Part 1

1135 Words
It's so dark and cold but somehow Ruca feels so comfortable. She wishes to stay in that place forever. The longer she stayed in that space, the further peaceful she felt. Any resentment she felt when being killed by the accident gone as the time passed by. It was just an unfortunate event that she was being crushed by Truck-san so after weeping for a long time, there was no longer any sadness by the sudden death. With no sense of time and date, she couldn't do anything but passing the time by swimming along and turning around. Playing with herself in that space. However, somehow this peacefulness that she feels somehow is going to end when she feels her body is being pulled away. ‘No don’t pull me!!! let me stay!!!’ She screams louder and wailing so hard. However, the only sound that she heard is a baby’s cry. When she opened her eyes, the only person she could see is a tired young woman in front of her. Ruca was shocked and scared. Everything is so large and big while the current she now is so small, just like a baby. She screams louder and louder. Afraid of this strangeness that happens to her right now. The tired young woman handing her to a maidservant for rest and Ruca gently being held and washed by the maid. She is adorned by a fine cloth to keep her warm from a cold night. After that, the maid put her into a baby cradle. In Ruca mind now, a few novels come into her mind! From the reincarnation novels she read before, she believes that the legendary event that usually occurs in the novel currently happens to her. ’God, is this so-called legendary reincarnation things that should have only happen in the light novel right now happen to me?” Her baby’s mouth opening wide. “Yes!!!“. Ruca laughs to herself. This is the only special treatment for the protagonist of the novel. A few thoughts come into her mind. Not only she is not dead, but she is also even given chance to reincarnate. Maybe somehow at the bridge of reincarnation, she was not given Grandma Meng’s soup. Lucky! With this protagonist like treatment, she certainly going to enjoy her life here. Ruca laughs cheerfully. Can’t wait to go through the new life here. But certainly, those many thought kinda weary her baby’s mind so Ruca feels so sleepy. In a few moments later, she fell into a deep sleep. -------------------- Today, the first wife of Duke Ernest, Lady Sophia has successfully given birth to a baby girl despite being an unloved wife. On that day, Duke Ernest, her husband does not even come to see his wife and child but spend time with his beloved concubine, Lady Rose. People certainly know, the marriage between Lady Sophia and Duke Ernest was only able to happen because of the power of Lady Sophia household. Lady Sophia born in a very wealthy family have fallen in love at first sight with Duke Ernest when her family visited the Kirlune Kingdom. Because of her persuasion and constant pestering, her father finally tried to ask the Kirlune King to grant the marriage between Lady Sophia and Duke Ernest. To keep a good relationship, the King agreed and bless the marriage between them. During that time, Duke Ernest that has already in a relationship with Lady Rose could not refuse the royal decree and was forced to accept it. After he married Lady Sophia, he shunned her presence. He couldn’t stand being with her or even be inside the same room with her. It’s not a secret among servants that Lady Sophia certainly famous unloved wife of Duke Ernest. But still, she has a high status in the mansion. No one dares to offend the First and Official Wife of Duke Ernest. 2 years later, Duke Ernest bring his lover, Lady Rose in his mansion and marry her. Those loving couple can be seen together roaming happily. The cheerful atmosphere affecting the mansion in a good way. But certainly, it’s affecting Lady Sophia in a very negative sense. Lady Sophia was blind with rage. In that little moment, she has a strong urge to make a huge decision that can affect her life. She makes an attempt to seduce the Duke and at the same time making Lady Rose’s life in the mansion be as hard as possible especially during the time the Duke was not at home. Her action failed. Not only the Duke loathe her, his relationship with Lady Rose become stronger and firm. Lady Sophia becomes desperate. She finally used her power to buy illegal drugs Duke Ernest and take advantage of him. She succeeds in drugging him because Duke Ernest consider the mansion as his personal space so he becomes comfortable and doesn’t alert to any threat. Waking up looking at naked Lady Sophia and himself, the Duke was trembling in anger. The memories of helplessly being taken advantage were so humiliated. Duke Ernest roars in disgust at Lady Sophia. Feeling his body was tainted, Duke Ernest immediately left her in the chamber to clean himself. Behind him, Lady Sophia screaming asking him to stay but that voice now only makes Duke Ernest repulsed. Knowing her action just makes things worse, Lady Sophia continues to live in depression until one day, a ray of light shine upon her. She is pregnant. A hope that things can be better. A miracle. ‘My child, with you around me, now Duke Ernest will stay with me’. That is the first time she smiles during 2 years of her married life. During her pregnancy, the Duke has not even shown up and seen her but that doesn’t make her give up. But when in the labor room and realized that Duke still does not come made make Lady Sophia totally hopeless. The ray of light that she hold totally diminished. After a long period of labor pain, she just relief that the torture finally finished. Since she already gave up on having a family with the Duke, looking at her daughter doesn’t make Lady Sophia feels excited. All she feels is an empty feeling, he eyes void of any emotion. Hearing her newborn daughter laughter makes her feel like the baby is mocking her. She hates Duke Ernest. She hates Lady Rose. She hates the baby, and she hates herself. ‘Maybe if I disappear everything will feel better’. The thought crossed her mind. Her heart is already broken and shattered to pieces.
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