
549 Words
I smell it again, they're here. Coming in and out to bring petition, petition to dethrone me and revoke the rights of my son. Marrying Taylor, I thought everything will go smoothly, with his status and his family background, I thought things will go smoothly. Having a perfect family doesn't give you the guarantee for a perfect life. I can see how Taylor is affected by this, though he tried to hide it, and he assures me all the time, still, it shows. He is a father and a husband, of not just me and our son alone but the whole vampire society. I could never ask for another life, nor another chance, I am half-vampire, half-human. I am part immortal, part super being, but, for the past year, I am a human. And because I am a human before, I being petition to be removed from the throne. "This is getting in my nerve." I heard Taylor whisper this to his own. I tried to act as if I didn't hear, or I didn't know. "Wanna check on the daycare?" I tried to trick his thoughts to get it out of whatever stressful thinking he had. "Not now honey, I still need to meet with Jayson." He answered nervously. "Anything wrong?" I asked as I know, something new came up. "Don't worry, there is some petty hassle that I need him to check, plus we're running out of supply," He explained before he kisses me and left the room. I am taking a lesson with Le Salve, who teaches me the ways of the vampire, she is a boring lady but is well knowledgeable, and well equipped. Every morning after sending my son to daycare I would meet her in the library. We will spend two hours together before I go see my husband before I pick up my lil demon. He has his father's look, he behaves like his father, he is, therefore, his little form. He is love and adore by the whole family, but not the whole clan, their children even go as far as calling him a halfling which is a very bad insult for half-vampire. Taylor knew about this, and warn them that he will punish them by making them drink their own blood. Learning from Le Salve, I know that never in history did a half-human, half-vampire been successor to the throne. As it was never allowed for a successor to marry a human or a half. Knowing this I know that we are trying to change their history, a history of lineage that runs for a hundred or even thousands of years ago. This is the reason why I don't push to stay, I would love to be respected and all, but this won't happen since vampires are very different, they're discreet, and they stick to their laws and tradition. Not to mention the fact that some of the vampires are Demitris followers, and they don't want us up here. Speaking of, we haven't heard of him for the past 3 years.  But we knew that he is hiding somewhere regaining his strength, we know that he will strike anytime he sees any sign of weakness from us. And that weakness is now. We are being shaken by the never-ending petition.
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