Chapter 21

1002 Words
Alexa's P.O.V    I woke up to the feeling of something poking against my butt, this wasn't funny at all, I needed to sleep for my training. I turned and saw that Nick was still peacefully sleeping, I started to feel around in the bed, wondering what it was and when I reached near him, I suddenly figured out what it was. I blushed a deep red, as my fingertips lightly brushed against his hardness. I reached for a small pillow, placing it right where his hardness was and looked back up at him, making sure he didn't wake up. I rolled back over, but I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got out of bed and walked over to the window, looking out at the vast territory.   I felt the cool night breeze brush against my skin, relaxing me, I looked out at the forest and it seemed so peaceful. I looked at the trees moving with the wind and it seemed as though they were calling out to me, like they wanted me there. I shuddered at the thought and turned, walking back to the bed and getting back in. I laid down and snuggled closer, as Nick's body heat warmed me up and fell asleep.   Nick's P.O.V   I couldn't help it, it was a natural reaction, especially lying next to my mate. I don't think she fully knew just how much of an effect she had on me, my package grew as she brushed her butt against me and it poked into her. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I wanted to see what she would do as I pushed it further against her and poked her even more. she started to stir and I pretended to be asleep, but it was hard to pretend when she brushed her hand against me. It took all the control I had not to take her there and then, but I almost burst out laughing when she got a pillow and placed it between us.   She got out of bed and I watched her walk over to the window, looking out. Alexa was already beautiful, but when she stepped closer to the window and the moonlight fell on her face, she looked stunningly beautiful and I was in awe of her. When she finally came back to bed I was slightly relieved and glad that she didn't decide to climb out of the window and sleep on the roof again. I know how hard it is for her to forget her past, so much has happened to her, that bastard keeping her in a cage for so many years and now we have to deal with his wife, who just happens to be a hunter for crying out loud. Once I was certain that she had finally fallen asleep I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me, eventually falling back to sleep.   Alexa's P.O.V    The next day I was woken up by the sun shining in through the window and beaming down on my face. I tried to get up, but felt something heavy lying across me and stopping me, I looked down and realised it was Nick's arm. I slowly and gently moved it off me, got up from the bed and went across to the bathroom. I did my business, took a quick shower, dried off and came back out, going to the closet. I dressed in a pair of training pants, a sports bra and a t-shirt, putting my hair up in a ponytail.   "Hi mom, are you still coming to training today, if so are you on your way?" I mind-linked my mom, I waited a few minutes and then my mom replied.   "I'm almost there, your father is coming as well." My mom mind-linked back, I thought for a moment and then walked over to wake Nick up.   "Nick.. Nick.. dad is coming with mom, can you wake up and keep him company while we train." I said, gently shaking him, he grumbled a little bit and then got out of bed. He took a quick shower, got dressed and met me downstairs. We were waiting on my parents and only had to wait a few minutes as we saw them come out of the forest, making their way up to us and Rachel arrived just a few seconds after them.   Rachel's P.O.V   I walked over to them, I felt so excited and I couldn't wait to see what Trish and Alexa could do. What their powers entailed and how they used them? Did the power come from their emotions or from something deep down inside of them?   "Let's go to the middle of the field, that way nothing or no one will get hurt or destroyed." I said, walking away from them and heading to the middle of the training field. It was a large open area and no one was around, it was just us five. Trish and Alexa walked into the middle of the field and the guys stayed on the side lines, wanting to watch and see what might happen. Trish had already explained to me what the Moon Goddess had told her about her and Alexa having powers, we talked for a while about it and she showed me what she could do and how she controlled it. I wanted to see if Alexa had the same powers and if she could control them the same way as her mother could.   "I want you to close your eyes, clear your mind of everything, I want you to focus all your attention on the wind, only concentrate on the wind. Feel the way it feels, listen to how it sounds. Can you make it windy?" I asked Alexa, she gave me a weird look, but did as I asked and closed her eyes. I watched on as Alexa's brow scrunched up, deep in concentration and at first I felt nothing, but the more Alexa concentrated the more I started to feel a slight breeze, then turning into a strong wind.
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