Chapter Eight

1631 Words
I swallowed at her words, internally fighting with myself before letting out a sigh, 'Before you decide to be my friend, I might as well tell you about me, then you can decide if you still want to be.' I finally replied figuring I might as well let her know my past before someone else did. Looking at me questioningly, Lily focused her attention on me, listening as I cleared my throat, 'Umm, I don't have any friends here' I started uncomfortably, 'They call me psycho here'. 'Psycho? well that's unusual' Lily replied, her face masked. 'Umm yeah, well my mum died when I was seven, she died giving birth to my sister' I said nodding to the sleeping form in my arms.  'It seems that the loss has supposedly made me unstable and I could lash out at any moment.' Musing my words over, Lily lent forward, resting her elbows on the table as she clasped her hands together and stared at me intently.  'So how many times in the last 10 odd years have you lashed out uncontrollably?' she asked. Smiling weakly I let out a mirthless chuckle, 'never' I admitted. 'So you are an unstable pot of boiling anger who has never boiled over?' she checked, her skepticism obvious in her voice. Shrugging sadly, 'well that's what i'm told' I replied. Mulling over my words, Lily suddenly reached over and grabbed my arm, drawing my eyes back to her, 'I think i'll risk it' she said with a smile 'at least things will be interesting being friends with the school psycho if anything'  Laughing I nodded, 'that's true, life is always fun when you hang out with someone who's peers want to have you committed'. Chatting happily, I suddenly felt a cold presence behind me, turning in my seat my fathers face appears in my view.  Scowling at me he indicates to my sister, wordlessly I hand her over, watching as she snuggles into our fathers arms. 'I'm taking her home' he said, glowering at me, 'stay here and represent the family, do not let me down' he added glowering at me before turning and leaving. Turning back to Lily I took in her shocked look, 'wow, well he's a barrel of laughs' she said, staring at where my father had just stood. 'Yeah, that's my dad, all fun and laughter' I replied with a wry smile, 'He's the pack Beta' Nodding in comprehension she patted my arm comfortingly, 'I take it, things are not that great between you two?' she asks softly. Shaking my head I look at the table as I reply, 'not really, we haven't been close since my mother died, he's the one that told the pack I was dangerous.'  I look up horrified, not meaning to tell this complete stranger about my life.  Looking into her hazel eyes, I see something I haven't seen since I was small, there was compassion in her eyes.   Smiling at me she whispers 'Don't worry Brandon, anything you tell me will always stay between us, you are now officially my best friend that means I keep all your secrets safe.' 'Best friends?' I asked giving a small laugh, 'you want to be best friends with the school psycho? i'm beginning to think you may be after my spot in the school'. Flipping her braid over her shoulder she gives me a wide beam, 'Well I must admit, being known as the school psycho has a certain pull to it, I would totally rock that title by the way.  I'd be scaring the crap out of people every day.' she said as I started to laugh uncontrollably. Our conversation was cut short by the music abruptly stopping, looking over toward the stage we were greeted with the sight of Alpha Clay holding a microphone, Jayden stood to his left and Jorden to his right, both blindfolded. 'Friends' Alpha Clay called out over the hubbub causing the crowd to silence immediately, 'Tonight we celebrate the eighteenth birthday of my children, Jordan and Jayden'.  Cheers filled the room at his words, 'As you all know, they have been kept separate from their peers this evening as tradition demands.  Jordan has been in one area with only males, Jayden in another with only females.  They have now been brought forward blindfolded as it is time to see if they will find their mates tonight.' Clay shouted happily as more cheers erupted. 'Ladies, please will you make your way to the stage and stand in a line, Jordan will make his way along the line, looking each of you in the eyes to see if you are his chosen mate.'  At these words, unmated girls aged seventeen and above scurried to the front of the room, lining up as instructed.  Looking over at Lily I saw her roll her eyes as she dragged herself from her chair muttering under her breath, joining the very end of the line furthest from where Jordan would start. Taking his son by the hand, Clay led him to the start of the line, positioning him in front of the first girl before whipping his blindfold off.  Staring into the eyes of his current school fling, he shook his head as her eyes filled with tears before moving along the line.  One by one, the hopeful girls faces turned to ones of crushed dreams as they were disregarded.  Standing in front of his sister's friend Kaitlyn, Jordan raised his gaze, his eyes widening as he breathed 'MATE'. Cheers and howls filled the room as he lifted Kaitlyn off her feet and crushed her lips with his own before setting her down and grabbing her hand, leading the giggling seventeen year old to the side as the remaining girls dispersed. Making his way back to the stage, Clay shouted out, 'Jordan has found his future Luna, Kaitlyn, welcome to our family' as Jayden squealed excitedly from the stage. 'Really? Kaitlyn? oh that's amazing! congrats babe!' she called out. Shhing the crowd, Clay raised his voice again, 'Now it is time for my baby girl to try and find her own mate, could all males please make their way to the front. Sitting on my chair, I watched as all the unmated males strode to the stage lining up.   I recognised a few of the future Alpha's of other packs, each one holding that self confident aura that seemed to be built into the Alpha bloodlines. My thoughts were interrupted by Lily poking me, 'hey! get your ass up there!' she hissed. Stumbling to my feet, I weaved my way slowly through the party guests, before stepping into a gap between two huge twenty something werewolves who looked down at me with contempt.  I stared up at the stage as Alpha Clay led Jayden down the stairs, placing her carefully in front of the first male.  Whipping the blind fold off, he stepped back as she looked into the first werewolf's eyes.  Like her brother before her, she moved along the line shaking her head as she looked into each set of eyes in front of her.  As she made her way closer and closer to me, my hands started to shake uncontrollably, balling them into fists I stared straight ahead, fear gripping me.  Suddenly she was there, in front of me, her vanilla scent enveloped me like a fog as I raised my eyes to hers, hearing her gasp as she whispered 'MATE'.  Being only seventeen I couldn't recognise her yet though the pull was there, she being eighteen now could recognise me.  I stood open mouthed as she stared at me, a voice that sounded like it was miles away echoing, 'no way! it can't be him!' Her eyes suddenly hardened as she glared at me angrily, 'NO!' she yelled stepping back, 'no it can't be you! I am meant to be with an Alpha not some psycho pack reject' she spat before grabbing my shoulder, forcing me to look at her. 'I Jayden, daughter of the Alpha of the Oak Grove pack, reject you Brandon, son of the Beta of the Oak Grove pack as my mate.' she yelled angrily before pushing me away.  I collapsed to the floor, clutching at my heart, it was like a pain I had never felt before, my heart was literally tearing in two as I gasped for breath, trying to speak as my mate stormed away from me, giving me no time to reply to her. I felt members of the party, leaving all around me, the party was over at her words.  Suddenly a pair of soft hands were pulling me up from the floor, looping my arm around their neck as they supported me toward the pack house front door and out into the night. The passenger door of a small black beetle was pulled open and I was bundled inside, the door slamming shut behind me before my helper sprinted round the car and slipped behind the wheel.   Gunning the engine, they pulled out of the driveway and sped off down the dark roads, twisting and turning as I gulped back my tears.  Looking over at my rescuer I saw the profile of Lily, concentrating on the road as she grimaced angrily. Pulling up after I time, she stepped out and ran round to help me out of the car, leading me to a low wall where I sat down and looked out realising we were sat by the beach.  Looking toward my new friend, tears fell down my cheeks as I whispered, 'She rejected me.' Pulling my head into the crook off her neck, Lily replied, 'I know Brandon, i'm so sorry' as she slipped her arms around me, holding me tightly as I cried.
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