Chapter 1

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      The live music bursts like fire across the club heating every person on the dancefloor. The party light dances across the room like wildfire. X club is famously known to be a high society club that is often visited by some actresses, models, and businessmen in the city. A Club that provides the best source of entertainment and a little bit of scandal in high society.      Carlos closed his eyes as lights dances across the room making him a bit dizzy from the drink he had and the lack of sleep. He puffs a cloud of smoke from his cigarette as the noise and smell of the club disappear slowly making him daze from tiredness. He groan when a pair of hands played sensually underneath his shirt making his body hot. A grin plastered on his face as he grabs the pair of hands that still playing fire on his body. Carlos looked at the culprit whose playing fire with him, she was smiling seductively while looking at him with desire. Making him smile widely as he grabs her nape and kisses her playfully. The girl moans sweetly and calls his name as he pins her on the chair. “C-Carlos, Let get out of here.” The girl underneath him said while her hand plays inside his shirt.      Carlos grins at her and looked around the club, 'It’s almost midnight already and the crowd started to gather around the dance floor. It would be a waste if they left early while the party has just started.'     “Why don’t we dance baby.” He whispers in her ears and teases it. He grabs her hand and pulls her to the center of the dance floor. He certainly hopes that she would satisfy him tonight for their little rendezvous, or he would end up being a fool again. He hated going home unsatisfied. The music change into a sensual beat making her look at him with a flirtatious smile and her hand found its way to his shoulder. She started grinding her hips on him. He was holding her waist while she starts grinding her body sensually against him as the beat of the music-filled their ears.      He started dancing along with her, their body didn’t leave any space while they dance closely with each other. The heat slowly burns inside their body as they dance teasingly with each other and their body bumps with the beats of desire. He grips her ass firmly when she started kissing his neck making him groan loudly. While she teases him to his neck, to his earlobe and face Carlos grabs her nape and kisses her forcefully making them moan. The two of them were kissing intensely when his phone ring in his pocket.      Carlos curses under his breath while debating to answer his phone or ignore it so they could continue this little business they had. He groaned and opened his eyes only to spot his friend entering the club. Unwilling to let go, he remembers the reason why he was in this place. They were supposed to meet tonight to talk about business and to celebrate his late birthday, which was supposed to be celebrated the other day but because he was busy with work he forgot his birthday. He let go of the girl and give her a light kiss before leaving her. The girl looks dumbfounded as she looked at Carlos walking away and leaving her confused and unsatisfied. Nick and Alex were grinning at Carlos like an i***t. He scoffed as he walks near them not minding the stares of girls as he walks toward the bar counter.      “Bro, she’s on heat!” Alex jokes half-asses while looking at the girl he just left. He laughs at what Alex said and grabs his drink at the table. Alex grins and drinks his beer while looking across the club. The club is crowded already and the people on the dance floor are completely getting wild.      They spotted some girls looking at them with a flirtatious smile plastered on their faces. Alex raised her drinks and smile at them making them giggled. Carlos nudged Nick on his elbow who was busy with his phone not minding the flirtatious stare of the girls on him. Nick looked at them with a dead face and mouthed 'Work.' making their head shake.     “You can have her bro.” Carlos seriously said to Alex while drinking his beer. The girl was just a random girl who clings at him when he arrives at the club. She was sexy and hot wearing a skimpy red dress as she approaches and teases him with her seductive face. 'She’s not bad to play with but not his type.'     “No, thank you. I prefer sweet and innocent girls.” Alex said laughing.      Alex Cruford is a playboy British, with dark brown eyes and blond hair making every girl want to brush his hair. He is a certified playboy and a genius, he likes flirting with sweet and innocent girls. He believes that an innocent girl tastes sweeter than any other hot and sexy girl.     “Like a f*****g pervert!” Nick retorted to what Alex said making them laugh while Alex tries to punch Nick on the arm. “f**k off!” Alex said to nick.       Niccolo Riaz also calls Nick, is half Chinese and half American. He’s a serious type of guy and likes to be quiet. He is good at observing other people with his deep black eyes and serious face. Also a girl magnet with great looks. However, he prefers to work than flirt with girls.          The three of them meet at Oxford Brooke University during their college years. They first meet each other when they dated the same girl at the university and they became a friend after punching each other’s face. Since then the three of them have become inseparable from dating girls to work.        After they graduate they start their business in England, manufacturing cars and producing their brand of cars. MCR Sportscar Company was well known locally and internationally for manufacturing its brand of cars. After many years of hard work, planning, and marketing, their company becomes one of the best that produced Sportscar internationally.      It was a year ago when he decided to go back to the Philippines to find her mother but these two idiots said they miss him and fly on the way from England to the Philippines. And here they are right now.     “Well, the night is still long and there’s a lot of girl on the dance floor. Why don’t we have fun tonight?” Nick said and smirk at us, making the three of us laugh. “Let’s drink to that.” Carlos responded with a smile. They talk about business and cars when girls start to join their table. The night was as lively as they drink and celebrate his birthday.      Carlos Miguel Morgan was a haft British and half Filipino. His blue eyes make every woman flocks their selves on him. His dark and tall body features yielded a treasure trove of scandal from his past lover. Being handsome and rich at the same time gives him the edge as one of the desirable riches bachelors in the city. He had met every classification of every women’s desire, they say.      Carlos was a bit tipsy when he decided to go home. While the rest of his friend was having fun with girls and totally forgot him. 'Missed my ass!' He was walking slowly at the parking lot when the wind blows coldly in the empty parking lot, making him shiver a little from the cold. The cold night pierce through his thin shirt as he looks for his car in the parking lot while playing with his keys in his right hand.      It’s almost 3 am when he looked at his wristwatch. ‘It was morning already’  He closes his eyes and massages them gently. He has been staying late at night these past few days because of his work. Since he can’t leave his work as a president of the MCR Company, even if he's in the Philippines for a break. The paperwork keeps on coming as if his vacation and lazy ass-self can destroy the company. And because Nick would nag at him until he finishes a mountain of paper works.     He doesn’t mind though, his life has been preoccupied with work, parties, and women. He was living his life like everyone and he chooses to live his life in this way.      But sometimes work and a woman can’t hide his loneliness. Look likes he's getting old for thinking he's lonely. Even if he has money and everything. Something inside him was still not satisfied like he was searching for something that he can’t explain. People said that you can’t buy happiness with money, even if you grow old being rich but if you can’t find true happiness. Money is useless. That’s why he decided to go back to the Philippines because he believes that if he can find his mother and talk to her for a bit, just for a bit he thinks everything would be all right. It’s okay. He just wants to overcome this feeling and know the reason why she left him.      He was about to open the door of the car when someone bumps him on his back. “S-sorry.” The girl said weakly without looking at him. He looked at her and instantly hold her when she was about to fall. She giggle when she tried to stand steady.      “Miss? Are you okay?” Carlos asks while holding her waist so she won’t fall out again. She has a small waist he thought. She squinted both eyes while looking at him proudly. He tried to suppress his laugh when she looks at him with a creased forehead.       “I’m hahaha...I'm fine...” She said while putting some distance from him. He glances at her and grins while looking at her shoulder to her entire body. ‘Not bad he thought.’     He stood at his feet bewitch at her beauty. The girl in front of him is a beautiful brunet with sexy lips and a hot body in a plain white dress. She has these dark brown eyes, a cute small nose, sexy pouty red lips, her stubborn chin, and a slender creamy neck. His gaze drifted slowly on her soft white shoulder to the ivory curve of her full breast above her neckline and damn she have a perfect curve that makes every man thirst in every part of her body. At that moment he only wanted to taste her and bring her home.       “Pervert. What are you smiling at?” She said accusingly while pointing at the side of his head. Proudly standing without a sign of drunkenness.     “Why is your head splitting into two? Why… why is the floor a bit shaky? Is there an earthquake?” She mumbled to herself while holding her head and stumble forward.  ‘She’s completely drunk.’ He instantly holds her before she would fall flatly on the road.      “Oh-key... Why don't you spend a night with me?” He asks jokingly said to her and smiles seductively as he wraps his arm around her waist.      He didn’t mean to bed a half-unconscious drank lady. He was just teasing her because it would be dangerous if other people spotted her drunk. They may take advantage of her and that would be bad. And he was just being a gentleman who has better preference and respect for girls. But if she would initiate then his joke can die on its own.     “Excuse me! Mr. Handsome with blue eyes with two heads. You can't ask someone to have s*x with you. Yo-you know there are a lot... like a lot of cases about HIV and AIDs? It’s an infection... you know? Infection? Like two things infect each other? Infection? Do you know? Hahaha... That spread from person to person through s****l activity, you know s****l activity? s****l activity is like s*x? Sex... including anal, vaginal, or oral without using......CONDOM! And a million! Million died because it already and.... million children were living with HIV around!... Around!...Around! the world. And 70% of all peoples in the w-world...with HIV live in Africa, including HIV-positive children. D-do you know that? It so sad, I wanted to cry huhuhu...hahaha... So, So you can’t just ask someone to spend nights with you!... even if you’re.... beautiful-beautiful-beautiful man. Got it? ” she said giggling and wave her hand everywhere like a teacher teaching a child. She giggled while lifting her head with a smile as if she was satisfied with her statement.      "........ahh...okay" He wanted to laugh at her speech about HIV and Aids. For goodness sake, he was just teasing her but she already educated him about it. He suppresses his laugh and grin at her as she tried to let go of his hold and keep her distance.     She looked around the parking lot like a lost puppy. Her shoulder stiffened and move away from him. “Ohh... Pervert! You're a pervert right? ” she said mumbling first before pointing fingers at him as she swayed back and forth.  Pervert??! Pervert what? Him a pervert??!  Carlos can't help but burst into laughter while both of his hand was in his waist. He can't believe it, someone actually accused him as a pervert. He was just trying to help but he was a pervert.  A damn handsome pervert. 
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