chapter 10 Helping Her Understand

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Alexa's P.O.V As the night went on my mind drifted off and I couldn't help but wonder, how will I be Luna? Will the marking hurt? What about the mating, will that hurt her as well? I was so confused and by the time I finally fell asleep, it was really late and the next thing I heard was someone knocking on the door. I felt like I had just fallen asleep, but when I turned and looked at Nick, he was rubbing at his eyes, trying to wake up. "I guess Kelly is excited to teach you the ways this morning." Nick chuckled and looked at the time. "Goddess, it's seven in the morning. What is this girl up to." Nick said, hurrying to the bathroom. I got out of bed and went to answer the door just as Kelly was about to knock once more. "Girl it's way too early for this. Why are you knocking on the door this early in the morning." I yawned and Kelly started laughing. "We need to find you a new dress for the Luna ceremony, it's not that far off, plus we need to find people to get the celebration hall together." Kelly said, smiling at me. "I'll handle that. Alexa take my card off the dresser, you two go ahead and find Alexa a dress, get her jewellery, purses, makeup and heels to match the dress." Nick yelled from the bathroom, he finished the last sentence as he walked out of the bathroom, putting on a shirt. He walked over to me, handing me his card, "If you have any problems, call me." Nick said and looked as if he was deep in thought. "Five guards will go with you." Nick said, looking back at Kelly. We both nodded and I went to the bathroom and got dressed in shorts, a pink top and sandals, putting my hair in a ponytail. I was ready to go, but I wasn't sure where we were going. I'll have to ask Kelly once we get in the car. "Are we going back to the mall?" I asked Kelly, but she shook her head no. "We're going to a shop where only werewolves go. My great grandmother has had this shop for many years and she has everything down to the new stuff. She doesn't like to be known to humans, but some do know where she's at, those are the ones that know of her, not many do." Kelly said, as George, one of the guards drove, laughing and listening to our conversation. "The reason why she doesn't like humans is because they get on her nerves, telling her she needs to get up to date stuff and grandma isn't like that, she won't ever be like that." Kelly continued, after an hour of driving and a few different conversations, we made it to her grandma's store and the name on top of the store read, The Old Wolfpack Store. We got out of the car and went into the store. "Grandma where are you?" Kelly said, looking around the store, when a woman appeared from the back. "Kelly love, it's nice to see you honey. What do I owe this pleasure for?" Kelly's grandma said, pulling Kelly into a hug. "Alpha Nick sent us grandma, this is our new Luna, we're having the ceremony in a few days and we need to find her a dress, shoes, jewellery and a purse to match grandma." Kelly replied, the woman turned and took a long hard look at me, studying me. "Hello Luna, I'm Kelly's grandma Lychee. Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back." Lychee said, we both nodded and stood there for a few minutes, until Lychee came back with a few boxes and placed them down on the table. She opened a box pulling out a white dress with light pink beads around the neckline and I loved it, my eyes wide, as I wondered how she knew I would. Next was the shoes, white with a little bit of pink, a purse that was a light pink, then she opened the boxes of jewellery and picked up a pair of earrings, a necklace, bracelet and a ring that were all light pink, with an oval shape pendant on the necklace. "My guess you're thinking how I knew, sweetie I'm a great grandmother to some and a great great grandmother to others, I've seen it all, but with your style, you're new to all this and I can tell. Do you like all that I have picked out for you?" Lychee asked me, while answering the question I had been wondering about. "Yes I do." I replied, nodding. "Then here. This is my gift to you, welcome to our family Luna." Lychee said, I was shocked and my eyes were wide with happiness. "Thank you, thank you so much grandmother." I said, walking over and hugging Lychee. "No need to thank me, just take care of the pack sweetheart." Lychee replied, patting my back as we hugged. "I'll do my best." I replied, we picked the boxes up, leaving the store and got back into the car to go home. Nick was waiting at the door when we arrived, the guards took all the boxes and handed them to Nick. "Come on you need to rest for tomorrow, everything is set, your day starts at five am, Kelly and a few others will be knocking on the door right at five to get you ready, so come on let's get rest." Nick said, smiling. We walked up the stairs to our room and Nick placed the boxes down in the closet. "Do you want to see the dress?" I asked him, but he shook his head no. "I'll see it tomorrow, love, but we need to speak about something." Nick said and suddenly I felt worried.
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