chapter 12

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aAlexa's P.O.V It felt like I was asleep all night, until I suddenly heard a loud knock and I pulled the blankets over my head. I didn't want to get up and then I heard Kelly. "If you don't answer this door we're going to come in and drag you out of bed." Kelly said, sighing, I tossed the blankets off of me and stomped over to the door. "Why do we have to start so early?" I said, yawning, but Kelly, Lisa and June started to laugh. "Because we have a lot to do before the ceremony, you need to get in the bath and soak in lavender. We have the lavender, so let's get you in the bath and get you soaking. You have to soak for a few hours and then Lisa here, has to wash your hair with milk and honey shampoo, then we have to start getting you dressed." Kelly said and I hadn't realised that all the time Kelly was talking she had walked me to the bathroom. I got in the bathtub after it was ready and laid back, relaxing, while Lisa washed my hair. How will she ever be ready in time for this ceremony if i have to lay in here for a few hours, let someone wash my hair and then get me ready? I thought to myself, but pretty soon it was time for me to get out of the bath. Lisa put a towel around me and my hair, Kelly sat me on a chair, grabbed the makeup and started to fix me up. June did my hair, brushing it as it laid flat over my shoulders. She added a little gel and hairspray and my hair was set. "Don't look in the mirror just yet, we're still not done, go put your bra and panties on and I'll get your dress." Lisa said and I did as I was told, while Lisa got my dress. She slid it on over me and zipped it up. "Now put your shoes on." Kelly said, while June placed a flower crown on my head and walked me to the mirror. "So what do you think?" June said, as all three girls stood behind me and I was stunned. "I look amazing, thank you so much for helping me get ready." I said, smiling from ear to ear. "Alright, we need to get you downstairs or Alpha Nick will think we kidnapped you, if we don't hurry." Kelly said, making me chuckle. "Come on let's go." June said, we walked out and down the stairs towards the ceremony hall. I was amazed at how beautiful it looked, flowers were hung like streamers, plus they were on the table, the main light was dimmed and it had pink and purple lights, the food table was on the side and it had everything that you could name. There was even a chocolate fountain, with little strawberries you could dip, everyone turned looking at me and then Nick walked on stage, clearing his throat. "Alexa can you please come up on stage." Nick announced, I took a deep break and walked towards the stage, going up the steps then up towards Nick. I stood beside him and nervously looked out at the crowd. Nick's P.O.V "Ladies and gentlemen, you all know I've looked for our Luna for years and when I found Alexa, I knew right away I had found her." I said, turning to look at Alexa. I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked today and those legs. I shook the thought off and looked back at the crowd, then turned back to Alexa and cleared my throat once more. "Alexa, do you promise to stand by my side through hardships, will you protect this pack at all cost, will you fight by mine and the packs side, will you love the pack like your own and love the kids, protecting them as well, will you be my one and only Luna of this pack?" I said, Alexa listened to all the questions I was asking her and after I was done she answered me. "Yes I promise, I will do the best I can. I'm new to all of this, as most of you know, but I will do the best I can and learn on the way. If I fail in one part or another, I hope you will forgive me and show me the way. I promise to love your children as my own, I promise to fight beside you and our Alpha. I promise I'll protect the pack as best as I can and I promise to stand beside the Alpha through all hardships, I'll always be here." Alexa said and with that her father and mother walked up on stage. "Alexa, please hold out your hand and you to Nick." David said, turning to both of us, we both held out our hands and he cut the inside of our hands. "Now hold each other's hand and feel the power going into each other." David said and we did, he then took our hands and raised them in the air. Alexa's P.O.V "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your new Luna." My dad announced, everyone cheered, whistled and clapped, "I didn't know you were going to be here today." I said to my mom and dad, surprised to see them. "Nick wanted it to be a surprise." My dad said, softly laughing. "Well I'm happy you came. Do you like my dress?" I said, smiling and they nodded yes. "We are very proud of you sweetheart, just be the Luna we know you can be and if you ever have any questions, I'll just be a link away." My mom said and I hugged them both. "Well let's go eat. I'm starving." I said, as my stomach started rumbling. Nick smiled, taking my hand and leading me to the buffet table. Unknown P.O.V "Did you find that dog?" I asked the rogue Chris. "Yes, Mrs.Hunter, she belongs to a pack now, she's Luna to one of the strongest packs." Chris replied. "Well she won't be there for long, we'll get her back." I said, thinking of a plan.
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