Chapter 17

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Rachel's P.O.V    The next day I was ready and set to help Alexa regain her memories and help her release her anger, but first I needed to know exactly what she remembered. Alexa once again met me at the training field, but this time I took her inside the training building and sat her down. It was just me and Alexa, I needed to do this privately with no interruptions.   "So Alexa, tell me about yourself, what's your story? What happened to you?" I asked her, Alexa looked down at her hands and then took in a deep breath.   "If you really want to know I'll tell you. I spent most of my life caged up and my master had hunters pay him for the privilege of hunting me down, dragging me back and putting me in a cage." Alexa said and went on telling me about all the things that have happened to her, but never mentioned the one thing that she is hiding. Does she remember what happened to her? I have to help her, if I don't then Alexa will end up destroying herself.   "Give me your hands Alexa." I said, holding my hands out to her, she looked at me confused, but did what I asked.   "Now close your eyes, this is going to be hard on you, but remember it's the person's fault that did it, not yours or anyone else's." I said, again she looked confused, but just nodded. Alexa and I both closed our eyes, as bolts of energy shot through my arms and up Alexa's all the way to her head. Alexa's head jolted back and her body started shaking and jerking around, as all the memories came flooding back to her in one fell swoop. I opened my eyes once it was finished and saw tears streaming down Alexa's horrified face. She remembered.   Alexa's P.O.V   I was really confused by what Rachel was talking about, but still did as she asked me to. I took her hands and next thing I knew images were flying around me, as if on a film reel. I concentrated and the images slowed down and became clearer, it was me and everything that I had been through. Most of it I remembered except for the last few parts, they weren't images though and it felt so real as if I was actually there now. I watched as I walked through a forest and then the master found me, beating me black and blue. This was nothing new, the master always beat me, but then he tore my clothes and got on top of me, inserting himself inside of me. I tried screaming out, but then the images disappeared and I was yet again back in the training room with Rachel.   "NO,NO, NO." I screamed, Rachel held my hands, squeezing them to comfort me.   "It's okay Alexa, you're safe. Now you know what's happened, you can start to deal with it." Rachel said and she was right. Everything made sense to me now.   "No wonder my mate doesn't want me, this explains everything. I'm no longer a virgin, someone else has been inside of me." I said, my body shaking all over. This was all my fault. Rachel opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.   "I got...I got… to go. I need to go." I said, jerking away from Rachel and running out of the training room. I cried, shifted into my white wolf and ran to the pack house, straight into Nick's office. Everyone stood there looking at me, shocked and then I growled. Nick stood up, he must have known something was wrong.    "Everyone out now. I'll calm her down or try to, that is." Nick said, not breaking eye contact with me. Everyone ran out of the office, panicked and Nick just stood there looking at me.    Nick's P.O.V   She just stormed into my office, growling and scaring the crap out of everyone. Something must have happened for her to have this reaction and for her wolf to take control.   "SHIFT BACK NOW!" I said, using my alpha tone. I didn't like using it on her, but I knew I had to, it was the only way. Alexa shifted back to human and broke down crying, her face was red with rage and sadness.    "Why didn't you tell me. Why didn't you tell me that the master raped me. Is that the reason why you don't want me? Is that the reason why I'm such a joke to you?" Alexa yelled at me, my heart breaking at her words.   "David, Trish, get over here right now. Alexa knows what happened. She needs you." I said, mind-linking David and Trish. I carefully walked forward and tried to hold her, but she just shook me off.   "I do want you Alexa. He didn't rape you. We got there just in time. Please calm down baby." I said, reaching my hands out once again, but she shook me off and collapsed on the floor, crying.   Alexa's P.O.V    I couldn't take this, no wonder he doesn't want me. Who would want someone who is damaged? I felt like my whole life had been nothing but a series of unfortunate events, it was nothing but a joke and a lie. Nick sat on the floor beside me, holding me close and letting me cry.   "My sweet, sweet mate, I love you. We will get through this together, baby." Nick said, stroking my hair and just then my parents rushed into the office, stopping when they saw me and Nick on the floor. My dad kneeled down in front of us and reached out, touching my hand.   David and Trish's P.O.V   My whole world felt like it was falling apart, seeing my daughter in this state was heartbreaking. I felt so many different emotions, but the biggest one was guilt. I'm her father and a father is meant to protect his daughter no matter what, but I couldn't. My daughter suffered years or torture and abuse and I wasnt there to protect her. Even though I knew there was nothing I could do, as we couldn't find her but the guilt still ate away at me.   "Daddy, why didn't you tell me?" Alexa asked me, tears pouring out and her body shaking all over. Trish rushed over kneeling down in front of Alexa and brought her into a hug.   "Mama was it you that killed the master?" Alexa asked her, as Trish wiped away her tears.   "Yes my sweet baby. I saw what he was trying to do, I snatched him off of you and killed him. I promise he didn't have a chance to take anything from you. I promise." Trish said, we all held her close, letting her cry. Nick sighed he wanted to tell her, but it was best she found out this way, rather than being told what happened.   "Alexa, the reason why I wanted to take it slow is because I wasn't sure if you remembered and if you did, I didn't want you to hate me afterwards. When we do this it will be your decision, not mine. You have been through so much and mating is the furthest thing from my mind." Nick said, explaining why he didn't mate straight away. She looked up at all of us and dried her eyes, but her lips were still quivering.   "Mamma, daddy, thank you for saving me from that bastard." Alexa said, slightly smiling at us.   "Thank you for not taking advantage of me, but I'm a grown woman, well I think i am." Alexa said, turning to Nick and taking his hand in hers.   "Your 19 baby, you were taken at the age of ten. We were in the woods and you were playing at the edge of the territory, but we didn't know rogues were there, until it was too late. We smelled the scent of rotten eggs and death, we ran to you and killed one rogue, but the other two ran off with you. We searched for many years, we never gave up, we just want to keep you safe." Trish said, telling her what happened that dreadful day.   "Well since I'm 19, I'm a young adult. No more secrets and no more hiding anything from me again. I need to know these things, so please tell me. I know you want to protect me, but I also want to learn to fight as well." Alexa said, determination in her voice.
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