Chapter 1

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SELENE I sighed as I walked into the reception of the Giordano cooperation. I wasn’t going to lie. This place had me dropping my mouth in awe each time I walked in, because of how beautiful, elegant, and huge it was. And I had been coming for the past six months since Luke Guerriero, my fiancé, started working there. Once we got out of college, he had had the choice to work on either side of his powerful family’s business, and had ultimately chosen to work on his maternal side. Apparently, it was only for a short time, before he went to work for his father. But inside of me, I knew it was because his maternal side was way, way richer than his father’s side. I saw nothing wrong in that, as Luke’s father was a millionaire, heading towards being a billionaire. It was just a matter of time. As for his maternal side, I didn’t even want to think about it. Especially the person who owned the Giordano Corporation. Karl Giordano. Even thinking about his name gave me shivers.... It is safe to say, my fiancé was a bit ambitious, and didn't want to settle for less, when he could have the world in his hands. Then again, there was nothing wrong in being ambitious. I got into the elevator, and headed straight towards Luke’s floor, which was three floors below the top floor. As finance manager, that was his floor. Who on earth made a fresh college graduate a whole ass manager? Karl, of course. “Hi Anna.” I said to the pretty secretary, Anna, who looked like she should be anywhere between a magazine cover model or a runway model. Anna was an absolute angel. And was probably my partner in crime as she let me in on Luke’s schedule sometimes, if I came at the wrong time. “How are you doing?” I added when she looked up at me in surprise. “Selene! What are you doing here!” She let out in a breathy voice that came out as a surprised whisper. I shrugged. “I and Luke have a date this afternoon, and he said he was going to pick me up, but I have been waiting, and tried calling him numerous times. I know he had forgotten, yet again.” I said in a rush, eyeing Luke’s door. The very first rule Luke had given, was that I asked his secretary before walking in, instead of just barging into his office like that. I didn’t like that rule, and had pretty much rebelled from time to time, until I had walked into a meeting with his father, uncle, and another older man, who had given me a pointed look that had had me hightailing it out of there, and apologizing to his father the next time I had seen him. I haven’t apologized to his uncle though.. Anna’s gaze flickered at the door as an unknown expression washed over her face. “Oh, Selene. I don’t think this is a good time. Mr. Guerriero is currently in an important meeting now.” She told me apologetically. I frowned then, biting the bottom of my lips as I gazed longingly at the door, wishing I could just push open the door, and pluck him out of the meeting so I could have him all to myself. Hell, we hadn’t seen each other in over a week! “Or should I just wait for him? I mean I can do that, Anna, I really just want to see him!” I whined, placing a hand on my hip while I pouted my lips defiantly. Sometimes, Anna melted at my whims, and I hoped this was one of those times. I hated the fact that we did not see each other as often as we did when we were still in college. While I could understand that it was because of the job, I still found it annoying. Anna looked at me with pity in her pretty eyes. “Selene, com’n, you and I know that meetings like these could span into hours. I can’t exactly tell you what is going on in there, but it’s going to take a lot of time.” She told me calmly, and in a soft ass voice. “Listen, I’ll tell him that you were here, and that he should give you a call. I’m sure he would be able to arrange something at the last minute for you both.” She said with a wink, as if that was going to solve the problem. I rolled my eyes inwardly, but struggled to keep my face normal, like I was okay with what she was suggesting. “Fine then. And don’t bother about talking to him, I’ll just leave him a message.” I told her, then sighed and stepped back. “See you around, Anna.” As I spoke, I pulled out my phone and began to type a message, then walked away. Anna was on the phone almost immediately I spoke, so she just nodded and waved, before facing whoever it was on the phone, while I walked away, towards the elevator. I wanted to cry. Urghh! Luke spoiled me to death with his hugs, kisses and action, and heck, we hadn’t had a lot of that since he started the damn job. I pressed send, then put my phone back in my bag, before pushing the elevator button and stepping back to wait. It opened a few short seconds later. With eyes down, and hands crossed over my chest, I stepped in, noticing the feet of two men, before turning around to face the front of the elevator as it closed and began the journey down. Whoever they were, I wished they could just disappear and let me have the elevator all to myself. It wasn’t until the elevator stopped at the very next floor, and one of the men left, leaving me with one man, that I raised my head. For some reason, as the door closed, I felt a little bit of awareness and something that could easily be mistaken for discomfort, but was far as hell from it. I bit my lips slightly as I obeyed the very first instinct of my body, at the situation I found myself, and turned to look at the person who was with me in the elevator. I gasped, and my eyes widened, as my gaze landed on the last person I would have thought would be in the elevator with me. Shit! Karl Giordano. Oh dear.. ~ Midnight black hair with hints of white here and there, pushed back from his face in loose curly waves, framed his hardened face, giving him a dark look, added to his caramel brown skin. He had the most perfect icy blue eyes I had ever set my eyes on. And don’t get me started on the sharp nose that would have been perfectly straight, if not for the one bump and a tiny scar next to it, that told me he had gotten his nose busted at one point of his life. The thing that definitely got to me every single time I looked at his face, were his lips. They were actually kinda wide, for the size of his face, but they were plump, and angrily red at all times of the day. Redder, when he had his cigar on his lips. At thirty-eight, Karl Giordano could still very well have his face and body in magazines, and would outsell every other face in the industry. Heck, I could even buy one.. The last thought had me blinking myself back to reality, and the fact that I was just standing there with my mouth dropped open, and staring blatantly at the man I said I hated! Fuck.. Karl raised a brow at me then, while a small smile played at his lips. “I mean, it’s one thing ogling at me whenever you come to my house to see your little boyfriend, and pretending not to.” He said in a deep voice that resonated through my whole being. “But doing so blatantly, in my face, that definitely tops the chat. And is that a drool I see by the side of your lips?” My hands instantly flew to my lips where there was, in fact, a dampness beginning to form. Shit! I instantly felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment. And was turning around almost instantly, while cursing inwardly as I questioned the heavens for putting me in the same tight space as this man! He…he…infuriated the hell out of me! And the fact that what he said was true.. “I am not ogling at you. Just surprised to be in the same elevator as you!” I hissed through my teeth, lying easily. Why the heck was I even staring at him like that? And why did the elevator suddenly smell so good? Why was I blushing? I heard him take a step forward. “I mean, you can lie all you want, but you know I’m telling the truth.” Karl said in a mocking voice, sounding a bit too close to my liking. Automatically, my hands reached for the elevator button with the intention of getting out on the next floor, and away from being in the same space with him. But whatever I was about to do was halted by just one single order. “Don’t even dare.” Karl said icily, sending shivers down my spine. And should I just say that those shivers were not out of fear or anything close to it?
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