Story By Kathleen Hope

Kathleen Hope

Lesbian Collections
Updated at Jan 18, 2022, 21:55
I took a moment to look her over. She was pretty with her bouncy blond hair. She wasn’t a natural blond though and I wondered what her original hair color was. I found myself staring at her eyes though. Two shimmering pools of green blue. A girl could drown in them. WARNING: READING DEVICE MAY MELT DUE TO STEAMY LESBIAN CONTENT. ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 AND UP.
Her Daddy
Updated at Apr 1, 2021, 19:54
Scarlett stared at the sign staked in the grass at the side of the highway. ‘Paradise Peak, population 1100,’ it read; a sign she hadn’t seen since her family had passed it on their way out. It was the same sign though, rickety and worn. It was a wonder the rotting legs hadn’t given out years ago. This was it. Just a few more minutes and she would be home. At the moment though, the idea of coming home seemed more daunting than comforting. Not for the first time on her eleven-hundred mile trek up the west coast, she wondered what the hell she was doing. This had seemed like a good idea six months ago in California. Now though, she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d gone just a smidge—or off her rocker—crazy. But it wasn’t crazy, she reassured herself. The oversized, glass-walled monstrosity her family had moved to in California had never felt much like home. Hell, she’d needed to use the intercom to call to the opposite side of the house. No, the quaint, ranch-style house she’d grown up in…that was home. Of course, home was situated in a place where everyone knew absolutely everything there is to know about…well…everyone. So, if she thought she could keep her homecoming quiet, she really was losing her marbles. Realizing she’d slowed to a crawl’s pace, she forced her foot down on the pedal. It was too late to change her mind now. Besides, it was entirely possible nobody would recognize her and she’d at least make it through the day before the Paradise Peak Gazette’s only reporter was banging down her door. She drove the half mile into town and stopped at the nearest...
Falling for the Bad Boy
Updated at Mar 31, 2021, 20:17
     “So where are we partying tonight?”      I glanced at my best friend and band mate Erica. “Let's get through the show first, huh? Then we’ll party like the rock stars we are.”       Erica grinned at me. “Since when do you worry about the show? You're always on point.”       I tossed my hair back.  “Yeah I am. I'm also a little needy if you know what I mean.”       She nodded. “I do indeed.” She paused to apply the blood red lipstick she favored. “Wait, what happened with JD? I thought y’all were good.”        Was that a gray hair? No freaking way! I thought. My hair was still ink black and long. But my grandmother had been a premature gray. Aw hell no. Gotta get rid of that.         “Angel? Girl, you need to leave whatever you're smoking alone. You zoned out again.”        I gave her a droll stare. “You know I don't do that. I was just thinking. What did you say?”        “I said I thought you and JD were cool.”         JD was the drummer for our band. He was hot with his long silky blond hair and green eyes. I felt a stirring inside just thinking about his hard body. He was the kind of guy I went for, muscular, tattooed and pierced. And he was a beast in bed. He liked me, I could tell by the way he dropped hints and stuff. But he was just a friend with benefits. I wasn't interested in being tied down to anyone right now. I was young and interested in being on top of the rock and roll world. I wanted to be as big as my dad was.         “He's been dropping hints about us taking things to the next level but I'm fine with the way things are. I don't want to be in a relationship. I need my freedom.”     Erica nodded in agreement and gave herself one last look in the mirror. “I hear you on that one, Ang. I was having that same conversation with Javier. I need to be free to sample what’s out there. Besides, one day, the right one is going to come along and you'll change your mind and settle down.”      I laughed. “Ha. I doubt that. I'm not the settling down type. I like to be free to come and go as I please. Do what I want.”      “And who you want?”      “Of course.”      Erica gave herself one last look in the mirror before she straightened. “Maybe when we’re too old to rock, we’ll get domesticated.”      I followed her out of the dressing room. “That’ll be the day. You're never too old to...
In Love With a Bad Boy
Updated at Mar 30, 2021, 00:14
5 steamy bad boy erotic short stories all in one book! Story 1: Seducing Danger Story 2: You're Not So Badd Story 3: Hotter Than Fire Story 4: The Lone Wolf Story 5: Undercover Fire Warning: These stories contain explicit sex details and are for mature audiences only. 
Updated at Mar 29, 2021, 20:29
34 Erotica Short Stories Story # 1: All Night Rodeo Story # 2: Swept Off Her Feet Story # 3: Dripping Wet Story # 4: Big Spender Story # 5: A Good Girl Gone Bad Story # 6: Dominated Behind Closed Doors Story # 7: Dominated In Every Position Story # 8: Image It Story # 9: Penetrated Story # 10: Friends with Benefits Story # 11: Climax Rush Story # 12: Ring Girls Story # 13: Wanna Come? Story # 14: Theresa’s True Passion Story # 15: Dirty Money Story # 16: Bumper to Bumper Story # 17: Tropical Pleasure Story # 18: Striptease Story # 19: Beauty and the Billionaire Story # 20: Licked Clean Story # 21: All Filled Up Story # 22: Cassandra’s Knock Out Story # 23: Love After War Story # 24: Tempted to Touch Story # 25: A Dance with the Billionaire Story # 26: Her First Time Story # 27: Cabana Boys Story # 28: Catching the Bouquet Story # 29: What’s Yours is Mine Story # 30: Pillow Queen Story # 31: Menage A Trois Story # 32: Bicurious Temptation Story # 33: Sexually Obsessed Story # 34: Spread Open WARNING: STEAMY CONTENT. READING DEVICE MAY MELT. HAPPY EVER AFTER ENDING IN EVERY STORY. NO CLIFFHANGERS. ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18.
Bad Boy Obession
Updated at Mar 25, 2021, 22:40
            “Ease up on the make-up, Brenda,” I said, turning my face away. “That’s way too much mascara.”             Brenda gently turned my face back to hers. “Will you be still before you make me mess up?”             “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked. I was trying to sit really still but it was hard. I wanted to see what I looked like. I never wore much make-up. I guess I never really needed it. Guys seemed to flock to me anyway without it. I hoped it would be that way this time too. “Of course I know what I’m doing,” Brenda snapped. “I did Kari’s make-up the last time. And she wasn’t complaining.” I chuckled. “Ok. Ok. I’m sorry. I just don’t want to look like a tramp or something.  And I definitely don’t want this guy getting ideas and pawing all over me.”             She put the finishing touches on the mascara and stepped back to admire her handiwork. ”Damn I’m good,” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. “You look hot, mama.” “Great,” I said with a frown. Just what I didn’t need. “Can I look now?” Brenda turned the chair so that I was facing the mirror. I barely recognized myself. Wow. I was….hot! “Whatcha think...?”
Lesbian Erotica Mega Collection
Updated at Mar 25, 2021, 01:44
Mia loved her job. Writing an advice column for sexually troubled people was a task she was perfectly suited for. She had a therapy degree and an uncanny ability to place herself in other’s people’s shoes. Every day, her inbox greeted her with a new challenge. Monday morning was no exception. Mia read the email seconds after dragging herself out of bed. She hadn’t had her coffee yet, but the email’s explosive content jolted her wide awake. Dear Mia, After years of marriage, my husband and I had become accustomed to wild, passionate sex night after night – sometimes up to three or four times a day. Taking a break from the email, Mia fanned herself. “Three or four times a day?” she shouted. “Whew!” But lately things have changed. His hours at work have picked up, leaving him exhausted when he comes home at night. To put it bluntly, I want more. I’d love to return to the days of endless lovemaking between the two of us, the days where he would spend hours tickling my body with gentle strokes and licks until I simply couldn’t take it anymore. Mia leaned back in her chair easing her legs apart slowly. It was a challenge to keep her mind from drifting, but she somehow kept reading. The problem is I’m too shy to demand what I want from...
Mr. Thick
Updated at Mar 25, 2021, 01:36
            I sat on the couch watching the news and looking over the essays that my students had written on the reading we’d done in class. I found myself zooning out reading crappy paper after crappy paper. It was totally obvious that several students hadn’t even bothered to read the book and still turned in their paper anyway. Like I wouldn’t know they hadn’t read the damn thing.             “Ugh. Why do I bother even assigning work?” I said out loud as I tossed another red streaked essay into the done pile.             “What’s your problem?”             I looked up as my roommate Tony came into the room. He was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. “I thought I was teaching high school. But I guess I was wrong. Kindergarteners write better than these kids do..." WARNING: STEAMY CONTENT. READING DEVICE MAY MELT. READ WITH CAUTION. ALL CHARCTERS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18 
Lust and Passion
Updated at Mar 17, 2021, 23:15
“That's it. I've had it with men, Abby,” Ella fumed as she cut the umpteenth photo of her most recent ex-boyfriend into tiny pieces. Her very recent ex-boyfriend, in fact. Just hours ago she'd walked into his apartment in the middle of the afternoon, intending to surprise him after arriving home early from a weekend work conference. Well, she'd certainly surprised him, and the woman who'd been riding him like a horse was shocked to see Ella there, too. Ella hadn't freaked out at him like she'd seen so many times in movies and on television. She'd held it together quite well for the brief time she remained in the apartment. “Don't let me interrupt your riding session,” she'd told the woman. “Though you may want to put blinders on this one; he seems to stray easily,” Ella finished before turning and walking out. She'd held it together long enough to make it...
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
24 Gay and Lesbian Short Stories Story 1: 50 Shades of Gay Story 2: Ring Girls Story 3: Hard Story 4: Theresa’s True Passion Story 5: Wanting My Best Friend Story 6: Bumper to Bumper Story 7: The Centerfold Story 8: Striptease Story 9: Worth the Wait Story 10: Cassandra’s Knockout Story 11: The Arresting Billionaire Story 12: Tempted to Touch Story 13: Middleman Story 14: Her First Time Story 15: Making Him Mine Story 16: Catching the Bouquet Story 17: Butt Naked Story 18: Pillow Queen Story 19: Three Men in the Woods Story 20: Bi-Curious Temptation Story 21: Stripped Naked Story 22: Spread Open Story 23: Coming In and Then Coming Out Story 24: Licked Clean WARNING: STEAMY CONTENT. READING DEVICE MAY MELT. HAPPY EVER AFTER ENDING IN EVERY STORY. NO CLIFFHANGERS. ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18.
Touch Me Between My Legs
Updated at May 9, 2020, 01:43
It started as an ordinary day at the grocery store. Boring as usual. Mrs. Miller came for her pills and footpads at eleven. Mrs. Chambers dropped in at twelve-thirty and poked around as usual, hoping something would happen to give her something to gossip about. And Amy sat at the front counter, watching all of this nothingness unfold, fighting off the urge to take an eight-hour nap. But at 12:45 something happened to wake her up and give Mrs. Chambers an actual reason to gossip. The mystery lady strolled in. Amy snapped at attention, watching her every move with wide-eyed curiosity. The lady’s petite but curvy frame was wrapped in black leather and lace. Her boots climbed nearly to her knees while her miniskirt didn’t quite get that far. Amy noted a bright red shade of lipstick on her full lips and hair that curled almost halfway down her back. Her look was racy for so early in the day. And for Crimson Valley, South Dakota, it was downright scandalous.   She strutted through the breakfast aisle, whistling to herself like somebody without a care. Then she studied the...
Girl on Girl Passion
Updated at May 9, 2020, 01:43
Mia loved her job. Writing an advice column for sexually troubled people was a task she was perfectly suited for. She had a therapy degree and an uncanny ability to place herself in other’s people’s shoes. Every day, her inbox greeted her with a new challenge. Monday morning was no exception. Mia read the email seconds after dragging herself out of bed. She hadn’t had her coffee yet, but the email’s explosive content jolted her wide awake. Dear Mia, After years of marriage, my husband and I had become accustomed to wild, passionate sex night after night – sometimes up to three or four times a day. Taking a break from the email, Mia fanned herself. “Three or four times a day?” she shouted. “Whew!” But lately things have changed. His hours at work have picked up, leaving him exhausted when he comes home at night. To put it bluntly, I want more. I’d love to return to the days of endless lovemaking between the two of us, the days where he would spend hours tickling my body with gentle strokes and licks until I simply couldn’t take it anymore. Mia leaned back in her chair easing her legs apart slowly. It was a challenge to keep her mind from drifting, but she somehow kept reading. The problem is I’m too shy to demand what I want from him. I usually just accept his neglect in silence, hoping that someday he’ll change. But he never does. If I’m lucky, we have sex once a week, and even then it’s not very good. I want him to take his time and explore every area of my body. I want his lips, his tongue, his teeth savoring me all over, but he usually just wants to get it over with and to get back to sleep. Like I said, I’m shy, so I’m not so good at telling him what I want. Can you help me, Mia? Unsatisfied Frida Catching her breath, Mia considered... WARNING: THIS CONTENT IS INTENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. 18+ ONLY. 
Dripping Wet
Updated at May 9, 2020, 01:43
Lesbian Collections 5 Hot and Steamy Lesbian Stories Story 1: Tessa’s Hunger Story 2: Driving Passion Story 3: Locker Room Lust Story 4: Releasing Chloe’s Passion Story 5: Serving Up Passion WARNING: These stories contain strong sexual content and are intended for mature audiences only. 18+
Luscious Lips
Updated at May 9, 2020, 01:43
Mindy had been waiting for this concert for months. So when the announcer came over the loudspeaker and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Tammy Sweet!” she nearly leapt out of her skin with joy. When Tammy took center stage under the spotlight’s glare, the gigantic crowd went nuts, but nobody screamed louder or more enthusiastically than Mindy. “Isn’t she amazing, Danny?” she yelled to her date. Danny nodded robotically. “Yeah, just great. For two hundred bucks a ticket, she better be amazing.” Mindy laughed, then brought her attention back to the stage, watching her favorite singer’s every move, the snake-like dance she did at the start of the song, the shimmy of her hips, and, of course, that soft, seductive voice. Tammy was everything Mindy wanted to be. For the rest of the evening, everybody else in the arena disappeared as far as Mindy was concerned. Even her date, Danny faded away as Tammy Sweet seemed to aim her achingly pretty voice at her and only her. By the end of the show, she was bouncing around, screaming for more. Her date was a little less enthusiastic. On the car ride home, he rolled his eyes when Mindy could only talk about one thing: Tammy Sweet. “What I love most about her music is that her songs are all about taking control of your life instead of just being a passive victim, you know what I mean?” “Yeah, that’s great,” Danny groaned. “Mindy, would you like to –“ “And another great thing about her is that she’s so confident in her beauty and her strength. I’m telling you if I had a daughter, I’d want her to grow up to be just like Tammy Sweet.” Danny smiled and stared at her... WARNING: THIS CONTENT IS INTENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. 18+ ONLY. 
Between Her Legs
Updated at May 9, 2020, 01:43
4 Steamy Lesbian Short Stories! 1. Bicurious Temptation 2. Her First Time 3. Bumper to Bumper 4. Pillow Queen
Into the Crossfire
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
The whir of the helicopter drowned out every other noise around Caleb, even his own thoughts. It was a welcome respite. An intricate web of tactical planning had filled the recesses of his mind for the past 24 hours, but it was time. No more planning. It was another routine operation; go in, grab the bad guys and get out. He knew each move he was about to make, and every single step the seven men sitting next to him would take. He was sure of it; it was his job. He was responsible for the safety and well-being of every man in his squad, and simultaneously, for the success of the mission at hand. "Five minutes, Lieutenant," the man seated in the pilot seat hollered back to him, breaking up the monotonous whir. Every man around him straightened his spine and their muscles grew taught. It wasn't fear that had them at the ready, it was anticipation; the same anticipation that surged through his veins. In four minutes and 39 seconds, they'd be on the ground. In 15 minutes and nine seconds, they'd be in position, a mile and a half away from the landing zone. Within 30 minutes, their task would be complete: suspects apprehended, intel gathered and building secured. The 2,000 kilograms of cocaine housed in the building wasn't his problem, only the men selling it and their list of buyers. "Just get those bastards, Caleb," his S.O. had told him. "We'll clean up their mess later." In other words, another team would be deployed to round up the drugs once the area was secured...
Her Soldier Boy
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
“There's that guy again, Regan. Look.” I looked up to see the guy Shaquanna was referring to. He was the same guy who'd been coming into the coffee shop where I worked as a waitress every day. I didn't think anything of it. He was probably new in town or just passing through. He shuffled in and sat down in a booth near the window. He carried a green duffel bag that he dropped on the booth seat next to him. I figured he must be military because his green looked Army issue. I took a moment to study him. His medium brown hair was thick and in need of a haircut. Dark stubble marred his jaw and from this far away, I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were. “He’s sitting in your section, Regan. As usual.” Shaquanna grinned suddenly. “Why, I think you got yourself a secret admirer,” she said in a fake southern drawl. She gave the man a closer look. “Your mystery man could seriously use a shower, shave, and a haircut.” 
Soldiers in Love
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
This collection presents seven must-listen military romance stories! "Her Soldier Boy" "The Lieutenants Musician" "Saving Sarah" "Into the Crossfire" "In the Place We Both Love" "Uniformed Love Triangle" "The Colonel's Baby" Happy ever after ending in every story. No cliffhangers!
Take the Money and Come
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
“I'm never going to date again!” Sarah swore vehemently, standing in the middle of their hotel room, objecting to her best friend Callie's insistence on a “girl's night out.” “I'm going to join a nunnery, stave off men altogether. So I most certainly have no interest in hanging out at a bar where there will be scumbags aplenty,” she insisted petulantly.   It really wasn't all men that Sarah was exasperated with, but rather the string of men she'd managed to attract who should have come with warning signs, like “Scumbag King,” “Super Sloth,” or “Lying, Cheating Dirt-bag.” “I'm not trying to find you a husband, Sarah...just a good lay. Or hell, a little flirting is fine with me,” Callie explained patiently. “You've been out of the game for months now. And I get it, you had some bad luck. But, it's time to get back on the horse—at least long enough to take one out for a ride.”   Bad luck was an understatement in Sarah's opinion. In the past three years since graduating from college, she'd wound up dating a gambler who had maxed out her credit cards behind her back, and a deadbeat who, it turned out, was not a video game designer as he had said, but rather a fanatical video game player. The latest in her string of “bad luck,” a compulsive cheater who couldn't keep it in his pants—even in the midst of her twenty-fifth birthday celebration. She'd darted off to her bedroom to look for a sweater and ended up finding her sister riding her boyfriend like he was a bucking stallion.   “Is this the line for pony rides?” Sarah had asked dryly before turning around and walking out of the house.   She wasn't angry at her sister; Liz hadn't known the scumbag was her...
In the Place We Both Love
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
William took my other hand in his and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. It was very quiet in the room, the only sound being our own breathing and the occasional shout from someone in the hangars down the hall. The fabric of our green jump suits rustled as he slid his hands down my waist and pulled me against his body. I rested my hands against his shoulders...
Uniformed Love Triangle
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
The kiss lasted for a second, and she was struggling with all she had to not melt into it. She pushed him gently away, reminding him that he had Ashley. "She's just there for the sex. I can't make you be with an empty wreck like me. I respect you too much to allow that to happen. You being with me is the worst thing you could do, and so just one kiss and you being here like this with me is more than I can ask for. I respect you too much to do anything else," he uttered. "That's the worst thing you could have said," she stood up, moving toward the fence rapidly. "And so disrespectful! You don't respect me! You're toying with me!" she said, sobbing, clumsily climbing over the fence, and falling gracelessly onto the other side. She straightened up quickly and, without looking back, she ran toward Ashley's house...
Saving Sarah
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:28
Sarah wandered from bed to bed, checking on the few patients at the Hedley Clinic. It was such a welcome contrast from when she'd arrived and established the makeshift hospital off the Rio Negro. The treatment area had overflowed with patients from the first day, all in desperate need of care. Malaria, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid fever, and uncontrolled diabetes had run rampant throughout the area. But thanks to antimalarial drugs, vaccinations, antibiotics, and rehydration solutions, the number of patients had dwindled dramatically. Most days brought patients with ear infections, high blood pressure, asthma attacks, and even the occasional prenatal checkup. Still, there was a relatively regular flow of emergency patients suffering injuries from farming accidents and even alligator bites. The enormous black caimans were especially troublesome, particularly during the wet seasons when they ventured into the flooded savannas of the Amazon basin. Though there was so much more she wished she could do, never a day went by when she didn't feel she made an...
The Lieutenant’s Musician
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:28
"You were magnificent, babe," she said, kissing him soundly on the lips. He squeezed her waist, pulling her closer to his big body. His cheeks turned red at her praise and I knew then that she had been right about him. He really was a modest, sweet guy. And he obviously loved her. "Thanks, love," he murmured before kissing her back. The dark-haired man cleared his throat. Mickey grinned at him. Amber put her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "You were fantastic too, Cas. As usual." He slid his arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground. His eyes met mine over her shoulder and I stared back at him, wishing it were me that he was holding like that. I looked away from them and he let her go, stepping back. Amber turned back...