Home (7)

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Nigel I remained silent after what Zalia told me. It didn't make it any less painful but at least I knew why she left. My heart broke a little at the thought of her going through ask much without me there to help her. Then I thought of what she said, she still loves me? I thought by now she would have forgotten about me or even if she remembered me wouldn't have feelings for me again. This changes everything I was ready to move on if she didn't turn up today but now she's here and I'm feeling the emotions I felt at 18 hundredfold. I wonder if this meant she would be staying or if she planned on going back to London. I knew we couldn't pick up from where we left off all those years ago. We're different now, older and more mature and in my case ready to settle down. My parents have been asking me for years to settle down and start giving them grandchildren. I always gave them excuses but I knew I was getting older and more lonely as the years went on. I guess a pert of me was waiting for Zalia, always believing that she'd come back and that she'd have a reason for leaving. "So are you seeing someone?" Her question startled me and I nearly swerved off the road. I looked at her from the corner of my eye to see if she was serious or not. She looked genuinely interested to know about my love life or lack of it thereof. "Well I'm single, I've been single since you left." I looked at her to see her reaction, she looked surprised but then a small smile took over her face. "Haven't you met anyone that you liked? I mean you went to college, didn't you met any girl you found pretty and interesting?" I know she asked it from purely innocent perspective but I guess she doesn't realise that in college no one was exactly lining up for a software engineering major with a minor in mathematics who was legally blind and was president of the robotics club. "Well of course I met pretty girls but none of them were as beautiful as you, plus they didn't really notice me so..." I ended on an awkward note, intentionally focusing on the road so I couldn't see her reaction to my words. Way to go dummy, why did i have to bring up the fact that women don't find me attractive, especially to someone who's been named one of the top ten most beautiful women in the world. "I've not dated anyone since I left." She admitted so softly I thought I was hearing things until I saw her face, she was serious. I didn't know of I should be happy or worried, I've seen some of her commercials she's worked with some of the most handsome world in the world. They had bodies that put Nolan's to shame, if they couldn't get Zalia what chance did I have? "I'm confused, don't you like guys? I mean you're beautiful and smart, surely a lot of men must have tried." I couldn't look at her while i said this, I'm so stupid why did I bring up the fact that there are far better prospects for her, not that I was an option. "Well they did but my heart was stolen by an adorable nerd who wanted to be a superhero." I couldn't help but blush, she remembers that? I'd hoped she'd have forgotten by now. I couldn't help but feel the tip of my ears to my neck going red and I wished I could hide. After that I just kept quiet till we reached my childhood home. I quickly got down and scrambled to open the door for Zalia. My heart nearly beating out of my chest when she gave me a kiss on my cheek as she got down. "I'm so excited to see your parents again, they were always so sweet to me. I can't wait to see how they are now." I shudder to think about the way their going to react to seeing her again. They were going to definitely embarrass me. They've been asking about grandchildren for so long their going to assume this means I've been waiting all this while for Zalia and now that she's here I'm sure they expect me to get married and start giving them babies. My mom was out of the house before we could knock, she completely bypassed me and went to hug Zalia like she was a long lost child, which she kind of was to her. "Zalia! What a pleasant surprise, I'm so proud of you, you've become so successful and you're a role model. To think you used to eat dinner with us every Friday and now you're a star." My mom kept on talking as she led us inside where my dad did the same albeit a little more quietly. The dinner was spent catching up with Zalia, I really had fun, until the inevitable question of whether we were dating came up then I had to cut the dinner short. After promising to bring Zalia back for another dinner I finally succeeded in getting away from my parents. "Well that was awkward, just ignore my parents, they are grandchildren crazy." I laughed nervously, trying to lighten my embarrassment. "I think they're sweet, it was really nice to have your mom's cooking again, ever since my mom was diagnosed with cancer I've never had a homecooked meal with a mother's touch." I didn't know what to say to that, so I just continued driving. UntilI realized I was going in the direction of my apartment. "Um, Zalia where are you staying?" I asked after realising she wasn't going to tell me. "It's okay let's go to your place, I don't mind. My apartment is not too far from there." I found her statement a little strange but still drove to Chalet Towers, a modern set of buildings with affordable rent. I drove into the underground parking lot and stopped the car. Slowly turning to face Zalia I asked the question that had been plaguing my mind since she returned. "Zalia why are you here? Are you staying in the states permanently or are you moving back to London? And what do you want from me? Did you just want to tell me why you left or did you..." I never finished talking because she grabbed me and kissed me so passionately I swear I saw stars. After a few minutes we came up for air. "Nigel, I still love you, I want to be with you, ever since that day I promised to be yours I've always remained true to you. In fact I'm still a virgin." Her voice lowered at each word till her last word was almost a whisper. And I'm not sure but I'm almost positive I saw her go red a bit. "Well I'm still a virgin too. I guess we were both waiting for each other all these years." I saw her go from shock to disbelief to tentative joy in a matter of seconds. "Come on we should get out of the car, we better get going, it's getting late." The elavator ride was quiet but we held hands through it all. When we got to my floor I realised the apartment opposite mine had a suitcase in front of it. That's strange considering my old neighbour had moved out months ago when he got married. "Don't worry about the suitcase, the apartment's been empty for months, maybe someone's moving in. I don't know how we'regoing to do this, I'll take the couch and..." I stopped talking when I realised she wasn't following me. I turned to see Zalia unlocking the door and holding the suitcase. "Well this is me, I told you I could walk from your apartment to mine, it's really close. See you tomorrow, neighbour. " Zalia said as she opened the door and entered. What the hell just happened?
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