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As we started to come into the driveway of the home that Diego oversaw for me, my eyes were automatically drawn to the high fence that surrounded my new home.  Shielding my home from prying eyes. Not only was there a high fence, but towering trees also contributed in shielding my future home. From the looks of it, Diego didn’t hold back when it came to my safety. As I knew he would make sure my home was the best of the best which included security and the interior choices. He knew what my likes and dislikes are. Therefore, I fully trusted him to oversee everything in the six months that he had been away from the Academy. I needed my home ready by the time I aged out to leave the academy, and I knew he would be up for the task. He insisted to pay for everything, but I had plenty of years to grow my empire. Money was never an issue. When Diego finally left the academy, I transferred a whooping ten million to get him started. I wanted the best security that was untraceable. I needed it to be a fortress. I chose the location of my home specifically. I had chosen this neighborhood because it is very protected. Hence why my father feels safe enough to live here as well. His home is right around the corner from mine. No one was allowed entry without having a background check done on them, and an oral and written confirmation from the home owner. The gated subdivision was already covered in twenty-four-hour security from head to toe, but they also had members of the black dragon mafia as extra bodies. To the neighborhood, it was just a private security team, but I knew better. The homes in this neighborhood were already spread apart to provide everyone their own privacy. Each home varied upon how many acres, but I knew my home was sitting on around fifteen acres of land. I had to buy several of the surrounding lots just to make sure I had the extra privacy. I couldn’t let anyone see what I was up to or have my home easily accessible to any outside parties. No matter how protected this neighborhood is, I couldn’t risk my safety or get too comfortable. When you get too relaxed is when things go horribly wrong. Therefore, I made sure to have my home built right in the center. There would be the same amount of distance on each side. The terrain itself would be hard to get through if anyone could get through my security. There were trees for miles between properties. It was so dense that you wouldn’t be able to see your neighbor. Combine that with the security that is looked over by the gated community and the black dragons. Plus, my own armed guards. I was pretty much set, but I would never remain too comfy. I had enough people breathing down my neck. I wasn’t going to let myself get too carried away at my newfound freedom. I also had a job to do. I couldn’t lose sight of what I wanted most. As I looked back at my new home, I had noticed that there were armed guards at the entrance. Diego had also placed cameras that covered every corner of my property which I’m sure were only created with the finest tech. One of the perks of him being the CEO of a tech company. He knew what the best of the best was, and he made sure my home was covered with it. As we approached the gate, the window to the vehicle came rolling down. All it took was one look at me, and they quickly scurried to open the gate. As Diego was rolling the window back up, I couldn’t help but laugh at the fear that emanated from their eyes. Grown men cowering in fear at a little old me. Just how I like it. Once the gate opened, the limo continued its journey to my new home. The ride towards my home was covered in thick trees scattered all over the property. I liked how dense the trees made it. Seeing it in person was a lot better than pictures. It didn’t do it justice. My new home finally came into view, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was the one place that my father or anyone for that matter had any control. It was mine and mine alone. A place I had worked hard to get to. I couldn’t shake the sense of pride that began to flood my emotions. I had to work extremely hard just to get to this moment, and It was definitely worth the wait and sacrifice. “I’m guessing you like it?” Diego’s voice rang throughout the vehicle. Tearing me away from my thoughts. I turned towards him and engulfed him into a bone breaking hug. His scattered breathing brought me back to reality. I might have hugged him a little too hard. My bad. “I was g-going to sh-show yo-you everyth-thing about the hou-house, but yo-you just tr-tried to k-kill m-me.”  I’m surprised he could even make out the words to speak with his erratic breathing. I was about to respond, but he held one of his crusty fingers up to my mouth. “I’m going to let you figure out your new home by yourself because I’m going to need you ready for the club were going to later. I left everything you need to know on your phone. You just need to open your messages up, and it will all be there. Including, the little dress I want you to wear tonight. It’s not every day that your best friend turns into a legal adult. I don’t care if were technically still in high school. Potato patato.” Before I could muster up the words to decline, he shoved me out of the car, and I landed right on my ass. He was the only one that got to be this playful around me. If anyone else had done what he had just did, they probably would’ve lost their hand or gotten a bullet in the brain. I’m just joking. Maybe. I quickly got up from my position on the ground. I glanced towards the retreating limo. That asshole made the driver press on the gas, so I couldn’t retaliate. Well played. I began walking towards the entrance. The huge doors must have been nine feet tall because I felt especially small next to it. I tried for the doorknob, and the door slowly slid open to reveal the breathtaking interior. I walked into a foyer with staircases on each side that led to the second floor. My attention automatically landed on a table that sat right in the center that had a white envelope with my name on it. I walked towards the table, and I quickly tore the envelope open. Dear Aurora, I hope you like your new home. If you head towards the hallway in front of you and take a left. The following door would lead you to the master suite that is already covered from corner to corner with a whole new wardrobe because those academy outfits were just not it. There is also a little surprise for you in the bathroom. P.s. I’m picking you up at nine, so you better be ready by then. Thankfully, it gave me a little bit of time to get ready. I followed his directions and came towards the door that would open to my room. I was extremely excited. I put my hand out for the door knob and pushed it open. The room itself was huge. My eyes explored the entire room, and they eventually landed on a piece of fabric that was hanging on a hanger. A dress that was dripping in crystals or diamonds. I couldn’t be too sure with Diego. A perfectly placed matching heels that accommodated the dress nicely. After thoroughly examining the dress, I headed to what I presumed is the bathroom. I pulled the door open to reveal a gigantic bathroom. It was nothing like the academy. The counter tops were marble with a huge glass shower that had black tile to accent the bedroom I just came from. I examined the room to find what other surprise Diego had in store, but I couldn’t find anything that looked out of place. I walked towards a door on the opposite side that led to a hallway. There were two doors with signs that indicated one was the closet and the other was a makeup room. Knowing Diego, I went towards the makeup room. The opening the door revealed the gigantic LED mirror with dozens of cabinets that were stocked to the brim with different kinds of makeup. All drawers labeled and in alphabetical order. I looked around at what would soon become my safe space when I noticed a red envelope. I picked it up and tore it open as I did the last one. Diego’s handwriting was all over this one once again. It looks like you’ve found your surprise. I’ve given you everything you could possibly need. I want you to look your best tonight. NO EXCUSES. I put the envelope down, and I couldn’t stop the smile that had formed on my face. This would soon be my new reality. A home that was mine that I wouldn’t get ripped away from again. No one could tear me away from it without bringing down hell upon themselves. I was not going anywhere without a fight.  
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