been an easy subject for me but I knew better than to let my class mates know, especially Jordan, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the box and did not like other people making him look stupid.  I would either get more abuse or end up doing his damn homework for him and I don't have time for that, I need to help my sister with hers. Getting through each lesson I managed to stay below the radar right up until lunch, walking into the canteen, I grabbed a tray and slid it along the rail picking up a carton of milk and a cheese and ham sandwich on brown. Paying the lunch lady with the last of my wages I took a seat near the wall away from the other students and began to eat, keeping my eyes on my tray. 'Everyone!' came an excited sing song voice that vibrated through the cafeteria, looking up I saw Jayden standing in the middle of the room, with the other two members of the fabulous three on either side of her, all waving flyers that they held in their hands.  'As you know, it's nearly my and Jordan's big eighteenth' Jayden squealed excitedly, 'and that means there is a big birthday party at the pack house in our honour! Everyone is invited, and daddy wants you all to know that ANYONE who is not there will feel his disappointment' she said, her eyes glittering at the thought of anyone not attending. Sweeping her way through the room, she and her friends handed out the flyers to each of the students, going back to my meal I lowered my eyes from the scene, a small lump forming in my throat.  I was used to being left out of pretty much everything pack related but for some reason knowing there was a pack wide party going on stuck a little in my throat. A pink piece of paper suddenly came into view under my nose, looking up my eyes met Jayden's who stared at me exasperated, 'Yes it seems that also includes you' she grumbled shaking the leaflet slightly when I didn't immediately take it.  Slowly closing my fingers around the paper, I watched as she walked off to hand out her remaining flyers before staring at the leaflet in shock wondering if this was some kind of joke.  Reading the information I saw that my fathers, mine and Elise's names were scrawled onto the corner of the page, as the Beta, of course my father had to be there and it seemed as his children we were also obliged to attend. Despite knowing that I would be a pariah at the party I couldn't help feeling a little excited about it, I hadn't been invited too a party since I was six years old, I never celebrated my own birthday either, the only person who's birthday mattered in our house was Elise's and I would spend most of her partys in the kitchen sorting out the food and drinks and clearing up whilst my father sat with his princess and drowned in the compliments for my hard work. Folding the sheet of paper carefully, I placed it in the pocket of my rucksack before picking up my tray and depositing my rubbish into one of the bins that was stationed near the door and set off to my afternoon lessons a small smile playing around my lips at the thought of actually doing something that normal kids do. Rounding a corner of the corridor, my body suddenly fell forward as I tripped over something on the floor, my body crashing to the floor as my arms went up instinctively to protect myself. 'Watch where your going psycho' came the jeering voice of Jordan, 'I don't need you infecting me with your crazy' Turning to look behind me, I saw Jordan's foot stuck across the doorway which was what I had tripped over, moving my gaze upwards my eyes met the future Alpha's who looked down at me in disgust. Leaning down toward me, he hissed, 'I know my sister gave you an invite to our party, understand that I didn't want you there stinking up our big day but my father insisted, so I warn you, stay out of my way and out of my sight, got it?' Sighing deeply I nodded my head, 'got it Jordan, out of your way, out of your sight, it'll be like i'm not even there' I said dully. Smirking, he stood up as I scrambled to my feet and continued on my way to my afternoon classes, rubbing my ribs that had flared in pain from the fall, irritating the already tender skin from the nights beating. After school I made my way back to Elise's school to collect her again before walking her home, the little girl bouncing along happily beside me swinging her lunch box as I told her all about the big party that was going to take place next week at the pack house. 'Oh will I get to wear a pretty dress Brandon? can you braid my hair for me? I can wear my sparkly shoes that daddy bought me' she babbled jumping up and down excitedly. 'Of course you will Angel' I replied smiling down at her face, her excitement rubbing off on me, 'but we need to tell daddy about it so he doesn't make any plans' I warned as she nodded. Running up our path, Elise burst through the front door, running inside in search of our father who was laying on the sofa watching a game show, a beer in one hand, his tshirt stained with beer and food.  Running over too him, Elise threw her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek as she told him all about the party and what she wanted to wear.  Smiling up at the excited face that loomed over him our father chuckled returning her hug. 'You will look beautiful my sweet girl, you will be the envy of every she wolf at the party, but don't you be catching the eye of any werewolves, daddy doesn't want to be having to warn young men off just yet' he growled affectionately. Giggling, Elise pulled away, 'daddy!' she exclaimed, 'boys are icky, I don't want a boyfriend' before running out of the room and up the stairs to her room. Turning to face me, our fathers face went from warmth and love to anger and loathing, 'you are not coming' he spat at me, 'I won't have you embarrassing our family in front of the pack.' Backing away slightly I held out my hands in front of my body, 'I have to go' I muttered, avoiding his eyes, 'the Alpha has said everyone must attend, no exceptions.' Growling angrily, my father fought with himself for a few moments, wanting to keep me from the fun but also not able to go against his Alpha's word.  Finally he huffed, turning back to the tv, 'fine, you go, but you will stay our of everyone's sight once the Alpha see's you are there, you will take care of Elise do you understand' he warned. Holding in my smile I nodded agreement, rushing out of the room quickly before he decided I was annoying him.  Bouncing up the stairs, I entered my room, shutting the door behind me and going over to the beaten up wardrobe in the corner of the room and pulling the door toward me.  Looking through my clothes, I grimaced slightly, most of my clothes came from the charity shop in the next town, my attire consisted of faded jeans, t'shirts and hoodies as I had never needed going out clothes.  Making a decision I decided that I would use some of my next weeks wages to buy something to wear for the party, I would not go there looking like I was beneath everyone else, I was finally going to a party and I was going to make the most of it.
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