
950 Words
Ayra's POV My parents dared to die during a rogue attack. As if being an Omega wolf was not enough offense, I was also an orphan. My name is Ayra, and I belong to the Razor Pack. I ought to have been pretty, but my beauty was more of a curse than a blessing. I had long blonde hair that was tender and easy to style into whatever position I liked, also my blue eyes were “deeper than the ocean,” according to Alpha Fredrick. That statement from Alpha Fredrick was the beginning of my nightmare in the Razor Pack. On the day he made that statement, I was carrying out my daily chores as an Omega wolf when Alpha Fredrick saw me. I had just turned seventeen at the time and had not yet met my wolf. What was supposed to be a casual comment from Alpha Fredrick turned out to be the beginning of the end of my stay in the Razor Pack. I dared to smile at the Alpha when he made the comment, and as soon as I opened my worthless Omega's mouth to thank him for his kind words, I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek and I saw myself tumbling down the staircase. Constance, the Alpha’s girlfriend, had slapped me so hard, that I tumbled down on an empty stomach. Alpha Fredrick, who was already trying to leave the area, stopped in his tracks, shocked at the velocity with which Constance slapped me. I was relieved at first when he stopped and looked back at us, but he soon turned around and continued to walk away. My heart sank. At least, because he was the one that got me into trouble, he should have made Constance let me be. “Wretch!” That was all she said at the time as she glared at me from the top of the stairs while I winced in pain at the bottom of the stairs. I picked myself up and dared not go close to the Alpha again. Being an Omega in the Razor Pack was different from other packs. The Razor Pack was known for having nearly every wolf as a prospective Alpha. All the wolves were huge in the Razor Pack. In my esteemed Pack, if an Alpha’s heir was smaller in size than an ordinary pack member, he stood the danger of being challenged by the larger pack member, be it male or female. Yes, the Razor Pack were a ruthless bunch. So imagine a small wolf like me? Being an Omega was like a disease in my pack, the almighty Razor Pack. Back to my pathetic plight, I picked myself up from the foot of the stairs and hurried to my next point of duty. I had slightly grazed my face from when I fell, but I didn’t have the time to attend to it, and my hair stuck on my face because of the blood that flowed unattended to. While I spent the entire evening cleaning and cooking dinner for the rest of the pack members, all I could think about was when I would turn eighteen and meet my wolf, eventually finding my mate. I desperately wanted my life to get better, and the only one that could save me was my mate. I hoped my mate would be from another pack so that I could get away from the perusing eyes of Constance. I imagined her being the Luna eventually, she would order for me to be thrown in and forgotten about in the dungeon until I died. I had to go to school the next day, and there I was, with a ton of chores and undone assignments. If I thought that my teacher would pardon me because I was doing my job in the pack house as an Omega, I would have been fooled. I had better turn in that assignment. I was hardworking anyway, so I didn’t allow my wariness to weigh me down. I went on with preparing dinner. I sliced the onions and other ingredients for the chicken broth sauce I was making. I parboiled the rice, and made a fancy dinner that all enjoyed while I waited for them to finish, and then clear up the dining, wash the dishes, before nibbling on remnants I could find. After the day Constance witnessed the Alpha complimenting my looks, she made sure I never ate properly. According to her, if I looked malnourished, the Alpha won’t notice me. It became my reality as far as the Razor Pack were concerned. I managed to do my assignment that night even though my eyes were literally closing. I had better get some sleep fast because I had to wake up before everyone else and get breakfast ready before they left for school or else I would spend time in the dungeon. My life was a living hell, and I didn’t even have the time to think about it or complain. Trust Constance to have her bees who flocked around her. She was the queen bee, and she had them have their eyes on me every single time. There was nothing that I did that went unnoticed, including during tests. She was a class further than me with the Alpha, but she still feared that my intelligence would become common knowledge and make the Alpha notice me again, so I was asked to tone it down. My teachers, who knew that I was smarter than the way I portrayed myself, never understood the reason behind my deliberately failing some tests. Yes, Constance was a nightmare. She was a nightmare that I didn’t wish on my enemy.
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