Chapter 15

763 Words
Nick's P.O.V When the morning came the sun was shining brightly through the window, Nick woke up, he sung his arm over to put around Alexa, but he got bed only, he set up in the bed looking around, his first thought was, did she run again? Where is she, getting out of bed, he checked the bathroom first, she wasn't there, then he heard a creek on the floor, he came out of the bedroom, Alexa was climbing back in the window, he was stunned, he ran over to her helping her through the window, when she was standing on two legs, he didn't let go of her, he held her tightly in his arms,  "You scared me" I thought you ran off again, my heart was beating fast, feel it, he took her hand bringing her hand up to his chest so she could feel his heart beating hard against his chest, they started to sway back and forth dancing slowing to his heart beating,  Alexa pov I'm sorry, I slept on the roof I didn't mean to, I had a lot on my mind, and couldn't sleep,  she thought for a moment, then she decided to ask him, no matter how much it will hurt her, she needed to know, she needed to know if he actually did want to be with her,  she looked into his beautiful dark blue eyes, "don't you want me Nick" "Am I just a joke to you?" Am I just too damaged for you to want me? Her eyes filled up with tears,as she walked over to the bed sitting down, she looked up at him, pleading for him to tell her, "Just please tell me, I can take it, please she was pleading for him to tell her,  Nick pov, This was what he was dreading, he set in front of her, holding her hands in his, he sided as she spoke this words,   Am I just a joke to you?" Am I just damaged goods?"  He was a little shocked to hear this from her, he took a deep breath, Alexa, you are not a joke honey, and you're not damaged goods, listen to me. Lift that beautiful head of yours and look me and my eyes ok,  She lifted her head looking into his eyes,  Alexa I love you honey, but you been through so much, what that monster did to you, tried to do, I don't want you to hate me if we do this and you will regret it, I don't want you scared of me Alexa, so I'm trying to take it slow with you, trust me, I do want you, I want you bad, but I don't want to rush things things with you, she only half understood what he was saying, what did he mean, what he tried to do, she didn't ask anymore questions, she kissed the tip of his nose, she told him that she loved him to, then she got up,  'I need to shower, I am meeting my trainer today that Nicky set up for me, she's going to teach me how to handle a fight, and to fight, if anything is to happen I want to be able to defend my pack. Nick nodded, watching her head to the bathroom, Alexa showered dried off and got dressed and shorts and a purple top, she put her hair and a ponytail then her shoes, she was ready to go, Nick smiled kissing her cheek,  "Come on, I'll walk you to the training grounds, they walked hand and hand to the training grounds, when they got there, everyone turned to look at her. They all smiled,  hello Luna welcome to training, one of the trainers came up to her,  Luna, Braylan couldn't make it, but she did send her sister Rachel, Alexa nodded, as she waited for Rachel to come out, when she did, she stood there looking at Alexa,  Rachel pov  Taking a deep breath, she waited for the trainer to introduce me to Alexa, when she heard her name, she came out from the trainers house smiling,her eyes leaned on Alexa, she tried to hide her shock, she was the princess, and this girl has been through hell and back. She could tell she was blocking something in her mind, "well she thought," it's time to get it out in the open, that way she can fight better, but how will she make her remember, she remembered Braylan telling her how to do it, Not today. She was going to see how she would handle hand to hand combat. She will teach this girl how to fight, and she will, 
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