Story By Anna Erishkigal

Anna Erishkigal

Espada de los Dioses
Updated at Apr 28, 2023, 01:59
Desde que se despertó en su nave espacial estrellada, el coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Angelicales Mikhail Mannuki'ili ha luchado con la sensación de que tiene una misión que cumplir. Por desgracia, el accidente le dejó con amnesia, ¡así que no puede recordar cuál era esa misión! Ahora que él y Ninsianna se han confesado finalmente su amor, es cada vez más tentador olvidarse de su tarea. Después de todo, ¿a quién le importa un planeta tan primitivo como la Tierra? . Ella-Quien-Es sigue enviando visiones de un apocalipsis inminente a Ninsianna, que sólo puede ser detenido por Mikhail. Es una pequeña tentación -Mikhail la ama- todo lo que tiene que hacer es persuadir a los guerreros para que le permitan entrenarlos. ¿Por qué ella debería distraerlo diciéndole que un rival conoce la ubicación del Templo de Ki? . Mientras tanto, en los cielos, Lucifer urde un plan para utilizar a las mujeres humanas para instigar a los agonizantes Angelicales a rebelarse contra su padre inmortal. . La saga "Espada de los Dioses" continúa en el Volumen III: “ Fruto Prohibido” . . ¡Este libro NO es ficción religiosa!
The Auction Trilogy
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
Dumped at the altar and left without a home, Rosie Xalbadora takes a job as a governess at the edge of the Australian outback. There she meets Pippa Bristow, a sensitive child who copes with her parent's bitter divorce by escaping into a magical world of fairy queens and unicorns. Pippa's enigmatic father, Adam Bristow, will endure whatever it takes to shield his daughter from his selfish, oil heiress ex-wife. . Struggling to shield Pippa from her mother's games, Rosie must face her own painful past while fighting a growing attraction to her handsome, emotionally unavailable employer. But help comes in the form of a quirky neighbor, a friendly Outback town, and two ghost riders who visit Rosie each night in her dreams. When Rosie and Pippa save a small, white pony from slaughter, their ill-timed compassion puts Adam's custody dispute, Pippa's fantasies, and Rosie's worst fears all up for bid in an epic showdown. .The Auction Trilogy is a contemporary romantic family saga styled with the heart-wrenching, Gothic undertones of "Jane Eyre" and just a hint of the supernatural. .The Auction Trilogy contains:—If Wishes Were Horses —Well of Dreams —Behold a Pale Horse . “A mystical, magical landscape, and old legends take on a new life…” —Romancing History Blog . “I was instantly drawn into the characters’ lives, and felt like I was right alongside Rosie as she struggled to keep her life from falling apart…” –N.Y. Times Best Selling Author Stacey Joy Netzel . "This modern day rendition [of Jane Eyre] … is spot on with the Bronte storyline, but with a refreshingly modern twist. You'll want to cry with the heroine as she struggles to protect the little girl from her crazy and manipulative mother, and you'll cheer for Adam & Rosie as they take baby steps toward trusting one another and believing in true love…" —Dark Lilith Book Blogs . "I cried, laughed and my heart sang throughout its entirety. If you're a romantic at heart and love to be put through the wringer just to have your heart sigh, this is the book for you…" —Reader review "The mental imagery of this story is incredible. I fell in love alongside Rosie with the Station and its dream walks. A beautifully written tale!" —Reader review . "The book induces a roller-coaster of emotions in the reader ranging from unadulterated mirth one moment to such deep grief and sadness the next. The description of Australian outback, the auction and the scenes are so vivid that they took me down memory lane to the trip I took to that country…" —Reader review . "The story of Adam Bristow, his daughter Pippa, and incoming tutor Rosie Xalbadora invokes shadows of Jane Eyre, with Erishkigal’s flair for complex story line and a rich supporting structure of subplot … "The Auction” is satisfying, inspiring, heart-rending, and epic…." —author Dale Amidei, Jon's Trilogy
The Dark Lord's Vessel
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Angelic Special Forces Colonel Mikhail Mannuki'ili has suffered from dissociative amnesia ever since his species was slaughtered as a child. The Cherubim said he must never try to remember the Seraphim Genocide. Whenever he tries, he blacks out and lots of people end up dead. But old ghosts refuse to remain buried. With the village destroyed and whispers the white-winged Angelic is his own Prime Minister, each night, his dead chéad phósadh visits his nightmares to warn him about the lizard at the door. As Abaddon closes in on Earth, Lucifer deals with the fallout from his recent possession, Gita tries to clear her name, and Ba'al Zebub rallies a new threat against Assur, Mikhail must find a way to rescue his pregnant wife without succumbing to the terrifying power he can wield, but not control. . This book is NOT religious fiction! . Sword of the Gods saga reading order: The Chosen One Omnibus (includes:) —Heroes of Old: Episode 1x01 —Sword of the Gods —No Place for Fallen Angels —Forbidden Fruit Prince of Tyre Agents of Ki The Dark Lord's Vessel The Fairy General (coming soon) . Children of the Fallen series (set in the same universe, but in the modern day) Angel of Death Omnibus (includes) —Angel of Death —Angel of Death: A Love Story A Gothic Christmas Angel (A Children of the Fallen novella)
Sword of the Gods II: Prince of Tyre
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
At the dawn of time, two ancient adversaries battled for control of Earth. One man rose to stand at humanity's side. A man whose name we still remember today…The legend about the greatest superhero to ever walk the Earth continues in Prince of Tyre. Mikhail has a new mission: train the warriors to fight back against the mysterious kidnappings so his adopted village will be safe for Ninsianna and their expected child. But the journey from soldier to general is never easy, especially when the Chief's son undermines his authority. Challenges compound when they learn 'lizard demons' have put a bounty on Mikhail's head.In heaven, rumors of a cure to stave off extinction winds its way through the Emperor's armies. Raphael is charged with finding this 'Holy Grail,' unaware the solution lies closer to home. The Eternal Emperor and Shay'tan are so busy outwitting one another that neither notices Lucifer is a little 'off' … or that a much more ancient Evil One outmaneuvers them. A tragic death forces the Alliance to choose which leader they will follow in an epic showdown. The Emperor … or Lucifer?Note: this book is NOT Christian fiction.Sword of the Gods reading order:The Chosen OnePrince of TyreAgents of KiThe Dark Lord's VesselThe Fairy General (coming soon)Angel of Death: A Love Story (set in the same universe, but the modern day)
Angel of Death: A Love Story (Omnibus Edition)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
…for who would love Death? Azrael Thanatos wants nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of his scientist mother. Sent to study humans on a wager between the Eternal Emperor and Shay'tan, he has no idea that Earth is gateway to a fiery prison. Far from home, he is befriended by Elissar, a precocious child with silver eyes. When Moloch instigates the invasion of Carthage to escape, Azrael sacrifices his life to snatch his friend from the Devourer of Children's maw. Saved by a mysterious goddess, Azrael is given a new mission. Watchman. Roaming the Earth without shape or form, he reaps those who would help Moloch escape and drags them to Gehenna, a prison to which only Lucifer holds the key. It's a hellish immortality, for who wants to serve alongside the Fallen or exist when no living creature can survive your touch. Haunted by Elissar's death, he despairs of never finding love or friendship as time grinds civilizations into dust. For who would love Death? Then one day a child takes his hand and lives… Life for Elisabeth is not easy. The Angel of Death took her entire family the night a drunk driver plowed through a stop sign and left her in a wheel chair. Azrael is forbidden to interfere as she bounces through foster homes, hardship and grueling rehabilitation. Then one day he is forced to reveal he is not a figment of her imagination. Oh, how she hates this angel who has taken everyone she has ever loved! The invasion of Iraq inspires her to join the Army as a trauma nurse, unaware that Death has fallen in love with the woman who can defeat him. Will she take his hand a second time? Omnibus Edition contains: —Angel of Death —Angel of Death: A Love Story Children of the Fallen is a new series set in the 'Sword of the Gods' universe, taking place in the modern day.
The Chosen One
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
At the dawn of time, two ancient adversaries clashed over control of Earth. One man rose to stand at humanity's side. A soldier whose name we still remember today... .Angelic Special Forces Colonel Mikhail Mannuki'ili awakens, mortally wounded, in his crashed ship. The woman who saves his life has abilities which seem familiar, but with no memory of his past, he can't remember why! With his ship destroyed and a shattered wing, he has no choice but to integrate into her village. .Ninsianna's people have prophecies of a winged champion, a Sword of the Gods who will defend her people against an Evil One. Mikhail insists he is no demigod, but her dark premonitions and his uncanny ability to kill say otherwise. Even without the technology destroyed along with his ship, the sword he carries is a weapon of mass destruction to a people who still throw sticks and stones. When women start to disappear, Mikhail must organize her people to fight back . .Evil whispers to a sullen Prince. A dying species seeks to avoid extinction. Two emperors, entrenched in their ancient ideologies, cannot see the larger threat. As intrigues roil the heavens, a tiny Mesopotamian town becomes ground-zero for this fantasy fiction retelling of mankind's most epic story about the battle between good and evil … the clash of empires and ideologies … and the greatest superhero to ever walk the Earth. The Archangel Michael. .Omnibus Edition Contains:--Sword of the Gods--No Place for Fallen Angels--Forbidden Fruit.This book is NOT religious fiction.
Sword of the Gods III: Agents of Ki
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
At the dawn of time, two ancient adversaries battled for control of Earth. One man rose to stand at humanity's side. A soldier whose name we still remember today… Cut down by an act of betrayal, Mikhail lingers between life and death while his fragile alliance crumbles against the onslaught of a Sata'anic invasion. Fearful the intrepid Angelic might lose hope and die, his young protégé concocts a plan to fool him into thinking his wife is at his side. Meanwhile, held captive by the Evil One, Ninsianna must choose between loyalty to her fallen husband and manipulating the Evil One's minions to turn against him. As darkness tears the heavens asunder, a tiny Mesopotamian village finds itself the epicenter of a war between good and evil. But all is not lost. An ancient goddess has recruited two 'Watchmen' to turn darkness back into the light; mortal creatures who do not realize they are pawns in an eternal war. The saga of the greatest superhero to ever walk the Earth continues in Agents of Ki… This book is NOT religious fiction! *Sword of the Gods saga reading order: The Chosen One Omnibus (includes:) —Heroes of Old: Episode 1x01 —Sword of the Gods —No Place for Fallen Angels —Forbidden Fruit Prince of Tyre Agents of Ki The Dark Lord's Vessel The Fairy General (coming soon) .Children of the Fallen series (set in the same universe, but in the modern day) Angel of Death Omnibus (includes) —Angel of Death —Angel of Death: A Love Story A Gothic Christmas Angel (A Children of the Fallen novella)
The Caliphate
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Eisa McCarthy lives in Caliphate City under the control of the radical Islamic group, the Ghuraba. Seven years ago General Mohammad bin-Rasulullah defeated the United States in a ruthless betrayal and set up their worldwide Caliphate in the ruins of Washington, D.C. The Ghuraba's supreme holy leader, the Abu al-Ghuraba, claims Eisa's father gave him control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, a claim bolstered by the smoldering ashes of many cities and her Syrian-born mother's testimony. But after her mother is accused of apostasy, she learns her father may not be the 'martyr' the Ghuraba claim. Do the Ghuraba really possess the launch codes for the ICBM missiles? Or did her father 'lock them out' as Colonel Everhart, the rebel commander, wants her to tell the world? If she fights, the Ghuraba will kill her little sister, but if she doesn't, eventually the Ghuraba will hack in and nuke them all. All Eisa has are a string of Muslim prayer beads and a pre-Islamic myth her father told her the night he disappeared. The fate of the world, and her little sister's life, hang in the balance as Eisa sorts through ancient myth, her Muslim faith, and what really happened the night the Ghuraba seized control."The parallels the author draws between the current landscape in Syria and Iraq and a future United States are unsettling, as they portray present-day atrocities with unflinching accuracy…" —Dale Amidei, Jon's Trilogy
No hay lugar para los ángeles caídos (Edición en Español)
Updated at Apr 8, 2020, 01:55
En los albores del tiempo, dos antiguos adversarios lucharon por el control de la tierra. Un hombre se puso de pie al lado de la humanidad. Un soldado cuyo nombre recordamos hasta el día de hoy... El Coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Angelicales, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, despierta, herido mortalmente en su nave estrellada. La mujer que salvó su vida tiene habilidades que le parecen familiares pero, sin memorias de su pasado, ¡no puede recordar por qué! Las profecías del pueblo de Ninsianna describen a un campeón alado, una Espada de los Dioses que defenderá a su pueblo contra un Maligno. Mikhail insiste en que no es ningún demi-dios, pero su extraña habilidad para matar dice lo contrario. El mal susurra a un príncipe malhumorado. Una especie agonizante busca evitar la extinción. Y dos emperadores, atrincherados en sus antiguas ideologías, no pueden ver la amenaza más grande en este relato de ciencia-fantasía de la historia más épica de la humanidad sobre la batalla entre el bien y el mal, el choque de imperios e ideologías y el superhéroe más grande en caminar por la Tierra, El Arcángel Mikhail. *BONIFICACIÓN ESPECIAL: Incluye la novela que relata el origen de la historia, “Héroes de la Antigüedad: Episodio 1x01”. ¡Este libro NO es ficción religiosa! Lengua española - Spanish Language
La Subasta: un romance (Edición Española)
Updated at Apr 8, 2020, 01:55
Al ser dejada plantada en el altar y sin hogar, Rosie Xalbadora toma un trabajo como institutriz al borde del interior de Australia. Allí conoce a Pippa Bristow, una niña sensible que hace frente al amargo divorcio de sus padres escapando a un mundo mágico de reinas, hadas y unicornios. El padre enigmático de Pippa, Adam Bristow, está dispuesto a soportar lo que sea con tal de mantener a su hija a salvo de su manipuladora ex-esposa heredera petrolera. Luchando por proteger a Pippa de los juegos de su madre, Rosie debe enfrentarse a los fantasmas de su propio pasado doloroso mitad australiano, mitad gitano, mientras lucha contra una creciente atracción hacia su apuesto empleador emocionalmente inaccesible. Pero la ayuda viene a través de un vecino anciano muy peculiar, un pueblo amigable del Outback, y dos jinetes fantasmas que visitan a Rosie cada noche en sus sueños. Cuando Rosie y Pippa salvan un pequeño poni blanco de ser sacrificado, su compasión inoportuna pone la disputa por custodia de Adam, las fantasías de Pippa, y los peores temores de Rosie a prueba en un enfrentamiento épico. La Subasta es un dulce romance de estilo contemporáneo, con los matices góticos y desgarradores de Jane Eyre, y una pizca de lo sobrenatural. — Un paisaje místico, mágico, y leyendas antiguas adquieren una nueva vida...— Romancing History Blog — La vida de los personajes me atrajo de inmediato, y sentía que estaba justo al lado de Rosie mientras se esforzaba por evitar que su vida se cayera a pedazos...— N.Y. Times Stacey Joy Netzel, Autora de Best Sellers 
Espada de los Dioses (Edición en Español)
Updated at Apr 8, 2020, 01:55
En los albores del tiempo, dos antiguos adversarios lucharon por el control de la Tierra. Un hombre se puso de pie al lado de la humanidad. Un soldado cuyo nombre recordamos hasta el día de hoy... El Coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Angelicales, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, despierta, herido mortalmente en su nave estrellada. La mujer que salvó su vida tiene habilidades que le parecen familiares pero, sin recuerdos de su pasado, ¡no puede recordar por qué! Las profecías del pueblo de Ninsianna describen a un campeón alado, una Espada de los Dioses que defenderá a su pueblo contra un Maligno. Mikhail insiste en que no es ningún demi-dios, pero su extraña habilidad para matar dice lo contrario. El mal susurra a un príncipe malhumorado. Una especie agonizante busca evitar la extinción. Y dos emperadores, atrincherados en sus antiguas ideologías, no pueden ver la amenaza más grande en este relato de ciencia-fantasía de la historia más épica de la humanidad sobre la batalla entre el bien y el mal, el choque de imperios e ideologías y el superhéroe más grande en caminar por la Tierra, El Arcángel Mikhail. ¡BONO ESPECIAL! Incluye la novela que relata el origen de la historia, Héroes de la Antigüedad, Episodio 1x01. ¡Este libro NO es ficción religiosa! Orden de lectura "Espada de los Dioses"—Héroes de la antigüedad: Episodio 1x01—Espada de los dioses (contiene "Héroes de la antigüedad")—No hay lugar para los ángeles caídos—Fruto prohibido (próximamente) Lengua española - Spanish language
Un Ángel Gótico de Navidad (Edición en Español)
Updated at Apr 8, 2020, 01:55
Ganador del eFestival de Palabras Premios a los Mejores Libros Electrónicos Independientes (eFestival of Words Best of the Independent eBook Awards) - Mejor Novela Corta del 2014 Los fantasmas de antiguas miserias nunca están muy lejos... Abandonada por su novio en la víspera de Navidad, Cassie Baruch pensó que su dolor acabaría cuando estrelló su coche contra un árbol de haya antiguo. Pero cuando un hermoso ángel de alas negras aparece y le dice «esto no es ningún estúpido romance paranormal, niña», se da cuenta de que la muerte no ha resuelto sus problemas. ¿Podrá Jeremiel ayudarla a exorcizar los fantasmas de sus problemas del pasado y a superarlos? Este giro paranormal moderno del mito de ángeles de la guarda mezcla Un cuento de Navidad con ¡Qué Bello es Vivir! para dar esperanza a la gente de que pueden llegar asumir el pasado y superarlo. Explora temas de pobreza, racismo, familias disfuncionales y desesperación. Apropiado para adultos y adolescentes mayores.   «Muy pocos libros me sacan lágrimas, pero éste lo hizo de la más gloriosa manera. Hay un mensaje aquí, contado con humor y gracia. ¡Maravilloso!» —Opinión de Lector    
El Califato: una novela de suspenso post-apocalíptica
Updated at Apr 8, 2020, 01:55
Eisa McCarthy, de dieciséis años,vive en la Ciudad del Califato, la cual está bajo el control del grupo radical islámico de los Ghuraba. Siete años atrás, el general Mohammad bin-Rasulullah derrotó a Estados Unidos mediante una despiadada traición y estableció su Califato mundial en las ruinas de Washington, D.C. El líder supremo de los Ghuraba, el Abu al-Ghuraba, afirma que el padre de Eisa le dio el control del arsenal nuclear de los EE.UU., una afirmación reforzada por las cenizas ardientes de muchas ciudades y el testimonio de su madre siria. Sin embargo, después de que su madre es acusada de apostasía, Eisa se entera de que su padre puede no ser el "mártir" que los Ghuraba afirman. ¿Realmente poseen los Ghuraba los códigos de lanzamiento de los misiles balísticos intercontinentales (ICBM)? ¿Los "bloqueó" su padre, tal como el Coronel Everhart, el comandante del grupo rebelde, quiere que ella le diga al mundo? Si Eisa lucha, los Ghuraba matarán a su pequeña hermana, pero si no lo hace, eventualmente el grupo hackeará el sistema y lanzará los misiles. Todo lo que Eisa tiene es un rosario de oración musulmán y un mito preislámico que su padre le relató la noche que desapareció. El destino del mundo y la vida de su hermana pequeña, cuelgan en una balanza, mientras Eisa busca la verdad entre un mito antiguo, su fe musulmana y lo que realmente ocurrió la noche que los Ghuraba tomaron el control."El paralelismo que la autora describe entre el paisaje actual en Siria e Irak y un futuro Estados Unidos es inquietante, ya que retrata las atrocidades actuales con una precisión inquebrantable..." —Dale Amidei, La Trilogía de Jon