Chapter One

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As we waved goodbye to everyone and climbed into the car, I smiled. The idea of being alone for a while was refreshing. I loved all of our family, but we were such a big family between his side and mine. It felt like there was constantly someone around. Em had helpfully packed the car for us. I was so grateful she was back in my life. I felt nervous leaving her after everything she had been through lately, but taking her on honeymoon with us would have been a bit much. Luca had remained dressed in his wedding suit, but I changed back into the lilac halter dress I had worn earlier in the day. It was going to be a long journey back to Paris and I couldn't believe he was going to drive the whole way in his suit. After the vows, I had made a comment about his shirt being undone a little too far and he had done it up further. However, as I sat there beside him, I noticed it had magically been undone again. "So, Dolcezza, are you ready to do this?" "I've been ready for way longer than necessary. We can't get to Paris a minute too soon, in my opinion." As we pulled off, everyone was shouting and waving. As soon as they were out of sight, I turned to Luca. His usual sexy self looked even better while he was driving. He always did, and it drove me crazy. He had his aviators on as always, and I could see my reflection in them when he turned to me. "I wish you wouldn't watch me constantly when I'm driving. It's distracting. There's a very small wedding present for you in the glove box." "Really?" I reached and pulled the lever for the glove box and saw the rectangular box wrapped in gold paper. I ripped it open impatiently. The second I saw the case, I knew exactly what it was. Clicking it open and finding a matching pair of aviators, instead of the lenses being a greeny blue, mine were purple. It was a bit of an inside joke because I was always stealing his. "Thank you, baby, they are perfect." I wasted no time in putting them on. They would be ideal for the long journey. The journey felt so familiar and brought back so many happy memories as we snaked our way through the mountains. The last time we had done the journey, we had been at the beginning of our journey and it seemed fitting somehow. I guessed that Luca had felt the same way because it wasn't the most direct route, but he had chosen it, anyway. He seemed even more relaxed being in our own car instead of Pop's truck, like last time. The ride was smoother too, for which I was very grateful. Isabella was happily snoozing in the back of the car, snuggled up in her car seat. The last time we had completed the journey as a family had been so stressful, but I was sure it would be different. Isabella was much stronger and bigger than she had been, and there was no psycho arsonist running around. The only stressors we had to worry about were drawing up the plans for the restaurant. We had finally found a location we could all be happy with and we wanted to get the ball rolling as soon as we got back. "What are you so deep in thought about?" "The restaurant." "Oh, just that little thing. Nothing too heavy while you're taking in the scenery, then?" "One of these days, your cheekiness is going to get you put in the doghouse." He flashed me a smile, and I knew he was trying to wind me up on purpose. He just loved to prod at me. Although, I quite liked annoying him, too. "Don't we need a dog first?" "You're lucky you're driving or I might have to beat your ass." "You could try. But seriously, maybe we should get a dog. Don't they say children with pets are happier?" "She's way too young for a dog. Maybe when she's older." I really didn't need a baby, a business and a dog. Luca was a glutton for punishment when it came to being overworked. He had always been the same. When we were working together in England, he would have happily been in the kitchen twenty-four hours a day if the restaurant had been open long enough. Everyone always commented that he was all work and no play. That had changed, but he still took on more work than he should. Part of me expected him to decide to work with Timothée while we were in Paris. In fact, I was almost certain he would find a way to get into the kitchen a fair amount while we were away. I didn't even mind. His cooking had brought us together in the first place, and I loved watching him cook. It always brought out his passionate side, and there was something incredibly sexy about that. Cooking was something I would never find enjoyable myself, but when we did it together, it was a different matter. During our entire relationship, he had been relentless in trying to teach me what he considered basic skills in the kitchen. Although I would argue that making fresh pasta was not so much of a basic skill. "We're nearly at our first stop, Dolcezza." "I thought the first stop was going to be Paris?" "I don't reveal all of my secrets to you, you know?" "So, where are we?" "Innsbruck. Not that I imagine that means much to you." "Have they got a good food market here, by any chance?" "They have, actually, but that is not why I brought you. As soon as we get into the hotel, you will be in no doubt as to the reason for the visit. I won't even be visiting the market. That will have to wait until our next visit."
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