Story By Dante T. Scott

Dante T. Scott

Hello, I am a 28-year-old parent of three very silly and loving kids and they love reading and books just as much as I do. Ever since I was little I always loved getting lost in the many worlds of numerous books. At the mere age of 16, I started self-publishing my works and still write numerous genres to this day. Follow me on I n s t a g r a m at dante_t_scott Follow me on T w i t t e r at @DanteTScott1
Mated To An Extraterrestrial Alpha
Updated at Nov 11, 2021, 07:35
This is an mxm story. Roman, the next in line as High Alpha has yet to meet his mate. In fact, the 26-year-old werewolf has already given up hope of ever finding them. Until a mission with his excavation team brings him face to face with Seren; an Athenian prince that has been in hypersleep for a couple of centuries. Can Roman protect him against a sinister plot that has already been set into motion? Or will he lose his mate and everything he holds dear?