Chapter 3- The Orphaned

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(Zyrie) This happened before my debut took place, I was walking upstairs as dad asked me to get his glasses at his study room. I don’t have any choice but to follow his instructions before he would burst into his anger management issues. I entered the room and I saw his things are perfectly aligned to one another, books are organized based on their heights and even colors of cover page, the pens are lined up above his desk and even the shelves do have the same size and everything. I haven’t realized how perfectionist he is until I saw the current state of his room. I just let out a deep sigh and walked towards his desk and start searching for his glasses. Typically, a person would put it on the desk to find it immediately, but knowing my father’s personality, he must be keeping in it one of his drawers. I sat on his swivel chair and start opening the desk drawers one by one starting from the bottom. I opened the side drawer on the left, and I saw his glasses, I was about to get it when I saw a suspicious looking white envelope beside it. I know it’s bad touching things owned by other without their permission but hey, it’s my dad’s. he may be angry with me but I’m still his daughter, the worst thing he can do to me is to freeze all my cards, but he will not kill me or whatnot. I got the envelope on my hands and my heart starts beating faster, if this was a romantic movie, I would start giggling here- but it’s not. This is not a freaking romantic movie, this is reality and what I’m feeling right now is nerve-wrecking moment. But of course, I need to feed my curiosity, I opened the envelope upon letting out a deep sigh and get the papers inside. Upon reading what stated on the documents, I just stared for a while and let myself regret why I did it, this nosy cat killed himself from curiosity. I just became orphaned in a little minute span, I saw my parents’ divorce papers and dad already signed it. I know in myself that I should do something about it, just yell some petty complaints having huge tantrums and even threatening them with my life. I don’t my parents to get separated, they taught me the feeling of how to have a complete family but why are they so hypocrite?! I know that I should just ask them what the meaning of this, like a dumb kid don’t know how to read, just asking out of her innocent and clueless character. But look at me, I was just calmly walking downstairs holding the pair of glasses he asked, looking at them pretending that I did not see anything there. “Dad, here’s your glasses.” I said to him, and he looks at me. “What took you so long? Did you get lost or something?” he asked in his very stern voice. Yes dad, I got lost. Now, I have no idea where I should go, I was just a lost lamb in this grassland of yours. “Just took some time to find it.” I just answer together with my very awkward laugh. “Is that so? Did you see other things in there?” he suddenly asked, and I stare at him. “No! What would I see in your drawer?” I quickly said out of pressure. But why did you mention the word ‘drawer’? you’re so dumb! “Really? Alright.” He plainly said and get back on reading his newspapers after putting on the glasses. I sat in front of him in the dining table and I saw mom walking towards us holding a tray of breakfast. I quickly run towards her and got the tray for her, and she smiled to me, the sweetest but thinking it may now be the last, I don’t want the time to pass by. The breakfast starts and end without any the two of them saying anything. This is the coldest breakfast I’ve ever been in my whole life, knowing that my debut is now near the corner, but they treat each other like a stranger. “Mom, dad, why aren’t you saying something?” I asked to them. They just both looked at me, mom put down the glass she’s holding, and dad put down also the newspaper he’s holding. “Well, I—” “I don’t—” the said at the same time. “You can talk one at a time.” I said and began to laugh to them, they looked so shocked by it. “I have nothing to say.” Mom said and I looked at her. “Me too, I don’t have any specifics to say.” Dad also answered and drink his coffee. “Then should I announce something?” I cheerfully said and they just looked at me. “I decided to go to that college school you’re saying to me.” I declared and they both looked surprised by it. “Really? That’s good, baby.” Mom said and smiled brightly to me. “What makes you decide for it?” Dad asked like he’s not happy for it. “Well, I just realized that I’m also interested in medical field. So, it’s not bad to study it.” I answered. “It’s a good thing you’re starting to think like that, like an adult.” Dad said and I just smiled. Looks like this is the best thing I could do, will they keep our family safe? Even so, I still believe that I could put back the pieces of puzzle that was lost. I could smile anytime and how big they wanted, I could pretend to love blood and flesh when in fact, I find it very disgusting. I could also give the things they expect me to have and do in the future, I would everything they want, but is this all enough for them to get back the time they can still feel happiness? “Zy, you have an appointment for your gown checking later. Should I come with you?” mom said to me. “No, you don’t have to. I’ll go with my friends.” I answered and she just nods. Tomorrow is my debut, I should also let my friends choose the gown they want to wear, but knowing Cheen and Aubrey, they would reject my offer for different reasons; Aubrey would find it pressuring to receive something from me and Cheen do have her own wardrobe to choose from. I guess Camilla would be the one who will accept my offer. I immediately went upstairs and entered my room, locked on and sat at the foot of my bed. Many thoughts kept running into my mind, but I should still pretend that everything is fine, that what I’ve saw earlier was just a plain paper with nothing on it. I grabbed my phone on the side table and call them one by one, hoping that someone might answer and hear me out. “Hello, girl!” Camilla exclaimed as soon as she answered my call. “Hi, aren’t you too excited?” I asked and she just chuckles. “Nope, this is normal. So, what’s the agenda?” she asked immediately. “I need to visit the gown shop for my debut, can you come?” I asked directly while looking through my closet on what to wear today. “Uhh, what time do you need to go?” she asked and sounds like she’s not sure about it. “I guess later a 2 o’clock in the afternoon.” I answered and looked at the wall clock. “Aww, I can’t. I do have an appointment with an interview at 1:30, I’m not sure if I can finish by that time.” She answered sounding very disappointed. “Is that so? It’s alright, but should I choose your gown?” I offered, let’s see if she will take the bait. “You should’ve offered me earlier!” she yelled at me. “Why are you yelling at me?” I asked and acted like I was mad. “Sorry, but my mom already got mine yesterday, I think. Anyhow, I can’t accept your offer.” She explained with her huge disappointment. “It’s alright, it’s still my win, I got to save my allowance.” I said to her jokingly. “Girl, your allowance is equal to our people monthly wage. Shut up.” She answered and laughed also. “Then if you’ll put it that way, Cheen’s allowance would be our doctor’s professional fee.” I said and started laughing out loud. “You’re crazy! Let’s add our allowances and you’ll got Aubrey’s.” she said. “And Aubrey’s sales would be your allowance, so you’re much crazier than me.” I answered and we’re still laughing with ourselves. “So, you don’t have to buy me a gown, I could buy the whole shop.” She said and I just can’t help but laugh at her jokes. She’s really hilarious! “Alright Madame, then let me have just my gown. I’ll call you later.” I said and she said her farewells before I ended the call. Still chuckling, I started to call Aubrey to ask if she’s free today. “Yes, Ms. Debutant?” she said upon answering the call. “Are you free today?” I asked directly as I starting to lay down clothes on the top of my bed. “I was, not after this crazy lady went to our store and started wiping down our stocks.” She answered and sounded very stressed. “Is Cheen there? She’s having a shopping spree again?” I asked and I just heard her let out a deep sigh. “I don’t know why am I here, the owner? She has her own personal shopper, so why in the hell should I have to tagged along?” she said with her signature complaining tone. “It’s alright, she makes your sales high than the forecasted.” I said to her jokingly. “Yeah, that’s what I keep on saying to myself, just some hypnotizing spell. Cheen! We’ve been there!” She answered and I heard her yelled at Cheen. “You’re really busy, I should call you later.” I said to her. “Wait, why did you call?” she asked, and I just smiled. “It’s nothing, you can finish what were you doing.” I answered. “Are you sure? I could leave this girl.” She said with her determined voice to leave that fashionista girl, Cheen. “No, I’m really good. Just have fun.” I said and she just agreed and ended the call. Looks like I would be alone today. Well, it doesn’t matter with me but of course, having someone to talk to during the whole agenda would be better. But, seeing them being busy with their personal agendas, I think I should also have my alone time. Even if, I still find difficult to be alone. ---
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