1. The New Year 2. The Day After

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1. The New Year Aurora’s POV. Another year was almost over. I turned on the TV to watch the ball drop. I had planned to spend this holiday alone, eating Italian. I also purchased a wooden stake from the gift shop nearby. Would that work? But, most importantly, can I do it? I finally found one made of solid wood instead of plastic. I played with it in my hands. Can I finally find some peace? I had no fear nor curiosity, I felt rather empty this evening while others were celebrating meaningless holiday. Only one hour left until midnight. My phone rang. It was probably Silvia. I had no desire to talk to her, but I knew she would keep bugging me if I didn’t. "What are you doing there, stuck in front of the TV again?" she inquired. "No, I am eating my holiday meal," I replied, looking at the body in front of me and scattered furniture in different styles. The TV set was standing on the dresser that was gifted to me by Elaine. It was the only nice piece owned by me. The rest needed to be fixed or thrown out. Dark silk curtains were the other things I had specially installed, but they were covered in the years of dust. I should really glamour someone to get that taken care of. "How fresh is it?" Silvia asked suspiciously. "It's..." I should have put Francheska back into the freezer, not just left her laying around here. Before I could reply, Silvia continued, "I know you are all alone. Stop eating frozen dinners. You still have time. Come to the party. We have a huge set of 'patrons' who hope to get transformed next year. Haha! Every age and gender, you will not regret it!" I yawned, feeling uninterested in the same old parties with the same "patrons." "Elon is here," she added. "Yea?" I tried to hide my interest. "He brought his new girlfriend, Mara, no Mira," she corrected herself. "I will be right there." I hung up and found myself running with my vampire speed. It was snowing, and my face was smashed with thousands of snowflakes while my body was rushing through the streets. I still enjoyed the run and the snow. I took the least crowded passageways and made sure not to bump into any humans. Five minutes later, I was standing at Silvia’s, ringing her bell on the 30th floor of her penthouse. She opened it immediately, wearing a shiny red gown covered in blood-crimson sequin. "Really, Bunny sleepers and pajamas for the party?" She told me, giving me a disappointed glance. I didn’t even realize that I had left my place without changing. "Where is he?" I mumbled. The smell of the blood in the place was enticing my nostrils. Abba’s Happy New year was playing but the room was also filled with conversational chatters. "Elon is by the bar. Don’t make a scene." Silvia was still eyeing me in disbelief, but I was already moving. Most vampires wore black and red silks, chiffon, and glitter. That must have been the theme of the party, but I clearly missed that memo. I squeezed between the people and vampires mingling, black and red balloons were floating next to the ceiling. Silvia must have redecorated her place again, the room had modern leather black and red couches with glass coffee tables where humans could set their drinks, while vampires were using the humans as the drinks themselves, often placing them on their laps. The walls were painted in different shades of red, black and gray, depending where my eyes landed. There were various modern paintings on the walls depicting red drinks and vampires feeding on humans. I finally made it to the other side of the room with the bar. I know it only took me seconds but it felt like an eternity. When I spotted them, I thought my heart would stop, yet I didn’t have one. Elon and another vampire were both feeding from a young man. His companion must be Mira that Silvia told me about. Elon was in a modern black suit, also glittering, which must be a particular thread, while Mira had a skimpy red dress. I recalled Elon liked these. He encouraged me to put these on for our celebration and sometimes just for foreplay. His new girlfriend was a hot brunette, just like me. Elon's taste has not changed. Or did it? I noticed that she was taller than me. Did the long legs do the trick for Elon? I knew it was not it. His girlfriend looked happy, and I was never in the good mood, at least not that I remembered. I felt the shadow of eternal life and misery somewhere nearby. It depressed Elon. No wonder he had left me. He didn’t even look up when I approached him, still plunging his teeth into the "patron." However, Mira noticed me. "Do you want to join us?" she asked playfully. "I don’t like to share, but thanks," I replied dryly. Finally, Elon lifted his head. I saw an expression of surprise quickly change into disgust. "It has been at least a hundred years. Stop stalking me. What is in your hand?" I noticed I was still holding the stake. Not great for a vampire party, was it? I put it in my pocket. It was still sticking out, but not as offensive. Elon grabbed his date and went into another room. I felt my cold heart get even more frozen. Oh, how I wished I had never even come here. Seeing him did nothing but open my old wounds. The human dude was still sitting on the bar stool, confused. He must be tired from blood loss and the high tonic provided at the parties, which make humans desire our bite even more. The thought occurred to me that if I drained him, my lips would be placed on the spot where Elon's had just been. The last act before I end all this? I sat down on the barstool next to him. The bite Elon left behind was still oozing, calling to me. Could I have a nibble? I still had to be nice to the patron, at least at the party, if I ever planned to be back at Silvia’s. However, was I even planning to be back? The guy looked at me with his bright eyes. How old was he? Maybe in his twenties or thirties, I could not tell with humans anymore. I stopped my urge to reach for him. Yet, he must have seen the hunger in my eyes: "Do you want me?" I was surprised at how direct he was. It must still be the drugs talking. Or maybe I have not been used to going to parties lately. "Do you want to come to my place?" I asked him. He nodded. I was walking out and he followed. I realized that I had to slow my pace as humans could not match it. Suddenly, Silvia blocked my way, "We take care of the patrons, remember?" I sighed. Of course, nothing could happen to the patron that comes to the party. When we were outside, he suddenly reached for my hand. I pulled away, but then it stroked me that it would take forever to get to my place. "Do you want a ride?" I asked the human. "Sure," he replied. "Climb on me." His eyes darted at me, surprised. Either he didn’t know much about vampires, or still had the perception that females were weaker. I laughed, then picked him up, and threw him in the air, but not too high. He fell to the ground. I thought he was not hurt too badly. When he got back on his feet, I turned my back to him, showing him what to do. He jumped on it. Then I ran. I could not wait to get my teeth into his flesh. I could smell him on me, his blood mixed with the falling snow. In no time, we were at my door. I left him outside for a minute, went into the apartment alone, and shoved Francheska into the freezer. Not sure if she was any good. Thank God for vampire speed. I cleaned my place fast, putting all the bits and pieces into the garbage bags. The rag was soaked in blood, which I put in another bag. The linoleum under the rag looked better. I didn't want to scare this human yet. It was tastier when they were happy. I took him by the hand and went straight into my place. We sat on the couch. The TV was still on. The ball was about to drop. I put my teeth into his neck, imagining I was still tasting Elon’s lips. This random human tasted so good. His deep moan encouraged me to go further. I saw the ball drop from the corner of my eye, the people cheering from the TV. And then all the sound was gone, vanished. Somehow, there was nothing else in my mind but the human on the couch and his body. I must have lost all my senses. Reality had shifted, and I still imagined he was Elon. I started to undress him, and he was doing the same to me. I heard the stake drop to the ground, but I didn't care. The next thing I knew, we were bare skin on each other on the couch, completely caught up in the moment. I was unsure what was better, drinking or pleasuring him, or when he ate me in turn... *** 2. The Day After When I woke up the following day, I had this weird feeling that I didn't know where I was. Of course, I was home in my apartment, but I was not in my bed. So I guess I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. What a bizarre dream I had. Then I saw the human sprawled next to me. I felt very agitated. Maybe there was some drug in his blood that made me go crazy last night? Should I put him in the freezer too? I went to check if I could shove him in it, but obviously, Francheska was still there; her stiff purple body was taking up all the space. My kitchen was fairly clean as I didn’t need to cook and almost never had to turn the faucet on except for washing my hands from human blood when I didn’t care to lick it. "What do you have there?" I heard the voice behind me. I quickly shut the freezer and turned around. The guy was up, Damn. I should just send him away. Francheska was still good enough, and now he will remind me of Elon again. Why was he still here? Then I remembered more of last night. "Listen, about transforming you into a vampire..." The naked dude interrupted me. "Actually, I had something else in mind coming to the party yesterday." I sighed, "Please don't ask me to be my pet. I have no space here nor patience for it." "No, that's not it," he continued. "I came with you last night, hoping," then he paused. I rolled my eyes. What was this about? I walked by him, looking for my stake for some reason. I really didn't want to waste time on this human any longer. "I was hoping, I heard," he continued, "not all patrons make it," I thought you could take my life," he finally finished rather dramatically. It did catch me off-guard. Foolish human. "How old are you?" I asked him. "I am forty-two." "Really?" I looked him up and down. His naked body had not shown his age. Maybe a few wrinkles on the forehead, little tiny ones around his eyes. No grays in the hair that I can see, tight abs. I thought he was in his late twenties or maybe early thirties. He did get preserved so well for a human. I was tired and sick of living for centuries, seeing the human race progress and getting one new gadget after another, killing each other in the process. But I was so alone. Also, when Elon left, I felt like something had died within me, even though I was already a living dead if you catch my drift. But this guy has barely started living. What was his problem? It piqued my curiosity all of a sudden. Should I replace Francheska with him after all? "My wife died last year. We had no kids. My parents are gone. I have nothing to live for," he told me. All alone, with no traces, that would work well for me, well, if I cared about it. His flesh was good. I don't quite understand what happened last night. I didn't want to be bothered by his needs, though. I had to figure out how to end my own misery. I looked at him, then at the bites on his neck. His blood might help relieve the pain. But he must have been dehydrated from all the feeding last night. I was the third one after Elon and his new girl. I had neither fridge nor human food in my apartment. "Put something on. We can discuss this at breakfast," I shoved his clothes into his hands. It was daytime, so I wore a thick coat, a specially made sunproof wool-looking hat, and gloves. I wrapped most of my face in the scarf and put dark vamp glasses on and a hoodie. There was a cafe not too far away from my building. I had to pace my speed and was not going to carry this guy in the daylight. We sat down inside. No windows in this place were perfect for me. I took off my protective gear so I could relax if spending time in the cafe full of humans could be relaxing. "Order anything you want, and I will cover it," I told him. "I have the money," he reached for his wallet. "No need," I brushed him off. "Can I," he asked me carefully sometime later while chewing his BLT and drinking his dark coffee. Something about his smell or just his persona even reminded me... I had to stop this. "What?" I didn't hear him. "What is your name?" he continued. My name, my name. I would not want him to know my name. He didn't have much time. But I would not tell it to a random human. I have been updating my documents every few decades, and my current human name was Diana Succubus. I enjoyed picking my last name but tried to choose a simple first name to not stand out. "You can call me Diana," I told him. "So it's not your real name?" How could he tell? Oh, that was so annoying. That's why I would not even want a pet. "No, it's my human name." "So what is your..." I gave him a stare, and he finally put his eyes down and focused on his meal. I was sipping my coffee. I didn't need the substance that humans call food. It tasted disgusting most of the time... But something about the latte enticed me, and I enjoyed the barista's designs. When it was time to pay, I turned to the table next to us and told them to pay as I always do. The guy was not too surprised and followed me. Honestly, I don't know why I even fed him. He would have still be a better meal this morning than the frozen snack I had in my freezer. Nevertheless, we proceeded back to my apartment. I could tell he was getting more nervous as we got closer to my place. I swung the door open and took him straight to the couch. My heavy clothing fell on the floor fast. Now he was fully hydrated and ready, but he was shivering. I wanted the delicious meal I had last night, not a scaredy bitter blood draw. I knew that after I put my teeth into him, he would relax when the venom got into his bloodstream. I still appreciated his willingness and being an easy one. "Are you ready?" I asked him. He nodded. I sunk my teeth into him. He cried out, since he was not drugged this time. I held him tight in case he fought the inevitable, but he didn't try to get out. His body was burning against mine. The warm liquid hit my mouth. This is so much better than the tiny seeps I get from my freezer. But then, as I could enjoy the flow, it happened again. What was it? Somehow, I moved onto his lips, and one thing led to another. We explored every crevice of each other. I lost count of the peaks that we brought to one another. Hours later, I got up while he was asleep again. This human got tired so easily. It was about 2 p.m. What should I do with him now? I picked the stake again. What am I good for if I can't even drain a human anymore? I felt so confused. That taste he had, I wanted more of it, yet I also wanted to savor it and then the sex... I have not enjoyed it since Elon. I have had some interactions with vampires mostly, but humans have not attracted me for a long time. They are too weak, slow, and soft. They had never survived my final kiss when I went for it, yet there was something different about him. What is his name? I have not even asked him yet. Should I just drain him dry and end this? I went for the bite on his sleeping body. He had awoken, giving me a warm human embrace, generally revolting but not from him, not from his arms, and... we did it again. I was exhausted from my weakness. This can not go on like this. "You have to leave," I told him sharply. He got up completely naked, standing there looking at me, as if studying my appearance. "But you promised," he responded. “What?” I snapped at him. “To take my life,” "Are you sure you still want to end your existence?" I asked, looking directly into his eyes. "I .. yes," but his voice trembled just slightly. I had never had issues taking human life before. But something was stopping me this time. I didn’t know if it was because of my desire to end my own existence or because there was something different about this human. I looked deeply into his eyes, seeing every part of his retina. "You will not be seeking death anymore. You will not be approaching vampires. You will start looking for happiness. Leave now." I surprised myself, trying to grasp what I did as the words left my mouth. Without a word, he followed my instructions and started walking towards the exit. "Wait," I yelled. "Put your clothes on." He complied and was headed to the door when I reached him in one jump. I turned him toward me and kissed him, my lips tasted him for the very last time. "You will forget all about me. You will forget the vampires, everything about last night, and why you went to the party. Now, go!" I finished abruptly. He turned and left my place. I was so furious at myself and even at him for leaving. I felt more alone in my apartment than I did all of last year. And, of course, his human smell was still lingering.
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